Another Acoustic Guitar Virtuoso for Your Enjoyment: Adam Palma, “Gondolier”

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➤”Palm-istry” of virtuoso acoustic guitarist Adam Palma is out now!

➤CD “Palm-istry availabe at:
Artist website:
Polish Radio shop:
Amazon: Google Play:

➤Visit Adam Palma at:
Twitter: @AdamPalmaMusic

Composed, arranged and performed by Adam Palma

⋆⋆⋆ New album “Palm-istry” is out! ⋆⋆⋆
The new album of Polish-born, and now British, virtuoso acoustic guitarist Adam Palma is an energetic mixture of stunning original compositions and arrangements of well-known classics. Adam is one of the few guitarists - or maybe even the only one - to have been invited on-stage to join all three of the legendary guitarists, Al Di Meola, Tommy Emmanuel and Bireli Lagrene. The recognition and friendship of these masters have inspired Adam to record this fantastic solo album. Adam, however, went further: he turned this experience into his own statement of artistic expression that has attracted the attention of guitar magazines around the world.
“Palm-istry” is a mysterious journey inspired by Adam’s influences. We get some funky fingerstyle “Rheged”, rocking in “Healthy Optimism” and “Rock’n’Rules”, a Jimi Hendrix tribute “Hendrix Medley”, Adam’s new fascination triggered by his friendships with Al Di Meola (“Love and longing”, “Gondolier”), boom-chick as the consequence of years of cooperation with Tommy Emmanuel (“Kentucky Miners”), a tribute to Django Reinhardt (“Nuages”) and more, including two beautiful arrangements of themes of the Polish TV series (“07 come in” and “More Than Life at Stake”).

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freetoken  May 31, 2017 • 9:59:01pm

The river horses, still showing absolutely no concern about anything:

African Watering Hole Camera powered by

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:07:25pm

For all the faux outrage on the right over Kathy Griffin, I remind them of this (which is still available). Aside from all the outrageous imagery from the right wing over the last eight years with President Obama, they didn’t stop when the candidate was Hillary Clinton either.

To be clear, the Website is in no way associated with Bernie Sanders. It was started by a Trump supporter who’s brother was all snowflake hurt by a car in Massachusetts with Bernie Sanders campaign stickers on it.

JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 10:08:23pm

Living history.

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:12:13pm

TMZ is now breathlessly reporting that Barron Trump thought the image by Kathy Griffin was actually his father’s head, citing Trump family sources (paid spokesliars) saying Barron saw it on television and went screaming to his mother.

According to this TMZ article, Melania Trump had to calm him down, note that wasn’t his father, and tell him it makes you wonder about Kathy Griffin’s mental health.

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:17:59pm

A comment I read to throw back at faux-conservative outrage over Kathy Griffin:

“That’s not a decapitation; its just surveyors’ marks.” -What Kathy Griffin should have said, maybe.

JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 10:19:02pm

re: #4 Anymouse

I’m sure Harvey figures he should get in on the “he may not be good for the country, but he’s good for us” grift. The fact that there was already an association there due to Cheetoh’s former ongoing career as an entertainer I’m sure makes them think the business model that depends on this national disgrace fits right into their wheelhouse.

austin_blue  May 31, 2017 • 10:20:08pm

Charles, who made his axe?

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:23:49pm

re: #6 JordanRules

I’m sure Harvey figures he should get in on the “he may not be good for the country, but he’s good for us” grift. The fact that there was already an association there due to Cheetoh’s former ongoing career as an entertainer I’m sure makes them think the business model that depends on this national disgrace fits right into their wheelhouse.

Either that or TMZ is going for the “magic balance fairy” argument in politics.

I don’t know enough about TMZ or the writer of the piece to have an opinion on whether he wants a piece of Trump’s grift. (I’m sure Trump doesn’t share, though.)

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:30:24pm

Strangely (or not), we don’t hear a peep from the right on Donald Trump trotting out his racist birther conspiracy against President Obama when his children were even younger than Barron. Obama didn’t take to social media to hide behind his children’s alleged fear or outrage, either.

Not to mention the lynching effigies, the outhouse-as-a-presidential-library float, the Michelle-is-a-transgender-woman and gorilla memes, &c.

There has got to be a way to break through the magic balance fairyism of the press and the majority of the electorate that didn’t vote.

Perhaps all the breathless corruption and espionage will do it. To the wingnuts and moonbats, probably not. They are however a small minority of the electorate. It’s the vast middle that doesn’t want to be bothered with politics, or who think both sides are the same the Dems need to work outreach.

JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 10:33:08pm

re: #8 Anymouse

I wouldn’t consider their contributors writers in the journalist sense and Harvey Levin is TMZ founder. They don’t do a balance thing, they run with whatever entertainment scoops will give them clicks and their demo is particularly eager for that.

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:36:15pm

My brother-in-law just wrote to tell me he was invited to Sen. John Cornyn’s radio town hall tonight. He tells how it went thus:

I was again invited to partake of Senator Cornin’s radio town hall meeting tonight. I figured that he would omit me from his list after I asked him why he had voted to bail out the big banks at the expense of the public so that they could keep the gains and socialize the losses when the majority of the American people had been against it. I figured after that uncomfortable moment when he had to pivot instead of answer that he would never call me again.

Well, about 6 years later the dumb bastard let me ask him a question again… So I reminded him of the last question he had had from me, I reminded him that he had done a pivot instead of answering, and again I asked him to tell the truth and to answer my original question instead of dodging it which in my opinion is a blatant form of lying.

He pivoted again but left me an opening to ask another question, so I asked him to explain why he takes such large campaign contributions from these too big to fail banks who received around a trillion US dollars of public money against the wishes of the taxpayers, to bail them out while these same banks privatize all profits and give senators and congressman billions of dollars of money so that they get special treatment…and why he still cannot seem to answer a simple question based on his last two non-answers…..buzzzzz……… I am sorry I did not hear the second half of your question before we lost your connection….could you call back…..

Funny, the radio did play every word I said, so I figure he likely could hear me….but still no answer.. Since he hung up on me on live radio I figure I am now not on his calling list at last…

JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 10:38:07pm

Cc: Bros

freetoken  May 31, 2017 • 10:44:56pm
Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:46:29pm

re: #12 JordanRules

Geez between the alleged Bernie Bros on that thread, the open conservative racists, and the magic balance-fairyists, that comment threat is a Dumpster fire of derp. About the only people who are being halfway rational there are the people who identify as Democrats or Democratic Socialists (the ones using a rose in their Twitter handles).

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:51:53pm

Got an E-mail from a former shipmate in the Navy wishing me happy birthday.

I have your birthday in my calendar so I can mark this momentous day in our history. A cloud of 3 groups of nine stars appeared in the heavens on the day you were born into this life. Your previous lives include:

• Ramses II
• Sycophantic Hierodule (which I translated to ‘ass kissing temple slave’) of Athena
• Pope Benedict IX
• A sea slug on the floor of the Pacific Ocean (no doubt a result of being Pope Benedict IX)
• A diseased serf’s wife in Japan during the Edo Period (still trying to make it back up after being Pope Benedict IX)
• Sir Issac Newton (FINALLY got rid of the bad Karma)
• Winston Churchill’s butler

So, on this day, I wish you a Happy Birthday. When you are in the midst of whatever kind of debauchery you may perform today, if by chance you find something new I ask you name it after me.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 31, 2017 • 10:53:36pm

As much as I hate almost anyone named Trump, I make it a personal policy to leave Barron out of it.

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 10:58:17pm

re: #16 Eclectic Cyborg

As much as I hate almost anyone named Trump, I make it a personal policy to leave Barron out of it.

Yup. Barron is not at fault here. He’s an eleven-year-old boy.

That’s part of going high when they go low, as Michelle Obama put it. David Letterman was roundly pilloried for going after Bristol Palin on television when she was a child. (Bristol is fair game now.)

Sasha and Malia were both younger than Barron and wingnuts did and said just about every despicable thing about them.

There really is a difference in both sides.

freetoken  May 31, 2017 • 11:01:10pm

America, 2017:

GOP Points True North on State’s Moral Compass


Meanwhile, Green says he found refuge in Tennessee values after the media and a few Democratic senators twisted his statements about transgender people, Muslims and evolution vs. creationism, which forced him to step down as a candidate for secretary of the U.S. Army.

“There is a God. Regardless of what CNN says, there is a God,” Green explained.


No, his statements weren’t “twisted”. They were revealed.

JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 11:01:45pm

re: #14 Anymouse

Alleged huh? LOL

Alright, you just continue to rock with that.

freetoken  May 31, 2017 • 11:02:50pm

Quite the contest for theocracy there in Tennessee.

TedStriker  May 31, 2017 • 11:05:19pm

re: #20 freetoken

Quite the contest for theocracy there in Tennessee.

Try living here in Nashville as I do, one of two blue major cities in the state (Memphis being the other) in a sea of red, which also happens to be home base for the Southern Baptist Convention, the United Methodist Church (which I am nominally still a member of), and a few other smaller denominations.

Oy vey…

JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 11:09:10pm
JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 11:10:36pm

Well damn…

teleskiguy  May 31, 2017 • 11:13:51pm

Wolf worth some coin. Damn.

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 11:16:50pm

re: #19 JordanRules

Alleged huh? LOL

Alright, you just continue to rock with that.

I am a (local) political figure. As such, even though I am not trained as a lawyer, I must stick with terms such as “alleged” until such time as a conviction is handed down by a court.

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 11:18:47pm

It’s after midnight. I survived my birthday. Yay.

JordanRules  May 31, 2017 • 11:19:52pm

re: #25 Anymouse

Uh okay.

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 11:27:20pm

re: #19 JordanRules

Alleged huh? LOL

Alright, you just continue to rock with that.

My mistake, you were talking about my “alleged Bernie Bro” remark, not the allegations of criminality in the Administration. My apologies for misreading your comment.

That said, I don’t know how much of the Bernie Bro phenomenon is actual dead-end Sanders supporters (as I’ve noted before, in real life here, everyone in this area who was a Sanders supporter threw in with Hillary Clinton at or before the completion of the primaries), or rodent copulators.

Considering the allegations (there’s that word again) of Russia meddling in our election process at the national and state levels, I would not be surprised to see that such meddling was continuing.

I try to be very careful with my writing and my speech. I use the word “alleged” for that reason.

Are some of the so-called Bernie Bros disgruntled voters who didn’t get their choice? Sure, see also PUMAs in 2008. Are all the Bernie Bros such voters? I have no freakin’ clue.

That Twitter thread to which I referenced the commentary notes the alleged “Bros” are as unhinged as the open racists, while the alleged Democratic Socialists and Democrats (by their self-identification) both note that racism is independent of any economic issues. LeBron James is hardly poor, yet suffered a blatantly racist attack against his property in an allegedly liberal city in California. (I’m guessing it wasn’t liberals, or even Bernie Bros, that perpetrated the attack.)

wheat-dogg  May 31, 2017 • 11:32:00pm

re: #15 Anymouse

I had to look up Benedict IX on Wikipedia to see why his soul would have been reincarnated as a sea slug. Now I see why. He pretty much covered all the sins, both cardinal and venal.

Modern day Popes are so boring. //

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 11:34:57pm

re: #29 wheat-dogg

I had to look up Benedict IX on Wikipedia to see why his soul would have been reincarnated as a sea slug. Now I see why. He pretty much covered all the sins, both cardinal and venal.

Modern day Popes are so boring. //

Almost like Pope Francis is trying to live what his religion preaches.

It’s positively shameful that he has no scandals surrounding his conduct, I tell ya. /s

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 11:41:59pm


Due to the incredible expense of our cat’s stay in kitty hospital, coupled with the total eclipse of the sun here in August and our trip to California last December, my sweetie and I have decided to cancel our trip to Yukon this summer.

Instead, since next year is the fiftieth anniversary of my father’s death in the Vietnam War, we are looking at making a trip to Chicopee Falls, Mass. (his hometown and where he is buried), Washington, DC (for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial), or both. Such a trip might also include the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Driving from here it would necessarily include driving through southern Ontario.

I’m not sure a trip to Washington on Memorial Day would be a wise idea (way too many tourists, three-day weekend, especially at the Wall). A trip to coincide with his death (April 1) might be a bit easier on both of us. She has not been to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial; I went there many years ago before we met. (I’m not sure what she would get out of it besides me dragging her to a war memorial with my father’s name on it.)

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 11:46:58pm

Another off-topic:

Total happy birthday wishes:

Village Trustees: two
Other people in town: three
Friends not in town: two
My wife’s family: two (including my wife)
My family: zero
Little Green Footballs: I can’t count that high.

I hereby adopt Mr. Johnson’s commentariat as my new family. Perhaps I should rewrite my will to include part of my vast fortune to help subsidise this place after I am gone. /s

Anymouse  May 31, 2017 • 11:59:45pm

Texas still focusing on the important things to make Texas Great Again:

Bill to Allow Hog Hunting from Hot Air Balloons, Pilots Adamantly Opposed

In short, hot air balloon pilots are opposed to the bill, but the Texas Legislature passed it and it awaits Governor Abbot’s signature.

A bill that would allow the shooting of feral hogs and coyotes from hot air balloons is sitting on the governor’s desk after being approved by Texas lawmakers — but the bill is being dismissed by the state’s balloon pilots as, well, a lot of hot air.

State Rep. Mark Keough, R-The Woodlands, and Rep. Cecil Bell, R- Magnolia, are two of the several sponsors of House Bill 3535, a measure introduced in the hopes of helping to curtail the wild hog population.

Though the idea of shooting hogs is scoffed at by some — including the balloon pilots — according to Jason Millsaps, chief of staff for Keough — balloons provide a hunting platform that is more stable for hunters, and cost considerably less than going up in a helicopter.

Yes, the Texas Lege is concerned about the stability of flying feral hog hunting platforms.

Buried in the bill is permission to shoot coyotes from hot-air balloon as well.

When you’ve lost the hot-air balloon pilot voting bloc and lobby (wait, whut?)

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:22:27am

From that article about shooting feral hogs from balloons, comments in the article by balloon pilots.

True, there seems little to slow the growing feral hog population. But balloon pilot, Bruce Lavorgna, an Austin-based pilot who has been flying balloons for 27 years, to put it politely, questions the wisdom of bringing firearms onto a balloon.

“It’s ludicrous. Stupid and ludicrous,” he told The Courier. “Whoever proposed that bill was smoking dope.”

Lavorgna, who has never seen any of the nocturnal animals while ballooning during the day, says balloon pilots, because of safety concerns, do not want guns on their balloons.

“I don’t know of any pilot that would allow a loaded weapon onto a balloon,” he said. “Because at a minimum, it is a recipe for disaster. Anybody that does this is beyond stupid.”

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:39:11am

Portland, Oregon Muslims have raised over a half-million dollars to support the families of those who stood up to defend two women against bigotry and were slaughtered.

One of the two men was an Army veteran (more proof conservatives actually don’t care about military personnel, as so many are denigrating his sacrifice to defend another person - in keeping with his military oath).

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:42:41am

re: #4 Anymouse

TMZ is now breathlessly reporting that Barron Trump thought the image by Kathy Griffin was actually his father’s head, citing Trump family sources (paid spokesliars) saying Barron saw it on television and went screaming to his mother.

According to this TMZ article, Melania Trump had to calm him down, note that wasn’t his father, and tell him it makes you wonder about Kathy Griffin’s mental health.

I’m not that familiar with childhood development but claiming that a 11 year old thought that seems to strain credulity.

(That or or the suggestion some have made that Barron is developmentally delayed may be true.)

Birth Control Works  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:58:51am

HELLO sleepless Night Lizards,

Spent most of the day trying to understand and implement the various was ways to “dropship” products from Redbubble to Amazon.

I’m old for this kind of technology but I’ll be damned if I’m going to chunk down hundreds of dollars for an online class to tell me how to do what I can probably figure out how to do for free.


Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:18:33am

re: #36 Timothy Watson

I’m not that familiar with childhood development but claiming that a 11 year old thought that seems to strain credulity.

(That or or the suggestion some have made that Barron is developmentally delayed may be true.)

Moreover, my understanding is the televised image of Kathy Griffin’s piece only appeared on television on CNN. I find it hard to believe an eleven-year-old was watching CNN.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:20:32am

re: #38 Anymouse

Moreover, my understanding is the televised image of Kathy Griffin’s piece only appeared on television on CNN. I find it hard to believe an eleven-year-old was watching CNN.

That too, and if I was the spouse of the President, I would block my kid from watching news channels so they didn’t inundated with stuff like that.

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:22:08am

Aside from Portland’s Muslim community, a GoFundMe account was set up for the families of the slain and wounded men, which has also exceeded half-a-million dollars.

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:35:19am

re: #37 Birth Control Works

HELLO sleepless Night Lizards,

Spent most of the day trying to understand and implement the various was ways to “dropship” products from Redbubble to Amazon.

I’m old for this kind of technology but I’ll be damned if I’m going to chunk down hundreds of dollars for an online class to tell me how to do what I can probably figure out how to do for free.


Redbubble sounds like a conservative Website. Why would you want to buy anything from there? /s

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:38:33am

What government corruption eventually gets you, at least in a First World country.

“Former French prime minister Edouard Balladur has been charged over allegations that kickbacks from the sale of submarines to Pakistan may have helped finance his 1995 presidential election campaign, according to judicial sources.

For years, judges have been trying to unravel the “Karachi Affair”, a series of nebulous dealings by middlemen involving possible “retro-commissions” linked to the sale of Agosta class submarines by the French government to Pakistan in the 1990s.

The investigation was launched after 15 people, including 11 French submarine engineers, were murdered in a May 2002 bomb attack in Karachi.

It was initially blamed on al-Qaeda terrorists, but investigating judges also looked into whether the blast was to punish France for failing to pay part of €80 million in sweeteners to senior Pakistani officials.

When Jacques Chirac beat Mr Balladur to become French president in 1995, it is alleged that he punished his one-time ally for running against him by halting the remaining payments to Pakistani middlemen. […]”

teleskiguy  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:49:52am

Okay, I want this to be the last ‘covfefe’ comment I post. It’s too good not to, though. That .gif!

Apocalypse  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:57:52am

re: #4 Anymouse

I’m calling BS on that story. Barron would have looked it up online first, not run away.

teleskiguy  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:01:46am

re: #44 Apocalypse

I’m calling BS on that story. Barron would have looked it up online first, not run away.

Barron Trump is a Elite Hacker

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:04:17am

re: #45 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

But is he a l33t h4x0r?

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:04:45am

re: #43 teleskiguy

I’ll continue because some of them are funny (even if the meter doesn’t match):

teleskiguy  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:07:29am

re: #46 Timothy Watson

But is he a l33t h4x0r?

He’s 11. If true, he should be working for the U.S. government. Why not? Take the cronyism to a whole other level: child labor.

teleskiguy  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:09:39am
William Lewis  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:11:46am

re: #47 Anymouse

Here I thought that was going to say

“I met her in a club down in old Soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry covfefe…”

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:18:24am

I’ll be the sovfefe
The word will make you laugh and shout
I spend Twitter your way
Call it morning tweeting through the derp and
In and out the laugh track …

(to “Roundabout” by Yes)

Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:20:41am

re: #42 Anymouse

What government corruption eventually gets you, at least in a First World country.

I have had an interesting on and off discussion about the American Constitution on Doc Conspiracy’s blog.

I realize that at this point in time, your constitution as it stands now is a rampart against those who would continue to inflict serious damage on your country — more than what they have succeeded in doing until now. And that rampart must be maintained at all cost.

Nevertheless, your Constitution has not prevented your country from becoming a rogue almost-fascist state in the first place. Something like Fox News would be unlawful in France, and there’s no doubt that Fox News is one of the reasons for the current, dismal state of things.

I see that rampart as a flawed wall, full of holes, which have enabled the enemy to gain a serious foothold inside your city and start setting fires here and there. I say that the holes must be plugged, the rampart must be repaired, buttressed, to better resist new weapons that it wasn’t originally designed to repel…

I agree that, with your city already invaded and under siege, and fires that need to be put out, this is not at all the best time to discuss rampart repairs. 🙂

But do not delude yourself: the holes are there, the old rampart has proved insufficient, and that is why, if you prevail in repelling the invaders (a big if), it will need to be fixed, or you will eventually fall once and for all.

Personally I’m not too optimistic and I think we all have seen the last of the US of A as we’ve known it all our adult lives. 21st century America will belong to Trump and its successors. Brazil on the Moskva.

EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:30:20am

re: #52 Lupin

Fox News and hate radio are an ever-evolving crowd sourced Mein Kampf. They are pure poison, but there is no simple fix. Changing the constitution to allow government suppression of these cancers on society would immediately lead to RWNJ ownership of the government censors.

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:31:53am

re: #52 Lupin

We’ll have to see what happens.

When Nixon went down for the Watergate Hotel break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, it took two years before the GOP convinced him to resign his post.

We didn’t have twenty-four/seven media, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and such back then.

With the current allegations (collusion with Russia and corruption), the FBI and other agencies still need to put together a bullet-proof case, just as they were with Richard Nixon. Even though the media runs continuously, criminal investigations still move at the same pace.

I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet; there have been serious corruption scandals and even a civil war that did not bring down the USA.

Perhaps there are holes in the US Constitution and Federal statutes: No set of laws can ever be perfect (which is why the Constitution has an amendment mechanism, means for setting aside incompetent officials, or removing incompetent or criminal officials from office).

The Constitution was designed to be a slow, laborious process, so a majority could not use the law to punish the minority simply for being the minority. (That was written in as a response to the way the United Kingdom’s parliament worked, where the majority party would frequently accuse the minority party of treason.)

Is their room for improvement? Most certainly so. Will the government’s agencies charged with carrying out investigations (and prosecutions if warranted) do their jobs? We’ll have to see, and call out corruption or malfeasance as citizens when we see it.

Ultimately, the Constitution is set up for governance by the people. It is the people that needs to hold politicians to account when they violate the law or are corrupt.

freetoken  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:46:30am

re: #54 Anymouse

Repeating myself here… but back in Nixon’s day the Democratic party was in control of Congress, at least enough to force the Watergate hearings.

No such luck this time.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:47:47am

re: #9 Anymouse

Strangely (or not), we don’t hear a peep from the right on Donald Trump trotting out his racist birther conspiracy against President Obama when his children were even younger than Barron. Obama didn’t take to social media to hide behind his children’s alleged fear or outrage, either.

Outrage is easy. Discussing healthcare, climate change, trade and foreign policy is hard.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:52:37am

re: #54 Anymouse

We’ll have to see what happens.

When Nixon went down for the Watergate Hotel break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, it took two years before the GOP convinced him to resign his post.

We didn’t have twenty-four/seven media, Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and such back then.

We also had Republicans who were not bat-shit crazy ideologues or totally hard-nosed cynical power-mongers.

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:53:16am

re: #52 Lupin

I have had an interesting on and off discussion about the American Constitution on Doc Conspiracy’s blog.

I realize that at this point in time, your constitution as it stands now is a rampart against those who would continue to inflict serious damage on your country — more than what they have succeeded in doing until now. And that rampart must be maintained at all cost.

Nevertheless, your Constitution has not prevented your country from becoming a rogue almost-fascist state in the first place. Something like Fox News would be unlawful in France, and there’s no doubt that Fox News is one of the reasons for the current, dismal state of things.

I see that rampart as a flawed wall, full of holes, which have enabled the enemy to gain a serious foothold inside your city and start setting fires here and there. I say that the holes must be plugged, the rampart must be repaired, buttressed, to better resist new weapons that it wasn’t originally designed to repel…

I agree that, with your city already invaded and under siege, and fires that need to be put out, this is not at all the best time to discuss rampart repairs. 🙂

But do not delude yourself: the holes are there, the old rampart has proved insufficient, and that is why, if you prevail in repelling the invaders (a big if), it will need to be fixed, or you will eventually fall once and for all.

Personally I’m not too optimistic and I think we all have seen the last of the US of A as we’ve known it all our adult lives. 21st century America will belong to Trump and its successors. Brazil on the Moskva.

Freedom of the press becomes dangerous when those in power deliberately try to weaken public education, enabling a more gullible public to be manipulated by rogue media, and deliberately create conditions where it is easy for rogue media to run free. I’m thinking here of allowing mergers and consolidations of already large media companies into even larger ones, and abandonment of the Fairness Doctrine during the Reagan administration. So, not only do we now have a public that is increasingly unable to distinguish between fact and fiction, or news and opinion, but the public also increasingly hears only one side of a particular issue if they stay with a single news source.

It’s almost as if the conservatives are trying to erode the First Amendment’s protections by making the FA irrelevant.

I related an anecdote from my teaching last week, involving some students who had accessed some alt-right website for a history presentation. I had to take them aside after class and point out the inconsistencies of the image they used, which included a photograph of a man who lived in the mid-1600s. Generally speaking, teaching students how to differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources is even harder now than when I was student, because now any idiot with an modicum of computer experience (or money) can slap up a website, doll up it up to look A-1 professional, and pretend to be an expert in something.

Educating people about sources once they have left school is even harder, especially when most of them don’t want to listen to you.

Weaselone  Jun 1, 2017 • 3:26:33am

re: #58 wheat-dogg

Educating people about sources once they have left school is even harder, especially when most of them don’t want to listen to you.

That ship has probably already sailed. Given that The World decided that Jim Hoft was qualified to comment on the US involvement with NATO, it’s sort of silly to expect the common clay of the west to successfully vet their sources.

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 3:31:58am

re: #59 Weaselone

That ship has probably already sailed. Given that The World decided that Jim Hoft was qualified to comment on the US involvement with NATO, it’s sort of silly to expect the common clay of the west to successfully vet their sources.

Trump has made Hoft and all those shills semi-legitimacy by giving them White House press credentials. It can only get worse.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 3:39:18am

re: #60 wheat-dogg

Trump has made Hoft and all those shills semi-legitimacy by giving them White House press credentials. It can only get worse.

Ever since “Trending on Twitter” became a viable news item, I have awaited the decline of Western civilization…

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 3:56:19am

re: #55 freetoken

Repeating myself here… but back in Nixon’s day the Democratic party was in control of Congress, at least enough to force the Watergate hearings.

No such luck this time.

It was the GOP that convinced Nixon to resign, for the good of the party (of course). The GOP saw what was coming and decided Nixon was doomed.

Off-topic: I have been getting alleged Neilson calls all week (on which I immediately hang up).

Yesterday I got a letter from Neislon, asking to call them for my opinion on local radio stations.

(Let’s see: In range I have several wingnut stations including the local Sinclair and FOX stations, several more Christian hate radio stations, and the NPR station KTNE in Alliance ninety miles away that I can’t get except in my car. Thus, I only listen to my radio in my car.)

Since we have nothing but hate and propaganda here, I am going to the extraordinary measure of installing a deep-fringe FM antenna so I can get KTNE in my house.

I wonder if that factors into Neilson radio ratings?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 3:58:03am

re: #62 Anymouse

It was the GOP that convinced Nixon to resign, for the good of the party (of course). The GOP saw what was coming and decided Nixon was doomed.

It is unfortunate that Trump’s cachet of immunity to his actions is rubbing off on the whole party: GOP candidates can physically assault journalists and still get elected. They are enjoying that too much to think about turning on DT at this point.

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:00:38am

re: #63 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is unfortunate that Trump’s cachet of immunity to his actions is rubbing off on the whole party: GOP candidates can physically assault journalists and still get elected. They are enjoying that too much to think about turning on DT at this point.

We beat fascists before, we can do it again.

Conservative hate has been a constant theme throughout the history of the nation (as I noted above in the thread). It has always been three steps forward, two steps back.

We can turn back conservative hate again.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:03:12am

re: #60 wheat-dogg

Trump has made Hoft and all those shills semi-legitimacy by giving them White House press credentials. It can only get worse.

It was bad enough when Cheney as VP would appear on Limbaugh.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:03:26am

re: #64 Anymouse

We beat fascists before, we can do it again.

Conservative hate has been a constant theme throughout the history of the nation (as I noted above in the thread). It has always been three steps forward, two steps back.

We can turn back conservative hate again.

But hateful liberals are the ones who hold up bloody Donald heads and scare his poor little son!


Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:12:18am

Well, researching all the Internet porn sites (that’s part of my job as an erotic Romance editor), I see “covfefe” returns no videos yet.

Apparently Rule 34 doesn’t apply in this case (or someone hasn’t run with it yet).

Now I’m trying to think up such stories using “covfefe” in the title.

I’m thinking if someone made such a video it should be posted to Baghdad Spice’s and Donald Trump’s Twitter accounts, but that’s just me.

Nothing over at Literotica either, but give them time, they are world-class trolls.

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:16:10am

My wife tells me there are numerous people at FetLife who have incorporated “covfefe” into their handles, a new kink group with that name with hundreds of members, and a fetish group, and several people now use that as a “safe word” according to their profiles.

I love the Internet. /s

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:16:27am

Thou shalt not covfefe thy neighbour’s wife!

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:16:49am

re: #69 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Thou shalt not covfefe thy neighbour’s wife!

Or his ass!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:17:13am

re: #68 Anymouse

My wife tells me there are numerous people at FetLife who have incorporated “covfefe” into their handles, a new kink group with that name with hundreds of members, and a fetish group, and several people now use that as a “safe word” according to their profiles.

I love the Internet. /s

I think it was already DT’s safe word…explains him using it in that context…

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:17:34am

re: #69 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Thou shalt not covfefe thy neighbour’s wife!

LOL. How about my own wife? /s

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:24:20am

re: #72 Anymouse

LOL. How about my own wife? /s

Covet my wife, please!

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:25:47am

re: #73 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Covet my wife, please!

I already have one. She loves me all the time; I’m not sure I could make time for a second wife.

If no one writes a story at Literotica by tomorrow incorporating “covfefe,” I intend to. That should be fun.

Mike Lamb  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:38:28am

If Barron Trump saw the Griffin images is if Melania deliberately showed Barron just to create the reaction.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:39:14am

Kathy Griffin’s Trump stunt is hardly surprising. Just look at her history.

Maybe because the media has mistaken “trashy” for “edgy” for years? Kinda like how RWNJs mistake “satire” for “humor”?

Anymouse  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:44:01am

G’night (in reality good morning) y’all. I need to hit the rack.

Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:45:40am

re: #53 EPR-radar

Fox News and hate radio are an ever-evolving crowd sourced Mein Kampf. They are pure poison, but there is no simple fix. Changing the constitution to allow government suppression of these cancers on society would immediately lead to RWNJ ownership of the government censors.

It is not a simple fix, and perhaps the answer is in finetuning your legal system as opposed to changing the Constitution. After all, you can’t cry fire in a crowded theater and you were once able to ban machine guns. Personally I think the French or German legal models fore dealing with hate speech (or gun control for that matter) have been more successful, but I don’t claim it would work in the US.

b.d.  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:45:57am

re: #75 Mike Lamb

If Barron Trump saw the Griffin images is if Melania deliberately showed Barron just to create the reaction.

And if Barron lived with his dad then maybe he would know for sure that he is ok…

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:46:04am


State accuses Northrop Grumman of obstructing IT transition to run up costs

(I would use the wingnut font, but it was a Democratic governor who originally stuck the state with that idea and contract. One reason I’m not a big fan of now Senator Mark Warner.)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:47:10am

re: #75 Mike Lamb

If Barron Trump saw the Griffin images is if Melania deliberately showed Barron just to create the reaction.

What really happened with little B and how he might have reacted is irrelevant, he is just being held up as proof that liberals hate little children and love to kill unborns.

Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:52:41am

re: #54 Anymouse

Ultimately, the Constitution is set up for governance by the people. It is the people that needs to hold politicians to account when they violate the law or are corrupt.

I couldn’t agree more with everything you said.The question is, can 21st century Americas (who don’t seem to be able to handle guns wisely) handle free speech either?

There was an interesting article in the French edition of Buzzfeed (I think) that showed how French internet users — even those who supported the Front National — reacted to the fake news about Macron propagated at last minuted by Russian and (I’m sad to say) American right-wing hackers: with contempt and mockery.

Birth Control Works  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:54:51am

re: #55 freetoken

Repeating myself here… but back in Nixon’s day the Democratic party was in control of Congress, at least enough to force the Watergate hearings.

No such luck this time.

Now, we have the internet —which is in it’s own way another layer of checks & balances.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:58:32am

re: #83 Birth Control Works

Now, we have the internet —which is in it’s own way another layer of checks & balances.

And a means of drowning out rational speech with a flood of derp…

ipsos  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:59:21am

re: #77 Anymouse

G’night (in reality good morning) y’all. I need to hit the rack.

Wait! I didn’t wish you a happy (belated) birthday yet!

Birth Control Works  Jun 1, 2017 • 4:59:28am

re: #84 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

And a means of drowning out rational speech with a flood of derp…

not always — LGF case in point

Patricia Kayden  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:02:33am

re: #9 Anymouse

Strangely (or not), we don’t hear a peep from the right on Donald Trump trotting out his racist birther conspiracy against President Obama when his children were even younger than Barron. Obama didn’t take to social media to hide behind his children’s alleged fear or outrage, either.

Not to mention the lynching effigies, the outhouse-as-a-presidential-library float, the Michelle-is-a-transgender-woman and gorilla memes, &c.

There has got to be a way to break through the magic balance fairyism of the press and the majority of the electorate that didn’t vote.

Perhaps all the breathless corruption and espionage will do it. To the wingnuts and moonbats, probably not. They are however a small minority of the electorate. It’s the vast middle that doesn’t want to be bothered with politics, or who think both sides are the same the Dems need to work outreach.

And while we’re all supposed to feel sorry for Bannon Trump, no one mentions the psychological harm suffered by Malia or Sasha from seeing their father racially bullied for 8 straight years.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:04:26am

re: #86 Birth Control Works

not always — LGF case in point

But that’s only because of rigorous (self-)policing.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:09:46am

re: #87 Patricia Kayden

And while we’re all supposed to feel sorry for Bannon Trump, no one mentions the psychological harm suffered by Malia or Sasha from seeing their father racially bullied for 8 straight years.

All children matter.

Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:10:12am

re: #8 Anymouse

Harvey goes on KROQ in LA quite a bit, so I’ve heard him talk about Trump more than once. Harvey seems to like Trump, or at least is extremely willing to ride his gravy train. He gave Trump a couple of softball interviews to “show his humanity” (aka normalize him), so Trump likes him. Harvey and Dr. Drew really did a good job of throwing away their self-respect over the past year, pretty frustrating really.

As far as Barron, the only way him thinking it was real makes sense is 1) he’s on the spectrum, and 2) he NEVER sees OR talks to his dad.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:20:27am

[media]Those poor neo-Nazis are being picked on by those evil left-wingers![/media]

In recent days, the tactics of local left-wing activists have been called into question following a number of incidents.

Jackson[, an independent candidate for City Council who is opposed to the removal of the Lee statue,] said the demonstration Wednesday was unnecessary, particularly in light of recent events.

“I think this is divisive because there’s no reason for them to be here,” he said as the event was getting started.

A week after the torch-lit demonstration, several white nationalists who participated in the event were confronted by about a dozen activists. The group, which included Fitzhugh, called them Nazis and ordered them to leave the Downtown Mall.

And recently, flyers featuring the personal information of those nationalists and other right-wing activists have appeared in the downtown area. The flyers were made by activists associated with Showing Up for Racial Justice Charlottesville.

jeffreyw  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:22:25am

Good morning!

Birth Control Works  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:31:17am

boredtechindenver  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:31:35am

So, there is a new “meme” regarding the definition of “covfefe”:

Covfefe’ (pronounced “cuv - fee- fae”) is an Antediluvian term for “In the end we win.” It was commonly used by the sons of Adam to rail against the evil actions of the fallen who had led man astray.

The term gained popularity prior to the great deluge and was rarely used after the flood subsided. It regained favor around the time Nimrod was building his tower, after which it was entirely lost in translation at Babel.

This is the only place i have found anything, but cow-orker quoted it verbatim, so this must be making the rounds overnight. It did lead me down a google hole for “The Book of the Bees” and “Voynich Manuscript”, but i have no idea if these writings are prominent in certain circles and really have no desire to find out.

makeitstop  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:33:25am

re: #24 teleskiguy

Wolf worth some coin. Damn.

[Embedded content]

I knew it was going to go off big. The first time it was auctioned it nearly pulled down a mil, and that was nearly ten years ago.

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:33:52am

re: #94 boredtechindenver

So, there is a new “meme” regarding the definition of “covfefe”:

This is the only place i have found anything, but cow-orker quoted it verbatim, so this must be making the rounds overnight. It did lead me down a google hole for “The Book of the Bees” and “Voynich Manuscript”, but i have no idea if these writings are prominent in certain circles and really have no desire to find out.

It will become RWNJ canon with a couple of weeks. It’s not far from the idea of Trump speaking in tongues.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:39:31am

re: #91 Timothy Watson

[media]Those poor neo-Nazis are being picked on by those evil left-wingers![/media]

Three issues of interest in there: Wife and I are members of our town’s tiny SURJ, our top cop named his kid ‘Nathan Bedford’, and factions broadcasting names and addresses means we’re going to have to spend a bunch more money upgrading hardware.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:42:59am

Didn’t Cillizza say on Tuesday that no one cared? Now this story from him yesterday:
7 days later, Greg Gianforte’s body slam is still a HUGE story in Montana

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:46:46am

re: #53 EPR-radar

Fox News and hate radio are an ever-evolving crowd sourced Mein Kampf. They are pure poison, but there is no simple fix. Changing the constitution to allow government suppression of these cancers on society would immediately lead to RWNJ ownership of the government censors.

In my daily morning perusal I saw Morning Joe railing against Trump and CNN questioning the recent “unmasking is the real story” tweets declaring it ridiculous diversion. Over on FOX? Mark Steyn mocking “celebs” for a meltdown about the Paris agreement, saying “the world will shrug off the effects of SUVs and air conditioners as it has for thousands of years.” Next up was Ronald Kessler saying that the docs on Jared’s meetings are part of misinformation campaign by Russia that the MSM and Brennan and Clapper are gullibly rebroadcasting to America.

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:50:15am

re: #96 wheat-dogg

It will become RWNJ canon with a couple of weeks. It’s not far from the idea of Trump speaking in tongues.

Sweet fancy Moses

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:50:50am

re: #98 Timothy Watson

Didn’t Cillizza say on Tuesday that no one cared? Now this story from him yesterday:
7 days later, Greg Gianforte’s body slam is still a HUGE story in Montana

Cillizza must love the Kathy Griffin story. That should keep him pumped for a month or more.


Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:51:45am

An odd combo, a doctor running a pill mill who is also a sovereign citizen apparently::

A judge has rescinded permission for a physician — representing himself in a drug case that could net him hundreds of years in prison — to commute to a law library.

In a brief order Wednesday, U.S. Magistrate Judge David J. Novak wrote that he mistakenly believed the government did not oppose a request from Dr. Clarence Scranage to travel from his mother’s King George County home, where he is confined pending trial, to the law library at the University of Richmond to perform legal research.


The government also cited motions filed by Scranage on May 22, among them one in which he notified the court that he does not accept its jurisdiction and gave a return address as “King George, Virginia Republic.

Lani  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:52:21am

re: #89 Decatur Deb

All children matter.

I remember the hate directed at his daughters. Taking bets on their first abortions. Calling them hos.

Poor Barron who might have seen a bad picture of his dad, kinda like the Obama daughters who lived through years of pictures of their dad being murdered. Sorry, no sympathy for the trump family.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:53:53am

re: #103 Lani

I remember the hate directed at his daughters. Taking bets on their first abortions. Calling them hos.

Poor Barron who might have seen a bad picture of his dad, kinda like the Obama daughters who lived through years of pictures of their dad being murdered. Sorry, no sympathy for the trump family.

If we become them this whole exercise is rather pointless.

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:54:27am

re: #99 Barefoot Grin

Ronald Kessler saying that the docs on Jared’s meetings are part of misinformation campaign by Russia that the MSM and Brennan and Clapper are gullibly rebroadcasting to America.

So the Russians are to blame! Awesome.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:54:40am

re: #98 Timothy Watson

Didn’t Cillizza say on Tuesday that no one cared? Now this story from him yesterday:
7 days later, Greg Gianforte’s body slam is still a HUGE story in Montana

Does not matter, it did not keep him from being re-elected…

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:56:13am

re: #105 Sir John Barron

So the Russians are to blame! Awesome.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Trumptown.

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 5:58:55am

Nigel Farage is ‘person of interest’ in FBI investigation into Trump and Russia

Nigel Farage is a “person of interest” in the US counter-intelligence investigation that is looking into possible collusion between the Kremlin and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the Guardian has been told.

Sources with knowledge of the investigation said the former Ukip leader had raised the interest of FBI investigators because of his relationships with individuals connected to both the Trump campaign and Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder whom Farage visited in March.

WikiLeaks published troves of hacked emails last year that damaged Hillary Clinton’s campaign and is suspected of having cooperated with Russia through third parties, according to recent congressional testimony by the former CIA director John Brennan, who also said the adamant denials of collusion by Assange and Russia were disingenuous.

b.d.  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:07:53am

re: #108 wheat-dogg

Nigel Farage is ‘person of interest’ in FBI investigation into Trump and Russia

We’re gonna need a bigger jail. Wingnut mafia.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:07:54am

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the fogged in NYC metro area. A couple of interesting developments since I last checked in.

That’s curious to say the least.

Then there’s the report that Trump’s finding it more and more difficult to find people to staff his administration.

The Hill calls it a shrinking talent pool. It was always shallow, but filled with scum of the earth and those with a moral and ethical flexibility that allows them to lie on command and the only qualification that matters is loyalty to Trump.

Of course, the big policy news today is that Trump’s breathlessly touting his 3pm (Russia time? EDT?) newser where he’ll announce what he plans to do on the Paris Accord on climate change. Trump and the know-nothings want the US out (as they also want to push a xenophobic, isolationist, regressive, tarriff imposing, and inward-looking policy that harms the very people who think this somehow benefits any Americans).

The Trump twits who are all supportive of Trump don’t even understand how any of this stuff works, or why it makes sense to be involved. Trump doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about the science. Or that every country other than Syria and Nicaragua are in the accord. Even the Saudis are in it.

b.d.  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:09:40am

re: #110 lawhawk

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the fogged in NYC metro area. A couple of interesting developments since I last checked in.

[Embedded content]

There probably is a lien against Trump’s plane in Russia, better not risk landing there.


b.d.  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:11:16am

re: #110 lawhawk

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the fogged in NYC metro area. A couple of interesting developments since I last checked in.

[Embedded content]

Trump probably got flown into Russia on nicer private jets than his.

sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:13:15am

re: #17 Anymouse

Yup. Barron is not at fault here. He’s an eleven-year-old boy.

That’s part of going high when they go low, as Michelle Obama put it. David Letterman was roundly pilloried for going after Bristol Palin on television when she was a child. (Bristol is fair game now.)

Sasha and Malia were both younger than Barron and wingnuts did and said just about every despicable thing about them.

There really is a difference in both sides.


David Letterman intended to go after Bristol, who was of age and thus fair game, but the photo/occasion he made reference to was an event that Sarah had taken Willow (who was 14 at the time). His error, for which he did apologize.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:15:40am


I was reading the overnight thread picking up where I left off last night and I saw this comment from Charles.

I know some LGF members don’t like it when I say this, but we are in serious trouble with Trump in the White House and every day it’s getting worse. He’s destroying the foundations of American democracy, and deliberately laying waste to our alliances and international reputation on a scale I’ve never seen before.

Really? There are LGF members that have expressed they don’t like Charles warnings of the mess we are in?

I don’t think there can be warnings enough.

I hope more and more people start saying this. It is needed.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:17:16am

re: #108 wheat-dogg

Nigel Farage is ‘person of interest’ in FBI investigation into Trump and Russia

Not Nigel! But seriously though who among wing nutria isn’t somehow involved with this?

sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:17:34am

re: #40 Anymouse

Aside from Portland’s Muslim community, a GoFundMe account was set up for the families of the slain and wounded men, which has also exceeded half-a-million dollars.

Wow. That’s almost as much as went to the pizza parlor that said they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:18:28am

re: #106 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Does not matter, it did not keep him from being re-elected…

Elected not reelected.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:19:24am

re: #115 HappyWarrior

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:20:24am

re: #115 HappyWarrior

Not Nigel! But seriously though who among wing nutria isn’t somehow involved with this?

It’s easier to count who isn’t involved, as others have noted.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:20:34am

re: #118 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

We will see LePen and Wildders names too I bet.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:20:42am

Meanwhile, Putin’s all - hacking? We don’t do hacking. Trust me.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:20:47am

re: #119 wheat-dogg

It’s easier to count who isn’t involved, as others have noted.


Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:24:39am
Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:25:33am

re: #119 wheat-dogg

It’s easier to count who isn’t involved, as others have noted.

Witch hunt! Fake news! I won huuugest electoral victory!

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:26:18am

re: #78 Lupin

It is not a simple fix, and perhaps the answer is in finetuning your legal system as opposed to changing the Constitution. After all, you can’t cry fire in a crowded theater and you were once able to ban machine guns. Personally I think the French or German legal models fore dealing with hate speech (or gun control for that matter) have been more successful, but I don’t claim it would work in the US.

The French system almost led to Le Pen, and it really looks like the only thing that prevented that was the US electing Trump first.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:27:14am

re: #123 Timothy Watson

Last link, I promise
Biden to launch ‘American Possibilities’ PAC

PAC’s website

I’d vote for him but I want a younger candidate ideally.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:27:44am

re: #86 Birth Control Works

not always — LGF case in point

And the airport protests, or any of the marches, wouldn’t have been nearly as effective without the internet.

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:30:15am

re: #126 HappyWarrior

I’d vote for him but I want a younger candidate ideally.

Is the PAC for him to run in 2020? Or just to fund other candidates and do other things?

I seriously doubt he’ll run in 2020.

Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:30:45am

re: #114 ObserverArt


I was reading the overnight thread picking up where I left off last night and I saw this comment from Charles.

I know some LGF members don’t like it when I say this, but we are in serious trouble with Trump in the White House and every day it’s getting worse. He’s destroying the foundations of American democracy, and deliberately laying waste to our alliances and international reputation on a scale I’ve never seen before.

Really? There are LGF members that have expressed they don’t like Charles warnings of the mess we are in?

I don’t think there can be warnings enough.

I hope more and more people start saying this. It is needed.

I’m going to draw a parallel with mass shootings. Every time there’s a mass shooting, you (as a society) wail and gnash teeth a lot but ultimately do nothing.

In a similar and, dare I say, radical fashion, you have tolerated Nazis and murderers and thieves (the equivalent of societal arsonists) and invited them into your public discourse — for decades.

Now, unsurprisingly, your house is on fire and you wail and gnash, but will not do a thing.

Despite the a contrario clichés, a lot of intellectuals in Western Europe used to admire the US of A, if only for its ideals and principles, despite Vietnam, Chile and other indefensible acts. But no more.

Look around you: you are almost a failed state (the rule of law being increasingly diminished with every passing day) and certainly a rogue nation.

Is there a public debate about what brought you there? Not as far as I can tell.

Unshaken Defiance  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:31:53am

Good morning. Concert terror scare at the Hollywood Bowl.

A performance by the band Dead & Company was abruptly interrupted Wednesday night at the Hollywood Bowl. Fans reported and posted photos of the lights out during the concert. Others reported security rushed the band rushed off stage.

Perhaps some false alarm. The stage was re lit and the concert continued after a short delay. Abundance of caution after recent events. LAPD not called out.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:32:40am

re: #128 Sir John Barron

Is the PAC for him to run in 2020? Or just to fund other candidates and do other things?

I seriously doubt he’ll run in 2020.

It’s for other candidates, but politicians use those PACs sometimes to maintain influence going into a presidential run.

sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:32:50am

re: #125 Belafon

The French system almost led to Le Pen, and it really looks like the only thing that prevented that was the US electing Trump first.

The French are Flight 93… altering what would have been their response due to information about people who’d been in the same situation shortly prior.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:33:16am

re: #91 Timothy Watson

[media]Those poor neo-Nazis are being picked on by those evil left-wingers![/media]

Oh, no, a guy who doesn’t want the statues removed doesn’t like protests against white supremacists. Whatever will we do?

As for publishing personal information, I’ll say this: Why did the Klan wear hoods? So that they could be “respectable” when they were outside. I don’t think there should be a whole lot of information, but I would not be opposed to listing the name of every one of them so that people know who they are dealing with.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:33:56am

re: #128 Sir John Barron

Is the PAC for him to run in 2020? Or just to fund other candidates and do other things?

I seriously doubt he’ll run in 2020.

They’re saying he might.

Birth Control Works  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:34:15am


Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:34:40am

re: #125 Belafon

The French system almost led to Le Pen, and it really looks like the only thing that prevented that was the US electing Trump first.

No, seriously not, that is a canard of the highest magnitude. Trump had nothing to do with the French results.

And “almost” doesn’t cut it. the French system defeated LePen who came third after macron & blank, despite massive forces supporting her.

sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:35:35am

re: #128 Sir John Barron

Is the PAC for him to run in 2020? Or just to fund other candidates and do other things?

I seriously doubt he’ll run in 2020.

OMG I hope not. He was born in 1942… in 2020 he’ll be 78 years old.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:35:50am

re: #131 Timothy Watson

It’s for other candidates, but politicians use those PACs sometimes to maintain influence going into a presidential run.


Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:37:22am

re: #132 sagehen

The French are Flight 93… altering what would have been their response due to information about people who’d been in the same situation shortly prior.

That is simply not true. No polls, articles, interviews with man-in-the-street, etc. lead to that conclusion.

The “don’t leave the euro” cause MAY have been helped by the generally negative post-Brexit news among the still-undecided-on-the-subject, but that’s it.

Is it that hard to understand that there is still a majority (yet not enough, I’ll grant you) of french people that will not vote for a Nazi?

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:37:52am

re: #137 sagehen

OMG I hope not. He was born in 1942… in 2020 he’ll be 78 years old.

Exactly how I feel. I love Biden but it’s time for someone new.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:42:04am

I saw a commercial this morning for the new Megyn Kelly show that is supposed to start this Sunday to compete with 60 Minutes. It is to be called “Sunday Night.”

Her first big interview on her first big show: Vladimir Putin.

If he goes through with it.

Why do I have a very uneasy feeling about this???

Former FOX News news person gets the opportunity to interview the guy that is messing in American politics. The guy that could cost Trump and the Republicans big problems.

How is she going to direct the way the interview goes? How will she tie Hillary’s loss, Democrats investigating and even Obama into it all. Ugh. Nope not feeling good about this at all.

Maybe she surprises me. Maybe she is still a FOX News person with a different network that many are questioning.

And if Backwoods Sleuth is around…she might find another guest interview riveting: J.D. Vance author of Hillbilly Elegy.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:42:22am

Have no idea who it should be. I’m watching senators and governors who provide great examples of being the anti Trump. Jerry Brown has my eye but he’s even older than Biden/Bernie.

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:43:50am
sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:44:36am

re: #139 Lupin

That is simply not true. No polls, articles, interviews with man-in-the-street, etc. lead to that conclusion.

The “don’t leave the euro” cause MAY have been helped by the generally negative post-Brexit news among the still-undecided-on-the-subject, but that’s it.

Is it that hard to understand that there is still a majority (yet not enough, I’ll grant you) of french people that will not vote for a Nazi?

Would all the other candidates and their supporters, including those right of center, have really come out so strongly for Macron without the US as their example? Would they really have reacted as they did to the Wiki dumps without the US/Russia information to pre-warn them it was bullshit?

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:47:14am

re: #3 JordanRules

[Embedded content]

Living history.

That would piss off whoever left it there. Good idea. I like it.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:48:18am

re: #139 Lupin

That is simply not true. No polls, articles, interviews with man-in-the-street, etc. lead to that conclusion.

The “don’t leave the euro” cause MAY have been helped by the generally negative post-Brexit news among the still-undecided-on-the-subject, but that’s it.

Is it that hard to understand that there is still a majority (yet not enough, I’ll grant you) of french people that will not vote for a Nazi?

Do you have any polls that indicate how voters were going to vote pre-Trump election? Would Macron have had any indication that he needed to counter Russian hacking and document dumping had it not happened to the US first?

Le Pen had a lot of support similar to what Trump got, including people who voted for her specifically to “shake things up,” a term used to justify voting for Trump by people around me, who were all xenophobes.

Let me throw this at you though: Had the French election happened first, I don’t think the US would have been smart enough to have learned any lesson from Russian interference, or how Le Pen’s immediate actions would we paralleled by Trump.

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:50:02am

Oh, for fuck’s sake…even Trump’s Russian buddies are mocking us now.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:58:16am

Still reading last night’s thread in another tab.

What is up with this comment from scottslemmons???

Keith Olbermann Thread - Comment #167

A part of the comment:

The only way to fix the problem and save the country would be to excise the crazy percentage of the population. And we know that won’t happen, because sane people don’t have any interest in excising that many people. (And I don’t even own a gun, so leave me out of it.) (I have a very nice crowbar, and I could probably get more, but they’re slow, and I hate to mess up the finish.)

WTF? What a mess we are in.

Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 6:59:57am

re: #104 Decatur Deb

If we become them this whole exercise is rather pointless.

Yeah, how are we in danger of becoming them for pointing out their story of Barron’s reaction is probably bullshit?

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:00:17am

Missed scottslemmons’ late night Jeremiad. I don’t quite agree with him, but would like to see the ‘How Screwed Are We?’ topic revived later during active hours.

For now, my bus trip has put me a week behind with the mowing. BBL

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:03:56am

re: #149 Bass Reeves

Yeah, how are we in danger of becoming them for pointing out their story of Barron’s reaction is probably bullshit?

If we fall into the notion that victimizing one president’s children puts another president’s child on the acceptable target list.

Mattand  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:04:18am

re: #146 Belafon

Let me throw this at you though: Had the French election happened first, I don’t think the US would have been smart enough to have learned any lesson from Russian interference, or how Le Pen’s immediate actions would we paralleled by Trump.

American hubris, writ large.

Seriously, Trump’s lack of qualifications, vile behavior, and outright bigotry were on full display and throughly documented. For fucks’ sake, he was recorded laughing and being unapologetic about assaulting women.

But here we are.

It might be worth pointing out, though, that Macron, to the best of my knowledge, was not the victim of nearly 30-year smear campaign by the opposition, like Clinton was.

Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:06:07am

re: #151 Decatur Deb

If we fall into the notion that victimizing one president’s children puts another president’s child on the acceptable target list.

I don’t agree with that notion, I’m rejecting any statement that Barron was victimized as false. Because it came from a couple of liars.

edit: You also seem to have this thing about us pointing out hypocrisy and concluding that means we condone the behavior itself.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:07:03am

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has temporarily waived a law requiring the U.S. to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Trump’s move to renew the waiver for six months keeps the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv for now. Trump has said he’s reviewing whether to fulfill his campaign promise to move it to Jerusalem.

Trump was facing a Thursday deadline to renew the waiver or see the State Department lose half its funding for its overseas facilities. Presidents of both parties have renewed the waiver every six months for years.

Israel considers Jerusalem its capital, but the Palestinians claim east Jerusalem for the capital of a future state.

The U.S. says its policy on Jerusalem hasn’t changed and that Jerusalem’s status must be negotiated between Israelis and Palestinians.

Jebediah, RBG  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:07:34am

re: #24 teleskiguy

Yeah, that’s a lot of scratch, but given that it was Garcia’s guitar, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it got even more. Rich collectors can be bugfucking nuts sometimes.

Joe Bacon  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:08:23am

re: #141 ObserverArt

And now the National Enquirer is throwing Megyn Kelly under the bus…

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:08:46am

re: #154 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

So this shocker was pandering bullshit.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:09:31am

re: #153 Bass Reeves

I don’t agree with that notion, I’m rejecting any statement that Barron was victimized as false. Because it came from a couple of liars.

That’s not knowable. I expect them to maximize their advantage, which gets us back to the wisdom of minimizing the stupid stunt.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:09:43am

re: #156 Joe Bacon

And now the National Enquirer is throwing Megyn Kelly under the bus…

Is it wrong I don’t feel bad for her? She only saw how fucked up FNC is when she got attacked.

Joe Bacon  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:10:39am

re: #154 Backwoods_Sleuth

Doesn’t matter because Franky Graham Cracker and the rest of the Republican Pulpit Pimp Bullshitters will give President Pinnochio cover for this as they have done every time for him!

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:10:54am
lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:11:40am

re: #154 Backwoods_Sleuth

In other words, he’s done the same thing every president since Clinton has done. Delayed the move because foreign policy/diplomatic needs require it.

Not surprised in the slightest, despite his claims he’d move it. Perhaps the Saudis whispered in his ear that it wasn’t a good idea to do it because it might send the terrorists into a tizzy, or that Israeli officials warned that it might set off another round of terrorism in Israel?

Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:12:24am

re: #158 Decatur Deb

That’s not knowable. I expect them to maximize their advantage, which gets us back to the wisdom of minimizing the stupid stunt.

Not knowable, sure. Historically, they lie about every little thing, and have done not a *single* thing to earn the benefit of the doubt. And another way of not letting them maximize their advantage would be to point out how they continually engage in the exact behavior they allegedly condemn.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:15:15am

re: #162 lawhawk

In other words, he’s done the same thing every president since Clinton has done. Delayed the move because foreign policy/diplomatic needs require it.

Not surprised in the slightest, despite his claims he’d move it. Perhaps the Saudis whispered in his ear that it wasn’t a good idea to do it because it might send the terrorists into a tizzy, or that Israeli officials warned that it might set off another round of terrorism in Israel?

Maybe one of his advisers told him he never actually promised to move the embassy, or he just told himself that.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:16:19am

re: #163 Bass Reeves

Not knowable, sure. Historically, they lie about every little thing, and have done not a *single* thing to earn the benefit of the doubt. And another way of not letting them maximize their advantage would be to point out how they continually engage in the exact behavior they allegedly condemn.

We are sure the opposition are liars, but the people we have to enlist don’t know it or, worse, don’t care. “They do it too” is just not an effective enough argument.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:17:45am

In any case, he’ll deny he promised to do so.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:19:23am

re: #165 Decatur Deb

We are sure the opposition are liars, but the people we have to enlist don’t know it or, worse, don’t care. “They do it too” is just not an effective enough argument.

Is it really right to obsess over a comedian who did something stupid who since apologized? Admit it was wrong and move on. It sucks it happened but we don’t need to step on egg shells so the Trumps’ victim mentality is fed.

Citizen K  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:20:11am

Putin isn’t even really hiding his shit anymore. He’s winding this entire sideshow around his finger and smirking all the while like a fucking Bond villain.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:21:39am

Gabby Giffords denounced it. Again I have no problem denouncing it, I will continue to have a problem with the reaction of a man who brought Nugent as a guest to the WH after he told Obama to suck his gun and unlike Griffin never apologized, I think she was wrong but I’m sorry DD, I think it’s fair to point out Donald’s double standards.

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:22:29am
Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:22:40am

re: #167 HappyWarrior

Is it really right to obsess over a comedian who did something stupid who since apologized? Admit it was wrong and move on. It sucks it happened but we don’t need to step on egg shells so the Trumps’ victim mentality is fed.

It’s not an obsession—it’s a topic that is still trending bigly. (And my first/second choice of candidate is still planning to tour with her.)

Grass is no shorter than an hour ago.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:22:59am

re: #168 Citizen K

[Embedded content]

Putin isn’t even really hiding his shit anymore. He’s winding this entire sideshow around his finger and smirking all the while like a fucking Bond villain.

Be nice if we had a president to stand up to him. Oh well, if only someone who was anti Putin had ran for president.//

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:24:50am

re: #169 HappyWarrior

Gabby Giffords denounced it. Again I have no problem denouncing it, I will continue to have a problem with the reaction of a man who brought Nugent as a guest to the WH after he told Obama to suck his gun and unlike Griffin never apologized, I think she was wrong but I’m sorry DD, I think it’s fair to point out Donald’s double standards.

Point them out and condemn them all we like—just be careful not to adopt them.

“When they go low, we go high.” Someone said that.

Mattand  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:26:37am

re: #159 HappyWarrior

Is it wrong I don’t feel bad for her? She only saw how fucked up FNC is when she got attacked.

Bingo. Meg always reminds me of that Madeleine Albright quote “There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women.”

I’m sure people would make the argument she did help women by coming forward, but as you point out, she only did it when her bacon was in the fire.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:26:37am

re: #171 Decatur Deb

It’s not an obsession—it’s a topic that is still trending bigly. (And my first/second choice of candidate is still planning to tour with her.)

Grass is no shorter than an hour ago.

I’m just saying it’s fair to call out Trump for having a problem with this but actually bringing Nugent to the WH. Franken I agree shouldn’t your with Griffin at this point but I continue to ask, why isn’t any Republican who campaigned with Nugent given the same criticism?

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:27:31am

re: #158 Decatur Deb

That’s not knowable. I expect them to maximize their advantage, which gets us back to the wisdom of minimizing the stupid stunt.

I know you know this…but a reminder just the same.

Stupid stunts and stupid words filled with all kinds of hate got America Trump.

If Democrats/Liberals/Progressives cleaned their act up to spotless we would still have gotten Trump.

I know we are of an age where act properly and be the bigger person was vital…and we both have that Catholic school background with the tough nun and priest love, but that is pretty much all gone from this country now.

So, I don’t know how much our backgrounds and up-bringing fits in this world any more.

Turn the other cheek gets the other cheek slapped and then you also get punched in the nose and whacked over the head.

People are just getting frustrated and pissed off. I guess many are ready to hit back any way they can.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:27:42am

re: #173 Decatur Deb

Point them out and condemn them all we like—just be careful not to adopt them.

“When they go low, we go high.” Someone said that.

That’s fine but she also was fine with pointing out their hypocrisy too. That’s all I’m saying here DD.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:28:01am

re: #175 HappyWarrior

I… but I continue to ask, why isn’t any Republican who campaigned with Nugent given the same criticism?

Because they’re scum and we expect nothing from them.

Gotta mow.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:29:31am

So guess what, you denounce the photoshop, they’re still going to obsess over it.

Citizen K  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:30:33am

re: #169 HappyWarrior

Gabby Giffords denounced it. Again I have no problem denouncing it, I will continue to have a problem with the reaction of a man who brought Nugent as a guest to the WH after he told Obama to suck his gun and unlike Griffin never apologized, I think she was wrong but I’m sorry DD, I think it’s fair to point out Donald’s double standards.

It’s also worth it to point out that almost no one has actually bothered to defend Griffin for her dumb stunt. People are trying to point out the double standard between reactions to GOP’s frequent, violent eliminationist rhetoric and the far rarer occasions of such coming from the left side of things. Dems have almost universally shunned Griffin for this, yet the echoing refrain is ‘Why won’t Dems condemn her?! Why is the left ALWAYS so violent and mean and exclusionary!” Nugent’s frequent threats against Hillary and Obama, though? Crickets. The fucking effigies of both at GOp rallies? Nothing, even when Dems try to point out just how horrific these are and how not rare they are.

Time and again, our willingness to be the ‘adult in the room’ is weaponized against us, while GOP malfeasance is treated with a shrug, “boys will be boys” and we’re to blame anyways for not cleaning up the shit on the floor they leave because “we know better”. I get being the better person, and I want that to be the norm, but it’s impossible to ignore that we’re almost always punished for it, no matter what we do. One incident from the left and “HOLY SHIT, DEMS ARE THE MOST EVIL BIGOTED MONSTERS EVER!” gets to be the refrain for months, and ruins everything because ‘collective blame for thee, “lone wolf” for me.’

I’m fucking exhausted of it. And yet there seems like nothing we can do, because fighting that double standard just seems to solidify it more out of sheer fucking spite.

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:30:51am

I kind of saw this coming…right after the election the DNC made noises about being ignored by the campaign, but that story was quashed as the Russian narrative gained steam.

They do have a point. The DNC data operation was/is top shelf…built in 2008 and fine-tuned in 2012, it was one of our greatest strengths.

That’s not to say she wasn’t treated unfairly - the emails, Benghazi, the media. Terrible, horrible treatment. But that’s a different topic.

bratwurst  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:30:51am

But…but…he PROMISED!

Trump delays moving U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

Not only is this good (though totally expected) news, Sheldon Adelson feels aggrieved…win-win!

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:31:23am

What a shock. Yet another GOPer who doesn’t know how Medicaid works (like insurance and health insurance specifically works).

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:31:34am

re: #178 Decatur Deb

Because they’re scum and we expect nothing from them.

Gotta mow.

And I’m saying we should point that out while denouncing Griffin and also noting her apology. Compare and contrast does work here.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:32:10am

re: #180 Citizen K

It’s also worth it to point out that almost no one has actually bothered to defend Griffin for her dumb stunt. People are trying to point out the double standard between reactions to GOP’s frequent, violent eliminationist rhetoric and the far rarer occasions of such coming from the left side of things. Dems have almost universally shunned Griffin for this, yet the echoing refrain is ‘Why won’t Dems condemn her?! Why is the left ALWAYS so violent and mean and exclusionary!” Nugent’s frequent threats against Hillary and Obama, though? Crickets. The fucking effigies of both at GOp rallies? Nothing, even when Dems try to point out just how horrific these are and how not rare they are.

Time and again, our willingness to be the ‘adult in the room’ is weaponized against us, while GOP malfeasance is treated with a shrug, “boys will be boys” and we’re to blame anyways for not cleaning up the shit on the floor they leave because “we know better”. I get being the better person, and I want that to be the norm, but it’s impossible to ignore that we’re almost always punished for it, no matter what we do. One incident from the left and “HOLY SHIT, DEMS ARE THE MOST EVIL BIGOTED MONSTERS EVER!” gets to be the refrain for months, and ruins everything because ‘collective blame for thee, “lone wolf” for me.’

I’m fucking exhausted of it. And yet there seems like nothing we can do, because fighting that double standard just seems to solidify it more out of sheer fucking spite.

We agree 100%

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:33:03am

re: #171 Decatur Deb

It’s not an obsession—it’s a topic that is still trending bigly. (And my first/second choice of candidate is still planning to tour with her.)

Grass is no shorter than an hour ago.

Okay, I followed this thread back to its origin. Nowhere does anyone mention mowing a lawn.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:33:11am

re: #183 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

What a shock. Yet another GOPer who doesn’t know how Medicaid works (like insurance and health insurance specifically works).

Give up your taxpayer paid healthcare or shut the fuck up.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:34:03am

re: #181 darthstar

Doesn’t help that the DNC shit canned DWS in the middle of all this during the campaign, and that too could have affected how data/info sharing occurred between the campaign and the DNC.

Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:34:08am

re: #180 Citizen K

I deleted my post, because why write what you wrote, when you wore it better?

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:34:51am

re: #179 HappyWarrior

So guess what, you denounce the photoshop, they’re still going to obsess over it.

Here is the real issue.

The Photoshop wasn’t even needed.

They are plain nuts and really no longer need any outrage to make them outraged. It is more or less a permanent mindset with a lot of people.

Trump and the GOP uses it.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:35:34am

The idiocies of a know-nothing opinionist (aka bullshit artist).

I’m not a scientist, and I don’t know how things work, so I pontificate that X is done better than Y.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:35:42am

re: #189 Bass Reeves

I deleted my post, because why write what you wrote, when you wore it better?

I was feeling like Carville in Old School- We have no response, that was great.

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:36:39am

re: #188 lawhawk

Doesn’t help that the DNC shit canned DWS in the middle of all this during the campaign, and that too could have affected how data/info sharing occurred between the campaign and the DNC.

DWS was terrible and had to go. She wasn’t fired until the Convention, after the damage was done.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:37:11am

re: #191 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

The idiocies of a know-nothing opinionist (aka bullshit artist).

I’m not a scientist, and I don’t know how things work, so I pontificate that X is done better than Y.

You live in a bubble, Jonah with all the other self fancied conservative intellectuals. You still are the dude that linked modern American liberalism with fascism after all, moron.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:37:14am

re: #180 Citizen K

It’s also worth it to point out that almost no one has actually bothered to defend Griffin for her dumb stunt. People are trying to point out the double standard between reactions to GOP’s frequent, violent eliminationist rhetoric and the far rarer occasions of such coming from the left side of things. Dems have almost universally shunned Griffin for this, yet the echoing refrain is ‘Why won’t Dems condemn her?! Why is the left ALWAYS so violent and mean and exclusionary!” Nugent’s frequent threats against Hillary and Obama, though? Crickets. The fucking effigies of both at GOp rallies? Nothing, even when Dems try to point out just how horrific these are and how not rare they are.

Time and again, our willingness to be the ‘adult in the room’ is weaponized against us, while GOP malfeasance is treated with a shrug, “boys will be boys” and we’re to blame anyways for not cleaning up the shit on the floor they leave because “we know better”. I get being the better person, and I want that to be the norm, but it’s impossible to ignore that we’re almost always punished for it, no matter what we do. One incident from the left and “HOLY SHIT, DEMS ARE THE MOST EVIL BIGOTED MONSTERS EVER!” gets to be the refrain for months, and ruins everything because ‘collective blame for thee, “lone wolf” for me.’

I’m fucking exhausted of it. And yet there seems like nothing we can do, because fighting that double standard just seems to solidify it more out of sheer fucking spite.

Boiled down…you only see your enemies mistakes. Your own side can never do anything wrong, so whatever “we” do is acceptable. Everything “they” do is wrong.

Sounds like war mode doesn’t it?

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:38:42am
Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:39:52am

re: #180 Citizen K

I’m fucking exhausted of it. And yet there seems like nothing we can do, because fighting that double standard just seems to solidify it more out of sheer fucking spite.

On this point though, I think the best way to fight the double standard, is to not perpetuate it ourselves. It serves us nothing to allow those traitorous fuckfaces to set the standards for behavior.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:40:23am

Trump couldn’t be reached for comment about his brother from another mother’s actions.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:40:45am

re: #39 Timothy Watson

That too, and if I was the spouse of the President, I would block my kid from watching news channels so they didn’t inundated with stuff like that.

How about if you were the estranged spouse of the President who wanted your child to see what his father is, so he hates him? Trump’s probably lying about the whole thing, it’s what he does, but if it’s true, it’s because Melania wants Barron to hate his absent father.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:43:33am

re: #188 lawhawk

Doesn’t help that the DNC shit canned DWS in the middle of all this during the campaign, and that too could have affected how data/info sharing occurred between the campaign and the DNC.

DWS wasn’t the only person to resign, Communications Director Luis Miranda, Chief Financial Officer Brad Marshall and Chief Executive Amy Dacey did as well.

On the other hand, one of the news stories I read about the Michigan campaign painted it as completely incompetent. Canvass and phone data sat unentered into the DNC’s voter data system (VAN) for weeks. When I was volunteering on the coordinated campaign here in Virginia, one hard and fast rule was that all data had to be entered the same day.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:43:42am

re: #186 darthstar

Okay, I followed this thread back to its origin. Nowhere does anyone mention mowing a lawn.


And it’s ankle-deep by now.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:44:15am

re: #196 darthstar

Bradd Jaffy ✔ @BraddJaffy
Putin admits “patriotically minded” private Russian hackers could have been involved in U.S. election interference
10:06 AM - 1 Jun 2017

Sounds like this came from the same script writers that Trump used when he excused away the violent attacks against protesters at his rallies last year. They were just exuberant backers that want to make America great.

But it does come out as an admittance. Vlad must realize the investigations are on the right track. He needs to do his covering now.

Imma go mow my lawn now too.

caseyjr  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:44:52am

re: #196 darthstar

[Embedded content]

we will find the nexus between the patriotic Russian hackers and their seditious US collaborators. Soon, dog willing.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:45:06am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:45:33am
Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:45:44am

re: #195 ObserverArt

Boiled down…you only see your enemies mistakes. Your own side can never do anything wrong, so whatever “we” do is acceptable. Everything “they” do is wrong.

Sounds like war mode doesn’t it?

Right? I mean if they jump over KG, they get to ignore noose in the NMAACH, or *actual fucking killings*. And…we let them. Cuz adult.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:46:10am

re: #200 Timothy Watson

Votebuilder is also for lepers, if it isn’t maintained. We were sent to the same addresses two days apart because the Dem and HRC staffs weren’t coordinating.

Grass is growing.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:48:55am

re: #204 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

Suspended because it wasn’t a real account.

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:49:08am

I’m sure this is obvious to a lot of people here, but I wanted to write it out here anyway…

So Mueller gave Comey the green light to testify about Trump’s obstruction efforts. Some TV Pundits questioned why he’d do this when he’s investigating the collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians. Well, they are two separate things. One is an investigation of collusion between members of the campaign and transition teams, and the other is the President asking the FBI director not to investigate.

Makes total sense. Comey testifying about Trump committing one crime won’t impact the investigation into the other crimes committed by his team.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:49:20am

In a way, Putin is probably right. In the way that the line between organized crime and the State barely exists, so the line between “patriotic private hackers” and State similarly is probably meaningless.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:50:20am

re: #204 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:50:41am

re: #208 Timothy Watson

It kinda looks like Nick Searcy alerted them to it, and is oozing his smugness all over the thread.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:50:51am

re: #206 Bass Reeves

Right? I mean if they jump over KG, they get to ignore noose in the NMAACH, or *actual fucking killings*. And…we let them. Cuz adult.

Would Barron Trump be outraged to see the real carnage of the two guys killed in that Portland attack?

Did Melania even mention that incident to Barron? Did she show pictures of the survivor with the real stitches to Barron?

Somehow I doubt it.

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:51:00am

re: #201 Decatur Deb


And it’s ankle-deep by now.

Ah, I missed that one. Now it all makes sense.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:52:21am

re: #212 Bass Reeves

It kinda looks like Nick Searcy alerted them to it, and is oozing his smugness all over the thread.

I thought he had quit Twitter because of those evil PC liberals?

Bass Reeves  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:53:04am

re: #201 Decatur Deb

How long can we keep you from it? Live and let lawn, that’s what I say!

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:55:00am

re: #216 Bass Reeves

How long can we keep you from it? Live and let lawn, that’s what I say!

Got my hat, got my sunblock marinade, looking for earplugs….

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 7:57:15am

re: #217 Decatur Deb

Got my hat, got my sunblock marinade, looking for earplugs….

No dust mask?

(You wait long enough you’ll be forced to put off doing it until the evening when it cools down!) :)

Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:01:52am

re: #144 sagehen

Would all the other candidates and their supporters, including those right of center, have really come out so strongly for Macron without the US as their example? Would they really have reacted as they did to the Wiki dumps without the US/Russia information to pre-warn them it was bullshit?


Also, we’ve been though this once in 2002.

Brexit might have scared some undecided voters; Trump as never a factor.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:02:14am

re: #201 Decatur Deb


And it’s ankle-deep by now.

Plant wildflowers, say you’ve returned it to it’s natural state, and you’re done.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:02:34am

re: #199 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

How about if you were the estranged spouse of the President who wanted your child to see what his father is, so he hates him? Trump’s probably lying about the whole thing, it’s what he does, but if it’s true, it’s because Melania wants Barron to hate his absent father.

Barron has access to the Internet and probably Facebook and maybe Twitter. My 4 year old grandniece knows how to use a phone to get to her favorite sites. Of course Barron will have seen the picture of Kathy Griffin. Someone may have even emailed it to him. I agree with those who claimed he wasn’t watching CNN. But I didn’t see it on CNN either. It was gruesome and not funny at all.

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:06:49am

re: #221 Hecuba’s daughter

Barron has access to the Internet and probably Facebook and maybe Twitter. My 4 year old grandniece knows how to use a phone to get to her favorite sites. Of course Barron will have seen the picture of Kathy Griffin. Someone may have even emailed it to him. I agree with those who claimed he wasn’t watching CNN. But I didn’t see it on CNN either. It was gruesome and not funny at all.

Barron has probably found his mother’s nude photos online, too. Apparently, no one is concerned about his possible psychological distress at the sight of her, the First Lady Nude Model.

Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:07:47am

re: #146 Belafon

Do you have any polls that indicate how voters were going to vote pre-Trump election? Would Macron have had any indication that he needed to counter Russian hacking and document dumping had it not happened to the US first?

Le Pen had a lot of support similar to what Trump got, including people who voted for her specifically to “shake things up,” a term used to justify voting for Trump by people around me, who were all xenophobes.

Let me throw this at you though: Had the French election happened first, I don’t think the US would have been smart enough to have learned any lesson from Russian interference, or how Le Pen’s immediate actions would we paralleled by Trump.

I’m not saying that there weren’t some parallel circumstances (but LePen’s program was far more to the left than Trump’s), merely that the Trump-as-scarecrow played no part whatsoever in the decision of the voters, at any time.

Honestly 90% of french voters don’t know what is actually happening in the US., Yes, they think trump is a clown, but they have no idea of the damage he is doing to your country.

LePen’s dismal performance during the TV debate probably hacked 5 points (or more?) from her likely score.

The Frexit issue also helped Macron since that issue really is not a vote-getter; in fact right now the FN is torn apart because of it.

As for the reaction to internet fake news, I have to say that in general, the French, no matter what political side, proved far less gullible that one might have feared.

Citizen K  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:08:27am

Case in point:

Any bets on whether there’s a rush to condemn Nugent from GOPers, or that this would become THE story du jour? Anyone?

Lupin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:09:20am

re: #152 Mattand

It might be worth pointing out, though, that Macron, to the best of my knowledge, was not the victim of nearly 30-year smear campaign by the opposition, like Clinton was.

Indeed — and it might be worth pointing out that such garbage would be unlawful in France, hence our different paths.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:09:28am

re: #221 Hecuba’s daughter

Barron has access to the Internet and probably Facebook and maybe Twitter. My 4 year old grandniece knows how to use a phone to get to her favorite sites. Of course Barron will have seen the picture of Kathy Griffin. Someone may have even emailed it to him. I agree with those who claimed he wasn’t watching CNN. But I didn’t see it on CNN either. It was gruesome and not funny at all.

Of course it wasn’t funny.
We used to keep children off the Internet just like we keep them from wandering unsupervised in bad neighborhoods. The Internet is not for children. What happened to parenting?

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:11:26am

re: #224 Citizen K

Case in point:

[Embedded content]

Any bets on whether there’s a rush to condemn Nugent from GOPers, or that this would become THE story du jour? Anyone?

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:11:45am

re: #225 Lupin

Indeed — and it might be worth pointing out that such garbage would be unlawful in France, hence our different paths.

It might be illegal in French media, but the media here also had help from Republican congresspeople doing the “investigations.”

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:13:10am

re: #228 Belafon

It might be illegal in French media, but the media here also had help from Republican congresspeople doing the “investigations.”

The corruption runs deep. That’s what happens when a party is made up of poorly-educated fanatics who think they’re doing the bidding of a god, and the scoundrels who exploit them.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:13:13am

re: #208 Timothy Watson

Suspended because it wasn’t a real account.

Just realized. Bummer.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:15:30am
lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:17:38am
Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:18:54am
HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:19:34am

re: #224 Citizen K

Case in point:

[Embedded content]

Any bets on whether there’s a rush to condemn Nugent from GOPers, or that this would become THE story du jour? Anyone?

Exactly. Fuck Nugent. Griffin actually apologized. Nugent never does and they love him for it.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:20:59am

re: #232 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Exactly why I’m not buying his fake tears over Griffin. Barron being possibly on the spectrum and shelter may well have believed the image was legit but sorry Donald but fuck off.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:21:21am
darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:21:27am
caseyjr  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:21:49am

Trump accedes to a Saudi red line?

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:22:48am

re: #226 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Of course it wasn’t funny.
We used to keep children off the Internet just like we keep them from wandering unsupervised in bad neighborhoods. The Internet is not for children. What happened to parenting?

The Internet may not be for children but unless you imprison them without access to electronic devices (maybe move to an Amish community?), they will find their way.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:23:03am

re: #236 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Hey Trumpers who cried about Obama and Muslims, how about them apples, you stupid cucks?

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:23:06am

re: #236 Backwoods_Sleuth

Former Trump advisers? I think anyone who’s said, “Hey Don watch you don’t step in that pile of dog crap!” qualifies as a former adviser at this point.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:24:21am

re: #239 Hecuba’s daughter

The Internet may not be for children but unless you imprison them without access to electronic devices (maybe move to an Amish community?), they will find their way.

We used to be able to tell them no.

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:25:39am

re: #242 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

We used to be able to tell them no.

And how well did that work?

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:26:55am

re: #242 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

We used to be able to tell them no.

You can always punish today’s kids by telling them to go outside and play.
“With other kids!??!!”

wheat-dogg  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:27:21am

OK, time for some shuteye here in the Middle Kingdom. Been a busy day.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:29:47am

re: #244 darthstar

And the other kids will have cell phones with access to the Internet!

Ace-o-aces  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:29:49am

**Spoiler alert**


Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:30:05am

re: #115 HappyWarrior

Not Nigel! But seriously though who among wing nutria isn’t somehow involved with this?

XTC knew what was going on:

XTC-Making Plans For Nigel #258.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:31:23am

re: #239 Hecuba’s daughter

The Internet may not be for children but unless you imprison them without access to electronic devices (maybe move to an Amish community?), they will find their way.

I’ve been lucky. My kids don’t really care about that stuff. At the same time, they have a pretty good understanding of what’s real and what isn’t.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:32:34am

re: #243 wheat-dogg

And how well did that work?

I don’t remember that working to well with my when I wanted to do/find something. And this was in the 80s.

Ace-o-aces  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:33:14am

I mean, if you can’t even bother to damn with faint praise…..

Ace-o-aces  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:34:34am

All hat, no cattle.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:35:44am

re: #234 HappyWarrior

Exactly. Fuck Nugent. Griffin actually apologized. Nugent never does and they love him for it.

They apologize for him. Also known as cover.

My lawn is mowed! Got weeds to pull and box hedges to shape.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:35:52am

re: #252 Ace-o-aces

All hat, no cattle.

All flair, no customers.

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:36:12am

re: #252 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

All hat, no cattle.

Isn’t the position that Clarke has supposedly been offered not at the level that would need confirmation, anyway?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:36:20am

it’s a Huntsman.
in Michigan…

But the spider is not native to Michigan or even this continent.

“It shouldn’t be here, it probably came in on a tropical plant,” said Lee.

Now Duke is wondering exactly how it got into her apartment and she wants her complex to spray for insects right away.

“This thing is huge. It needs a leash,” said Duke.

Lee said the spider probably was shipped over in some plants from a big box store selling flowers and trees.

(Bert the Turtle)  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:38:17am

Drive by, and then it’s time to till. This whole KG thing is bullshit. Hell, more than hlaf of those who voted for Cheeto Benito either haven’t seen it or couldn’t give shit.

The GoP/TP cultist - especially on Twitter and the interwebs in general - will seize any outrage and exploit the hell out of it. Everyone should realize this by now. This isn’t new, and as long as they(the cultist) are out there tweeting their fingers bloody it’s gonna stay.

I don’t don’t condone KG, but I don’t condemn her either. Frankly, I don’t give a shit. So, I guess the ‘left’ could gasp and moan and say ‘Oh No, we’re doomed’. Or we could say, take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.. you know, under our breaths and keep on keeping on.

I see what DD is saying, and to a point, I agree. But there is something very wet noodlish about the gasps and groans. And frankly, few people like being associated with that. Hence all the ‘snowflake’ bullshit that’s been going around.

These are my quickly(and most likely poorly) typed opinions they do not represent the LGF community. I’m not sorry if I offended anyone.


HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:38:41am

re: #251 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

I mean, if you can’t even bother to damn with faint praise…..

I somehow doubt she extended that to Obama who actually was legitimate.

Citizen K  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:38:59am

re: #253 ObserverArt

They apologize for him. Also known as cover.

My lawn is mowed! Got weeds to pull and box hedges to shape.

They don’t apologize. They justify. Big difference.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:39:09am

re: #255 A wild WITHAK appeared!

Isn’t the position that Clarke has supposedly been offered not at the level that would need confirmation, anyway?


MsJ  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:39:26am

re: #103 Lani

I remember the hate directed at his daughters. Taking bets on their first abortions. Calling them hos.

Poor Barron who might have seen a bad picture of his dad, kinda like the Obama daughters who lived through years of pictures of their dad being murdered. Sorry, no sympathy for the trump family.

Not a one of them. Not the wife that enables the lies and bullshit. Not the horrible, entitled brats that are his children in the White House, and not his youngest whom will surely turn into Eric or Donald Jr Jr. Sorry. I feel nothing but animus for every single one of them who are killing American democracy, our country and way of life, and stealing my tax dollars in the process. That doesn’t even start to cover that they are selling our country to a hostile foreign government.

Fuck every one of them.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:39:50am

Trickle down ‘n’ shit.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:42:13am

re: #256 Backwoods_Sleuth

it’s a Huntsman.
in Michigan…

I went to go find some information on the spider, which is considered harmless to humans (the poison at worst causes an allergic reaction), and found a link containing a video of one of those spiders carrying a mouse up a refrigerator:

sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:42:36am

re: #242 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

We used to be able to tell them no.

You realize any good school has plenty of computers? And even if the kid doesn’t have his own iPhone or iPad, most of his classmates do.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:43:32am

re: #263 Belafon

Fire…. burn it with fire…. collateral damage would be acceptable.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:43:38am

re: #262 Barefoot Grin

Trickle down ‘n’ shit.

Since wealth is defined by how much you save, being super-wealthy is detrimental to a functioning capitalist system.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:44:10am

re: #256 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

it’s a Huntsman.
in Michigan…

Nope. Nope. Nope.

I lived a couple of houses away from a guy in Lexington who managed a food distribution center that supplies UK, Fayette Co. schools, etc. He said the first thing he tells employees is “don’t carry boxes of bananas on your shoulders, especially with any holes near your ear.”

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:44:37am

re: #266 Belafon

Since wealth is defined by how much you save, being super-wealthy is detrimental to a functioning capitalist system.

It’s obscene.

MsJ  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:45:20am

re: #140 HappyWarrior

Exactly how I feel. I love Biden but it’s time for someone new.

Let Biden win with a young Veep. Then he can retire midterm and get another young person in. I think after Trump American’s will want someone with experience.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:45:33am

re: #264 sagehen

You realize any good school has plenty of computers? And even if the kid doesn’t have his own iPhone or iPad, most of his classmates do.

What you have to teach your kids is skepticism, and how to recognize real from fake, including doing research. Make sure they know about snopes, and to look at the references on Wikipedia.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:46:06am

Please, I must reiterate that the story of Barron’s reaction came from TMZ.

TMZ who is carrying water for the yam. Received story from said yam & company.

Remember the tour of the golden palace by Harvey Levin?

This is enquirer/NYPost territory & has been accepted as gospel.

Step back.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:46:37am

my governor is not having a good day with his meeting on how to deal with violence.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:47:41am
John Carter  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:47:57am

re: #209 darthstar

I’m sure this is obvious to a lot of people here, but I wanted to write it out here anyway…

So Mueller gave Comey the green light to testify about Trump’s obstruction efforts. Some TV Pundits questioned why he’d do this when he’s investigating the collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians. Well, they are two separate things. One is an investigation of collusion between members of the campaign and transition teams, and the other is the President asking the FBI director not to investigate.

Makes total sense. Comey testifying about Trump committing one crime won’t impact the investigation into the other crimes committed by his team.

Yes, and Trump will complain at the end giving more evidence on both. Not to mention the court of public opinion.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:47:58am

re: #263 Belafon

I went to go find some information on the spider, which is considered harmless to humans (the poison at worst causes an allergic reaction), and found a link containing a video of one of those spiders carrying a mouse up a refrigerator:

I checked Wiki. They can have a legspan of up to 12.”

Spiders don’t scare me, but that sucker would give me pause.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:48:06am

re: #272 Backwoods_Sleuth

MsJ  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:49:34am

re: #276 Backwoods_Sleuth

I have to go into a meeting but could you please explain the issue? Has there been a rise in crime or violence in KY? What drove this?

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:49:42am

re: #275 ObserverArt

I checked Wiki. They can have a legspan of up to 12.”

Spiders don’t scare me, but that sucker would give me pause.

If I saw one, it would probably get a shell of birdshot.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:49:45am

re: #276 Backwoods_Sleuth

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:50:07am

re: #279 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

What an idiot.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:51:11am

re: #277 MsJ

I have to go into a meeting but could you please explain the issue? Has there been a rise in crime or violence in KY? What drove this?

gun violence, mostly.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:52:25am

re: #275 ObserverArt

I checked Wiki. They can have a legspan of up to 12.”

Spiders don’t scare me, but that sucker would give me pause.

If I know I don’t have to worry about being bitten by a spider or snake, I don’t mind handling them. I just don’t know enough about either to look at them and know they’re poisonous or not.

MsJ  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:52:39am

re: #275 ObserverArt

I checked Wiki. They can have a legspan of up to 12.”

Spiders don’t scare me, but that sucker would give me pause.

If I saw a spider in my house with a 12” leg span, setting the house on fire would likely be my first line of defense. And I would more than likely move. Possibly due to having set my house on fire. Which I would be OK with.

Ace-o-aces  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:52:41am

re: #255 A wild WITHAK appeared!

HA! Yeah, I forgot that. Still needs security clearance though.
And my regular reminder that Clarke currently manages a small department of only 250 officers, and can’t even do that well.

MsJ  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:53:06am

re: #281 Backwoods_Sleuth

gun violence, mostly.

Broadly across the state?

Skip Intro  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:53:24am
sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:53:56am

re: #272 Backwoods_Sleuth

my governor is not having a good day with his meeting on how to deal with violence.

[Embedded content]

Seriously? Neighborhood watch because taxpayers shouldn’t expect to have to pay for cops?

MsJ  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:54:13am

re: #284 Ace-o-aces

HA! Yeah, I forgot that. Still needs security clearance though.
And my regular reminder that Clarke currently manages a small department of only 250 officers, and can’t even do that well.

Which means trump would welcome Clarke’s incompetence. That’s how Donny rolls.

makeitstop  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:54:26am

re: #227 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Waiting for the Conservatives who condemned a terrible d-list comic to condemn the pig Nugent a d-list rock star.

Ace-o-aces  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:55:14am

re: #286 Skip Intro

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:55:44am

re: #290 Ace-o-aces

A Mom Anon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:56:05am

re: #176 ObserverArt

I’m going to say this, from a therapist who helped me recover from a violent relationship in my 20’s.

I felt awful because I hit my asshole boyfriend with a hammer in self defense. She asked me if I killed him. No. Did you continue to hit him after he stopped hurting you? Tempting, but no. Would he have stopped hurting me if I was “only” whatever the fuck it was he wanted? No, assuredly no. Then why the hell did I feel guilty? I was protecting myself. I used the force and effort needed to stop the violence and nothing more. There is nothing wrong with that. I left him immediately after that session. Understand, I was COVERED in bruises in various stages of healing. He never hit my face because that couldn’t be covered. He wasn’t at all scared of me til I hit his ass a few times.

You do not stop violent bullies by being nicer than they are. Ever. It does not work and they see it as weakness. Democrats are not winning by being more virtuous and apologizing for strong words and taking matters into their own hands to win elections. And by this I do not mean violence. But every damned time a Democrat says something that’s strongly worded or a little bit out of character, the Republicans lose their shit, work on getting people fired, use threats of violence to induce silence and fear, and then we backtrack and apologize. Then we get seen as weak and wimpy and not “tough on” things like crime and terrorism. And the public keeps buying this shit because for DECADES now, liberals have both dismissed the opposition as not serious and not invested in media and on the ground resources needed to counter this crap. Not to mention not even bothering to break into local level governments and working our way up the ladder.

This shit isn’t going away, they will continue to escalate this shit til they are stopped. Fear and violence is all they’ve got left, they aren’t above using it, we have to stand up strongly and fight back. I am NOT advocating violence, but fighting back is not wrong. I think this is key to why we find ourselves here today. YMMV and you don’t have to agree, but my experience with bullies is also valid. They do it because they CAN. They’re believed and they win, over and over.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:56:20am

re: #281 Backwoods_Sleuth

gun violence, mostly.

Let me guess. Domestic violence brought on by economic stress and drug use.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:56:29am

I blame a certain episode of “Johnny Quest” for my fear of giant spiders.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:57:17am

re: #286 Skip Intro

“I love my children, but that doesn’t mean I have to do anything about their meningitis.”

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 8:59:58am

re: #289 makeitstop

Waiting for the Conservatives who condemned a terrible d-list comic to condemn the pig Nugent a d-list rock star pig.

Pig is an important word.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:05:04am

re: #186 darthstar

Okay, I followed this thread back to its origin. Nowhere does anyone mention mowing a lawn.

DD mentioned that he was going to take a break and mow his excessive grass and then didn’t and continued the discussion for a while before reiterating that mowing needed to happen.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:12:45am

Thanks, Trump.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:16:50am

re: #298 Belafon

[Embedded content]

Thanks, Trump.


Semper Fi  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:22:35am

re: #292 A Mom Anon

I’m going to say this, from a therapist who helped me recover from a violent relationship in my 20’s.

I felt awful because I hit my asshole boyfriend with a hammer in self defense. She asked me if I killed him. No. Did you continue to hit him after he stopped hurting you? Tempting, but no. Would he have stopped hurting me if I was “only” whatever the fuck it was he wanted? No, assuredly no. Then why the hell did I feel guilty? I was protecting myself. I used the force and effort needed to stop the violence and nothing more. There is nothing wrong with that. I left him immediately after that session. Understand, I was COVERED in bruises in various stages of healing. He never hit my face because that couldn’t be covered. He wasn’t at all scared of me til I hit his ass a few times.

You do not stop violent bullies by being nicer than they are. Ever. It does not work and they see it as weakness. Democrats are not winning by being more virtuous and apologizing for strong words and taking matters into their own hands to win elections. And by this I do not mean violence. But every damned time a Democrat says something that’s strongly worded or a little bit out of character, the Republicans lose their shit, work on getting people fired, use threats of violence to induce silence and fear, and then we backtrack and apologize. Then we get seen as weak and wimpy and not “tough on” things like crime and terrorism. And the public keeps buying this shit because for DECADES now, liberals have both dismissed the opposition as not serious and not invested in media and on the ground resources needed to counter this crap. Not to mention not even bothering to break into local level governments and working our way up the ladder.

This shit isn’t going away, they will continue to escalate this shit til they are stopped. Fear and violence is all they’ve got left, they aren’t above using it, we have to stand up strongly and fight back. I am NOT advocating violence, but fighting back is not wrong. I think this is key to why we find ourselves here today. YMMV and you don’t have to agree, but my experience with bullies is also valid. They do it because they CAN. They’re believed and they win, over and over.

I believe “When they go low, we go high” but when they show their ‘bully’ side it’s time to clench your fist, stand your ground and just get as tough as you must.
I completely agree with you.

sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:22:43am

Comey will testify in open session next Thursday, June 8. 10am.

After which there’ll be a closed session.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:28:00am

What happened?

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:28:25am

I love my children, doesn’t mean I have to give a fuck what happens to them.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:29:02am
Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:29:21am

re: #264 sagehen

You realize any good school has plenty of computers? And even if the kid doesn’t have his own iPhone or iPad, most of his classmates do.

Schools also have filters in place. The younger the students, the more strict the filters.

Eventual Carrion  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:29:21am

re: #302 Stanley Sea

What happened?

[Embedded content]

Illuminati are making their attack?

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:30:01am

re: #292 A Mom Anon

I’m going to say this, from a therapist who helped me recover from a violent relationship in my 20’s.

This shit isn’t going away, they will continue to escalate this shit til they are stopped. Fear and violence is all they’ve got left, they aren’t above using it, we have to stand up strongly and fight back. I am NOT advocating violence, but fighting back is not wrong. I think this is key to why we find ourselves here today. YMMV and you don’t have to agree, but my experience with bullies is also valid. They do it because they CAN. They’re believed and they win, over and over.

I had a good friend who passed away in ‘11 and he would have been absolutely livid with what happened last year in the elections and the continued behavior of Trump and his followers.

Ever since FOX News came on the air back in the Clinton years he said the Democrats were going to have to toughen up as we would be in the fight of our political lives. Every election he would steam about Democrats being too nice. Fire with fire was his thinking.

gocart mozart  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:30:15am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:31:30am

re: #302 Stanley Sea

What happened?

[Embedded content]

Danack  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:32:41am

re: #286 Skip Intro

[Embedded content]

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:33:07am

re: #263 Belafon

I went to go find some information on the spider, which is considered harmless to humans (the poison at worst causes an allergic reaction), and found a link containing a video of one of those spiders carrying a mouse up a refrigerator:

I found a bold jumping spider between my window and storm-window last weekend.
They have a yellow smiley-face on the abdomen, and green pincers. Very interesting-looking.

They say that they’re harmless to humans, because they’re shy and non-lethal, but a bite that throbs with your heart-beat initially, then hurts for 2 weeks does not sound harmless to me. I closed the window, and we went our separate ways.

Skip Intro  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:33:10am

re: #309 Backwoods_Sleuth

God will take care of it.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:33:26am

re: #308 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Ted shouldn’t try to be funny.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:34:01am

re: #286 Skip Intro

Erick is a crackpot. I’d tell him so, but he has me blocked.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:34:08am

re: #308 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Listening to Marc Maron interview with Sen. Franken right now. Funny as hell. He hasn’t gotten to the political stuff yet, though.

b.d.  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:35:44am

re: #309 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

The Freepers just KNOW, from the pictures, that is was a car bomb set off by the Muslims.


Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:38:28am

re: #297 Colère Tueur de Lapin

DD mentioned that he was going to take a break and mow his excessive grass and then didn’t and continued the discussion for a while before reiterating that mowing needed to happen.

The Grass Monster is slain. Until it rises again.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:39:04am

re: #317 Decatur Deb

The Grass Monster is slain. Until it rises again.

Hail Hydra?

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:39:16am

re: #302 Stanley Sea

What happened?

[Embedded content]

Looks like no new pope.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:40:57am
Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:42:45am

re: #300 Semper Fi

I believe “When they go low, we go high” but when they show their ‘bully’ side it’s time to clench your fist, stand your ground and just get as tough as you must.
I completely agree with you.

This right here. This is what got me through the bulying I endured in school.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:43:57am

re: #320 Backwoods_Sleuth

How many subpoenas will Nunes issue between now and then? All of the ones regarding “unmasking” were issued by Nunes, who didn’t get any Democratic support like he’s supposed to, and isn’t supposed to actually be issuing them because he’s recused himself. The ultimate IOKIYAR.

fern01  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:45:37am

re: #275 ObserverArt

I checked Wiki. They can have a legspan of up to 12.”

Spiders don’t scare me, but that sucker would give me pause.

I have woken to such a spider - with legs splayed on the wall it was the size of a dinner plate. Being I was home alone I did not practice Mr fern01s policy of removing the spider to the outdoors.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:46:48am

re: #323 fern01

I have woken to such a spider - with legs splayed on the wall it was the size of a dinner plate. Being I was home alone I did not practice Mr fern01s policy of removing the spider to the outdoors.

Oh good, so I’m not the only one with a husband who insists on this.

For some unknown reason.

fern01  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:47:31am

re: #281 Backwoods_Sleuth

gun violence, mostly.

Obvious solution - more guns.

gocart mozart  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:49:05am
I cannot.  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:50:02am

So, a big long twitter thread about Captain America as Nazi…and yeah, they de-Nazied Hydra for this story. Fuckit, Hydra are fucking Nazis, and need shields thrown at their faces.

One thing I didn’t notice until spacetwinks pointed this out…the marketing materials focused on HYDRA, and not about the resistance to Hydra. Hail Hydra.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:51:24am

Mowing-reward lunch: Mock schwarma and tabouli. If the home-made schwarma is good, I’ll post the recipe.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:53:14am

re: #327 I cannot.

Yes, yes you are.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:53:17am

re: #328 Decatur Deb

Mowing-reward lunch: Mock schwarma and tabouli. If the home-made schwarma is good, I’ll post the recipe.


Eventual Carrion  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:53:31am

re: #324 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Oh good, so I’m not the only one with a husband who insists on this.

For some unknown reason.

Spiders are good people

Unshaken Defiance  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:54:24am

re: #4 Anymouse

TMZ is now breathlessly reporting that Barron Trump thought the image by Kathy Griffin was actually his father’s head, citing Trump family sources (paid spokesliars) saying Barron saw it on television and went screaming to his mother.

According to this TMZ article, Melania Trump had to calm him down, note that wasn’t his father, and tell him it makes you wonder about Kathy Griffin’s mental health.

Day late right? Anyway I can’t help but point out the Obamas never whined in public about the personal stresses of the office in general or the savage things their children were exposed to by the race haters. Which were at least as bad and countlessly more numerous.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:56:35am

re: #332 Unshaken Defiance

Day late right? Anyway I can’t help but point out the Obamas never whined in public about the personal stresses of the office in general or the savage things their children were exposed to by the race haters. Which were at least as bad and countlessly more numerous.

That’s very true. I do think if the rumors of Barron being autistic that this might explain the alleged reaction. But yes I agree about the Obamas.

gocart mozart  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:56:45am
gocart mozart  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:59:16am
gocart mozart  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:59:41am


Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 9:59:42am

re: #325 fern01

Obvious solution - more guns.

Not according to our governor. His solution is prayer.
Then again, we’re talking about gun violence in mostly minority neighborhoods of Louisville, KY.

Can’t be encouraging those people to arm themselves./////////////////

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:00:56am

re: #335 gocart mozart

Time to clean up this nest of vampires.

stpaulbear  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:01:02am

re: #328 Decatur Deb

Mowing-reward lunch: Mock schwarma and tabouli. If the home-made schwarma is good, I’ll post the recipe.

1. My mowing reward last night was a trip to Walgreens to get some ibuprofen for my aching back. It feels better today.

2. I am already completely sick of the word covfefe. I never want to see it again.

3. If I saw a plate sized spider in my house I would break the plaster trying to beat it to death. I come close to doing that now for centipedes. I hate centipedes.

wrenchwench  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:05:16am

re: #328 Decatur Deb

Mowing-reward lunch: Mock schwarma and tabouli. If the home-made schwarma is good, I’ll post the recipe.

Recipe?!? This is a political blog, with spiders, frogs, bees, lawns to mow, flying dogs, pies, pizza with things on it…OK, recipe.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:05:27am

Schwarma is definitely worth it. Wife will transcribe DIL’s recipe. (DIL is a wonder—Airforce brat who lived in Greece, Israel, and Germany. Kuwait War veteran, daughter of a full-time NCO mother and grand-daughter of a WWII WAC.)

FormerDirtDart  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:05:51am
I cannot.  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:08:11am

re: #342 FormerDirtDart

Excuse me while I check my supplies…

Need MOAR!

…I am READY for this shit!

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:08:41am

My dog

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:09:08am

I have to admit…If I saw this coming at me I’d be more than a little intimidated…

Romantic Heretic  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:09:31am

re: #286 Skip Intro

I worship Jesus, not Mother Earth. He calls us all to be good stewards of the planet, but doesn’t mean I have to care about global warming.

That sentence was too long to be absolutely correct, Eric, son of Eric.


darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:09:57am

Trumper Tantrum.

FormerDirtDart  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:11:15am
Unshaken Defiance  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:12:29am

re: #345 darthstar

Yikes. 150 planes, probably hundreds of cruise missiles. Maybe 25,000 men and women in harms way.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:13:29am

re: #348 FormerDirtDart

Eventual Carrion  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:14:09am

re: #348 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Because it worked so well against those American colonies back in the day.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:15:18am

re: #342 FormerDirtDart

The damages sought is probably insufficient to shut him down, but it’d put a crimp in his efforts to sabotage and undermine functioning orgs.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:15:22am

re: #348 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

The East India Company, which was so corrupt and damaging to the area that the British had to nationalize it?

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:15:50am

re: #351 Eventual Carrion

Because it worked so well against those American colonies back in the day.

I will support Republicans if they are attempting, on purpose, to unite the entire world by giving it a common enemy.

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:16:04am

re: #290 Ace-o-aces

Wingnuts: Hold my beer…..

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:16:24am

re: #347 darthstar

Trumper Tantrum.

I can’t wait to hear his reaction to Comey’s testimony.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:17:12am

re: #348 FormerDirtDart

Erik Prince proposing a US viceroy for Afghanistan and “an East India Company approach” to ruling the country

Hell, I’m just glad he’s not proposing to rule Louisiana that way.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:17:40am

re: #353 Timothy Watson

The East India Company, which was so corrupt and damaging to the area that the British had to nationalize it?

Sepoy Mutiny anyone….

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:17:47am
darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:19:10am

Put that tweet in a spoiler because I really don’t like looking at Kathy Griffin all that much either.

Romantic Heretic  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:21:06am

re: #338 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

I’ll bring the Dragon’s Breath rounds.

12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath AT NIGHT!- Smarter Every Day 2

darthstar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:21:59am
Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:22:15am

re: #361 Romantic Heretic

I’ll bring the Dragon’s Breath rounds.

[Embedded content]

That will keep them off your lawn, for a while.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:24:07am

re: #359 darthstar

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:25:07am

re: #360 darthstar

Put that tweet in a spoiler because I really don’t like looking at Kathy Griffin all that much either.

I normally go for skinny redheads, but she’s much too annoying, and has been for years.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:25:22am

re: #335 gocart mozart

This start-up is offering $8,000 blood transfusions from teens to people who want to fight aging

Fucking Skekskis.

Kragar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:26:20am
Big Beautiful Door  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:26:30am

Trump announcing his decision on Paris Accord on CSpan at 3:00.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:26:33am

Back at it

lockjawcanbefun  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:27:45am

The Rebel’s finally gone full bigot!

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:28:49am

[Embedded content]

Seare: #370 lockjawcanbefun

The Rebel’s finally gone full bigot!

[Embedded content]

Genocide, you say that word, I do not think you know what it means.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:29:30am

re: #370 lockjawcanbefun

The Rebel’s finally gone full bigot!

[Embedded content]

The what? Never heard of it.

covfefe  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:30:11am

re: #339 stpaulbear

2. Sorry! :)

EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:31:54am

re: #370 lockjawcanbefun

Also known as the honkycaust.

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:32:38am

Look who crawled out from under a rock

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:33:57am

re: #375 A wild WITHAK appeared!

See my #322.

b.d.  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:34:00am

re: #375 A wild WITHAK appeared!

Look who crawled out from under a rock

[Embedded content]

I guy who lied to every piece of press there is is now whinging about fake news?

Kragar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:35:12am
EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:36:47am

re: #378 Kragar

Here we see the effects of the D. Nunes Russian intelligence asset receiving orders from his spymaster.

Kragar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:36:54am

re: #371 HappyWarrior

Genocide: The systematic killings of a group of people based on race, heritage or beliefs.

White Genocide: The girl I want to go out with is dating a black guy and the Hispanic guy in the office got the promotion I wanted.

EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:38:44am

re: #380 Kragar

Genocide: The systematic killings of a group of people based on race, heritage or beliefs.

White Genocide: The girl I want to go out with is dating a black guy and the Hispanic guy in the office got the promotion I wanted.

honkycaust: THERE’S A N***** IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:43:06am

re: #380 Kragar

Genocide: The systematic killings of a group of people based on race, heritage or beliefs.

White Genocide: The girl I want to go out with is dating a black guy and the Hispanic guy in the office got the promotion I wanted.

And by attaching the word genocide to this nonsense, they undermine/demean/diminish the true horror of what the Holocaust was and what a genocide truly is.

It’s the expropriation and purposeful misuse of the term so as to reduce its impact when it is truly needed/required (as in referring to actual genocides throughout history).

Interesting Times  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:43:31am

re: #292 A Mom Anon

You do not stop violent bullies by being nicer than they are. Ever. It does not work and they see it as weakness. Democrats are not winning by being more virtuous and apologizing for strong words and taking matters into their own hands to win elections. And by this I do not mean violence. But every damned time a Democrat says something that’s strongly worded or a little bit out of character, the Republicans lose their shit, work on getting people fired, use threats of violence to induce silence and fear, and then we backtrack and apologize. Then we get seen as weak and wimpy and not “tough on” things like crime and terrorism. And the public keeps buying this shit because for DECADES now, liberals have both dismissed the opposition as not serious and not invested in media and on the ground resources needed to counter this crap. Not to mention not even bothering to break into local level governments and working our way up the ladder.

This shit isn’t going away, they will continue to escalate this shit til they are stopped. Fear and violence is all they’ve got left, they aren’t above using it, we have to stand up strongly and fight back. I am NOT advocating violence, but fighting back is not wrong. I think this is key to why we find ourselves here today. YMMV and you don’t have to agree, but my experience with bullies is also valid. They do it because they CAN. They’re believed and they win, over and over.

Beautifully said. This is the point I’ve been trying to make for ages now, but you stated it so much more eloquently and with the power of personal experience to boot.

The approach used by Dems up till now isn’t working. In fact, it’s been so horribly ineffective that some groups (typically BoBers) claim it’s a deliberate failure to fight back in order to “throw the game” to GOPers.

GOPers and the rightwing howler monkeys will complain and do their faux-outrage schtick regardless. The point of effective pushback is to step over the both-siderist media and speak directly to the people/non-voters who think no one’s around to fight for them.

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:48:10am

re: #378 Kragar

Seeing a lot of fake news from media elites and others who have no interest in violations of Americans’ civil liberties via unmaskings.

— Devin Nunes

Whose civil liberties are being violated and how?

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:50:14am

re: #375 A wild WITHAK appeared!

Look who crawled out from under a rock

[Embedded content]

Totally recused, just like Jeff Sessions.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:51:53am

re: #383 Interesting Times

Along these lines, the “fainting” Republicans do because Democrats are cussing needs to be laughed at over and over.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:52:07am

re: #374 EPR-radar

Also known as the honkycaust.

Awright. I lol’ed at that.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:53:27am
goddamnedfrank  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:54:20am

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:57:33am

re: #387 Belafon

Along these lines, the “fainting” Republicans do because Democrats are cussing needs to be laughed at over and over.

Trump that bitch!

Omg Tom Perez cursed!

A Mom Anon  Jun 1, 2017 • 10:57:38am

re: #387 Belafon

Along these lines, the “fainting” Republicans do because Democrats are cussing needs to be laughed at over and over.

While saying FUCK between giggles.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:00:12am
Interesting Times  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:01:45am

re: #387 Belafon

Along these lines, the “fainting” Republicans do because Democrats are cussing needs to be laughed at over and over.

Yes. I’m going to repeat this comment by LGF member negativ:

I have to admit that I’m pissed off by the lack of hellfire coming from the Dems. They have nothing to lose by going full-throttle attack mode. I’m not a Democrat, but the Republicans have more or less declared themselves the enemy of my country as I see it, and of myself personally.

I would like to see Democrats become vicious, underhanded, unfair, brutal, merciless, and relentless. The GOP is by any measure a confederacy of dunces. That the Dems can’t find it in themselves to destroy it is disheartening.

Trust me when I say I’ve seen some variation of this feeling so many times over the years that I’ve lost count. You want the support of apathetic non-voters who think voting won’t make a difference? Start fighting back in a way they notice (instead of the “praise Paul Ryan” idiocy we saw at the Dem convention last year).

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:01:58am

re: #393 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:01:58am

re: #393 Backwoods_Sleuth

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:03:44am

re: #395 Backwoods_Sleuth

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:08:22am

I know damn well what they’re doing. They still think radicalizing Conservatives is a good idea even after all the damage they’ve done.

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:09:38am

re: #395 Backwoods_Sleuth

Rick Santorum stuns CNN panel while mansplaining renewable energy: The Sun is not ‘reliable’ or ‘consistent’

— Raw Story

“Sometimes it’s out, sometimes it’s not. You can’t explain that. Some days are cloudy, some days are sunny. “

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:09:40am

re: #393 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

He’s a special kind of stupid isn’t he?

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:09:57am

re: #395 Backwoods_Sleuth

“It’s going to go super in 500M years. We can’t rely on it!”

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:10:11am

Terrorist attack appears to be happening in the Philippines

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:11:33am

re: #398 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

[Embedded content]

I know damn well what they’re doing. They still think radicalizing Conservatives is a good idea even after all the damage they’ve done.

They? Ken Jennings is one guy and not involved with Democratic politics. Ted Nugent meanwhile still wants to hang Hillary and you freaks love him. If Jennings mocked Barron, he’s a jerk but you guys had no problem making fun of Chelsea Clinton so fuck off.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:12:19am
Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:12:29am


HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:12:54am

Conservative victim hood is pathetic. Barron should not be mocked but acting like Ken Jennings represents the left is dishonest crap and the lying creeps know it.

Dr Lizardo  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:14:09am

re: #402 Stanley Sea

Terrorist attack appears to be happening in the Philippines

[Embedded content]


Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:14:40am

re: #406 HappyWarrior

Conservative victim hood is pathetic. Barron should not be mocked but acting like Ken Jennings represents the left is dishonest crap and the lying creeps know it.

Of course they do. They know Conservative politics are incompatible with our liberal democracy, so they’re trying to tear it down by feeding addicts the hate they crave.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:17:20am

re: #408 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Of course they do. They know Conservative politics are incompatible with our liberal democracy, so they’re trying to tear it down by feeding addicts the hate they crave.

They’re such hypocritical babies. Just last week, I saw Tammy Bruce call a eleven year autistic kid a snowflake but suddenly “the left” aka some guy who won big on Jeopardy said something mean about Barron so lets paint the whole left with the same brush we paint our tiny right wing dicks with.

EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:17:38am

re: #394 Interesting Times

Trust me when I say I’ve seen some variation of this feeling so many times over the years that I’ve lost count. You want the support of apathetic non-voters who think voting won’t make a difference? Start fighting back in a way they notice (instead of the “praise Paul Ryan” idiocy we saw at the Dem convention last year).

The Democrats should simply tell the truth about Republicans, consistently and forcefully. The following points are beyond doubt:

1) The GOP’s main purpose is to secure tax cuts for the rich.

2) For decades the GOP has been exploiting white resentment for votes because item #1 isn’t a vote-winner.

3) After corrupting itself in the civil rights realignment, the GOP has become a magnet for every kind of crank who hates liberal democracy and progress. Creationists are the most visible example of this.

4) In the era of Trump, it has been clearly demonstrated that the GOP will excuse any level of treachery and corruption from the administration in pursuit of tax cuts for the rich.

One can go on like this for days.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:20:09am

re: #410 EPR-radar

The Democrats should simply tell the truth about Republicans, consistently and forcefully. The following points are beyond doubt:

1) The GOP’s main purpose is to secure tax cuts for the rich.

2) For decades the GOP has been exploiting white resentment for votes because item #1 isn’t a vote-winner.

3) After corrupting itself in the civil rights realignment, the GOP has become a magnet for every kind of crank who hates liberal democracy and progress. Creationists are the most visible example of this.

4) In the era of Trump, it has been clearly demonstrated that the GOP will excuse any level of treachery and corruption from the administration in pursuit of tax cuts for the rich.

One can go on like this for days.

Right on.

Joe Bacon  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:20:29am

re: #393 Backwoods_Sleuth

Rick can always be counted on to be a total asshole. Still remember when I first encountered him in 1977. I thought it was a crime to be that dumb!

(Bert the Turtle)  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:21:10am


Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:22:10am

re: #413 (Bert the Turtle)


And it’s not like the Trump WH is staffed by someone from an Internet cesspool like


HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:22:45am

re: #413 (Bert the Turtle)


[Embedded content]

Weak. Fucking pathetic. Meanwhile these tools actually appear with and specifically praise Nugent. Conservatism really has become a cult.

Kragar  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:22:55am
HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:23:14am

re: #414 Sir John Barron

And it’s not like the Trump WH is staffed by someone from an Internet cesspool like


Oh come om, that’s different.//

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:23:38am

re: #415 HappyWarrior

Weak. Fucking pathetic. Meanwhile these tools actually appear with and specifically praise Nugent. Conservatism really has become a cult.

Maybe it always was. What good can come of opposing all progress?

Eventual Carrion  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:26:04am

re: #384 Sir John Barron

Whose civil liberties are being violated and how?

Criminals who would like to remain anonymous.

(Bert the Turtle)  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:26:10am

re: #415 HappyWarrior

Weak. Fucking pathetic. Meanwhile these tools actually appear with and specifically praise Nugent. Conservatism really has become a cult.

It has been as far back as I can remember.

Sir John Barron  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:27:21am

re: #413 (Bert the Turtle)


Dems could tie the R candidate to Trump. Crazy, I know. Mister Grab ‘em by the pu***.

Barefoot Grin  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:29:53am

re: #414 Sir John Barron

And it’s not like the Trump WH is staffed by someone from an Internet cesspool like


Who got an ethics waiver from Trump to continue advising Breitbart.

EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:29:54am

re: #420 (Bert the Turtle)

It has been as far back as I can remember.

“A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.” — FDR

edited to add

“I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.” — Harry Truman

jaunte  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:29:58am
A Mom Anon  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:30:43am

re: #413 (Bert the Turtle)

I live in the next district over from this one and the wingnut commercials have been just stupid. Scary Nancy Pelosi (with scary music and a bad photo of her), a whole bunch of people “from liberal San Francisco”(including a guy in a tie dye shirt) thanking everyone for donating all this outside money to elect Jon Ossoff and his San Francisco values. A wife of a Vietnam vet telling everyone he lied about his security clearances and how he can’t be trusted. The Ossoff ground game and media response has been awesome though, he’s ran a commercial to counter all the ads as they come up and that district has done really good GOTV stuff so far. The GOP is scared, so good.

Jebediah, RBG  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:31:04am

re: #216 Bass Reeves

How long can we keep you from it? Live and let lawn, that’s what I say!

Live, lawn, and prosper!

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:31:33am

re: #424 jaunte

Or the Russians told him.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:32:12am

re: #423 EPR-radar

“A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.” — FDR

My favorite FDR quote. That’s the best description of conservatives I know.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:32:56am

re: #425 A Mom Anon

I live in the next district over from this one and the wingnut commercials have been just stupid. Scary Nancy Pelosi (with scary music and a bad photo of her), a whole bunch of people “from liberal San Francisco”(including a guy in a tie dye shirt) thanking everyone for donating all this outside money to elect Jon Ossoff and his San Francisco values. A wife of a Vietnam vet telling everyone he lied about his security clearances and how he can’t be trusted. The Ossoff ground game and media response has been awesome though, he’s ran a commercial to counter all the ads as they come up and that district has done really good GOTV stuff so far. The GOP is scared, so good.

Oh no a Tie Dye shirt. My monocle!

jaunte  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:32:56am
(Bert the Turtle)  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:33:32am

re: #425 A Mom Anon

They’re still running scary Pelosi ads? Did you experience the scary Pelosi busses back ‘10? They swamped Westcanshun(sp?) with ‘em. They’re not even original… I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have to be.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:34:28am

re: #424 jaunte

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:34:50am

re: #430 jaunte

[Embedded content]

They should be so proud of themselves. And you know what, they still don’t get it. One of the few Greens I know is still shitting on the Dems for not being pure enough.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:35:50am

San Francisco values. Aye, not being a dick to people who look different than you. So awful.//

(Bert the Turtle)  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:36:24am

Back out to build the garden.

jaunte  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:36:24am
caseyjr  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:36:49am

re: #357 Decatur Deb

Hell, I’m just glad he’s not proposing to rule Louisiana that way.

y’know, F that guy. He just wants to be carried on a litter and called Sahib.
And have a bevvy of odalisques lounging on divans. n suchlike.

wrenchwench  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:37:48am

When I was in Istanbul, in 1979/80, this is what the overhead wires looked like. They were attached to buildings that way, too. Bigger bundles, less ability to sort through.

A Mom Anon  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:38:58am

re: #429 HappyWarrior

Bitching about outside money, while filming their ad in San Francisco with outside money from a republican national PAC using actors from California. When GA has a huge movie industry here now with all kinds of studios for filming anything you can think of. Way to support GA jobs. Idiots.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:39:11am

re: #436 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Kaine was a terrible VP pick?

(I’ll concede the point with Lieberman.)

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:39:34am
danarchy  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:40:08am

I don’t get the whole Paris agreement thing. It is pretty much nonbinding all voluntary targets. He could literally just remain a signatory and not do and damn thing and there are no enforcement capabilities in the agreement so it wouldn’t matter.

Big Beautiful Door  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:41:09am

re: #441 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

And this is how a great nation becomes irrelevant. We must now look to China and Europe for global leadership on climate change.

jaunte  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:41:40am

re: #440 Timothy Watson

These navel-gazers who bitch about the Democratic choices being “uninspiring” when the Trump disaster was the other option are exhausting.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:42:07am

re: #438 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

When I was in Istanbul, in 1979/80, this is what the overhead wires looked like. They were attached to buildings that way, too. Bigger bundles, less ability to sort through.

A lot of places with weak government have everyone stringing their own wires, making a complete mess.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:43:20am

re: #441 Stanley Sea

jaunte  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:43:32am

re: #442 danarchy

It’s another occasion where lazy Trump can appear to do something big that will have everyone talking, without much effort.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:44:17am

re: #444 jaunte

These navel-gazers who bitch about the Democratic choices being “uninspiring” when the Trump disaster was the other option are exhausting.

They deserve to be enslaved by theocrats, and to have their civilization destroyed by climate change, but they’re dragging the rest of us along with them.

EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:44:29am

re: #442 danarchy

I don’t get the whole Paris agreement thing. It is pretty much nonbinding all voluntary targets. He could literally just remain a signatory and not do and damn thing and there are no enforcement capabilities in the agreement so it wouldn’t matter.

But that wouldn’t satisfy the drooling morons of the GOP. The big, public ‘fuck you and your little dog Toto too’ is essential. Tax cuts and pissing off liberals are the only things GOPers live for.

Stanley Sea  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:44:35am

I am not going to listen to that asshole’s bloviating in the rose garden, for sure.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:44:59am

This is the best merging of the covfefe and orb-o-power that have seen so far…

EPR-radar  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:46:07am

re: #451 Colère Tueur de Lapin

No way does Trump have a cool super-power like shooting laser beams from his eyes.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:46:12am

re: #442 danarchy

I don’t get the whole Paris agreement thing. It is pretty much nonbinding all voluntary targets. He could literally just remain a signatory and not do and damn thing and there are no enforcement capabilities in the agreement so it wouldn’t matter.

That wouldn’t excite his base, or harm America’s standing in the world his base hates.
If the most stupid Americans want to fuck something up, Trump will do it for them.
He needs adulation. and intelligent people are not going to supply it.

We’re seeing what happens when a wealthy narcissist is rejected by polite society.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:46:40am

Because Jill Stein is so inspiring.//

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:46:46am

re: #452 EPR-radar

No way does Trump have a cool super-power like shooting laser beams from his eyes.

Those are mind-control rays entering his vacant eyes.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:47:31am

re: #438 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

When I was in Istanbul, in 1979/80, this is what the overhead wires looked like. They were attached to buildings that way, too. Bigger bundles, less ability to sort through.

looks like powerline setups in Baltimore.
and, no, I am not kidding…

MsJ  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:47:46am

re: #322 Belafon

How many subpoenas will Nunes issue between now and then? All of the ones regarding “unmasking” were issued by Nunes, who didn’t get any Democratic support like he’s supposed to, and isn’t supposed to actually be issuing them because he’s recused himself. The ultimate IOKIYAR.

It’s cover. Susan Rice is not going to testify (or perhaps will with counsel) at a witch hunt that is specifically being held to intimidate her and likely to throw her in jail just so they can hold that up as BOTH SIDES as cover for Trump, et al’s treason.

lawhawk  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:48:24am

re: #442 danarchy

I don’t get the whole Paris agreement thing. It is pretty much nonbinding all voluntary targets. He could literally just remain a signatory and not do and damn thing and there are no enforcement capabilities in the agreement so it wouldn’t matter.

It makes it appear as though Trump’s doing something major/significant and that he’s putting America’s interests first to his ignorant supporters who don’t know any better as to what Paris (or NAFTA, or EU, or NATO or any other foreign engagement involves).

It’s the same reason Trump blustered that he’d redo/renegotiate/leave NAFTA. He (and his supporters) think they can turn back time and bring back economic conditions to a point where X occurs - that coal jobs will return, that manufacturing jobs will return, etc., when long term economic trends are as a result of technological changes, efficiencies, and offshoring of jobs to different effect depending on the industry.

Most manufacturing jobs were already disappearing before NAFTA, because technology made those jobs obsolete/redundant. Robotics and computerization made certain jobs irrelevant - so a robot can assemble vehicle parts in a fraction of time that used to take several people several minutes each to do. Over an industry, that’s a huge change and can mean 100s to 1000s of people lose jobs or see their jobs significantly altered.

Same with mining - robotics allow a mine to do more with fewer people.

Some of this is starting to shift over into the service industry too, so jobs previously considered safe may be under pressure too (think paralegals, lawyers, accountants, etc.)

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:48:52am

re: #440 Timothy Watson

Kaine was a terrible VP pick?

(I’ll concede the point with Lieberman.)

Anyone who hates on Kaine is an idiot.

Kragar  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:49:17am

re: #454 HappyWarrior

For me to poop on.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:50:27am

re: #443 Big Beautiful Door

And this is how a great nation becomes irrelevant. We must now look to China and Europe for global leadership on climate change.

And/or we make it a campaign issue.

jaunte  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:50:56am
Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:50:57am
Interesting Times  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:51:02am

Of course, it helps when you have an entire political party/media complex to provide reinforcements…

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:52:09am

re: #458 lawhawk

Same with mining - robotics allow a mine to do more with fewer people.

Which is good, since it means robots die in collapses instead of people, but the miners seem to be eager to die rather than retrain.

Some of this is starting to shift over into the service industry too, so jobs previously considered safe may be under pressure too (think paralegals, lawyers, accountants, etc.)

We’re going to have to shift to a more socialist system, but the radicalized American right is so brainwashed that they’d prefer mass starvation to socialism.

Big Beautiful Door  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:52:28am

re: #461 Belafon

And/or we make it a campaign issue.

Yes, we can correct our course in four years. In the meantime, China and others will fill the leadership vacuum. The US may never recover its prime role in the global community that Trump is throwing away.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:52:36am

re: #442 danarchy

I don’t get the whole Paris agreement thing. It is pretty much nonbinding all voluntary targets. He could literally just remain a signatory and not do and damn thing and there are no enforcement capabilities in the agreement so it wouldn’t matter.

pesky petty details that do not fit the wingnut base narrative.

caseyjr  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:55:24am

re: #306 Eventual Carrion

Illuminati are making their attack?

ex-pope Benedict may have invoked the Prince of Darkness in his cold war against pope Frank.

Belafon  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:55:41am

re: #466 Big Beautiful Door

Yes, we can correct our course in four years. In the meantime, China and others will fill the leadership vacuum. The US may never recover its prime role in the global community that Trump is throwing away.

I would love for Democrats to make that an issue. “Remember when the world looked to our leadership. In one election, Republicans have thrown that away. Now the world laughs at us, and soon will ignore us. Rather than making us greater, and the world safer, Republicans have damaged our influence in the world. Why will other countries listen to our pleas to neutralize a threat?”

Kragar  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:55:41am

re: #465 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Which is good, since it means robots die in collapses instead of people,

When the machines take over and heard us into extermination camps, it will be because of comments like this.

covfefe  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:55:50am

re: #452 EPR-radar

No way does Trump have a cool super-power like shooting laser beams from his eyes.

Eyes. Ass. Not like anyone can tell the difference.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:57:52am

re: #470 Kragar

When the machines take over and heard us into extermination camps, it will be because of comments like this.

If they’re extermination camps, it means the machines are Daleks, and they’ve never needed a reason to exterminate us.

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:58:22am

re: #469 Belafon

I would love for Democrats to make that an issue. “Remember when the world looked to our leadership. In one election, Republicans have thrown that away. Now the world laughs at us, and soon will ignore us. Rather than making us greater, and the world safer, Republicans have damaged our influence in the world. Why will other countries listen to our pleas to neutralize a threat?”

And that’s why I don’t see Sanders as the Trump antidote. I just don’t see him as a leader for the entire world let alone the US.

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:58:27am

re: #470 Kragar

When the machines take over and heard us into extermination camps, it will be because of comments like this.

Does this unit have a soul?

Timothy Watson  Jun 1, 2017 • 11:59:08am

re: #473 HappyWarrior

And that’s why I don’t see Sanders as the Trump antidote. I just don’t see him as a leader for the entire world let alone the US.

Can anyone name a single issue that he’s championed that he’s actually managed to get something accomplished on?

HappyWarrior  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:03:17pm

re: #475 Timothy Watson

Can anyone name a single issue that he’s championed that he’s actually managed to get something accomplished on?

Other than himself? I’m hard pressed. AM has talked about how he’s good with Veterans amendments but I guess I expect more from someone who’s been in office since 1990.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:03:17pm

re: #452 EPR-radar

No way does Trump have a cool super-power like shooting laser beams from his eyes.

looks more like the orb is beaming lasers into his forehead.

ObserverArt  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:13:30pm

re: #459 HappyWarrior

Anyone who hates on Kaine is an idiot.

A whole lot of idiots out there then. And yes, they are from the left. I’ve seen way too many Bernie supporters hate on Kaine for being a Republican lite.

Jebediah, RBG  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:31:50pm

re: #302 Stanley Sea


sagehen  Jun 1, 2017 • 12:59:50pm

re: #449 EPR-radar

But that wouldn’t satisfy the drooling morons of the GOP. The big, public ‘fuck you and your little dog Toto too’ is essential. Tax cuts and pissing off liberals are the only things GOPers live for.

(psst… and freaking out about women wanting to have sex that doesn’t result in babies.)

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Jun 1, 2017 • 1:12:43pm

re: #480 sagehen

(psst… and freaking out about women wanting to have sex that doesn’t result in babies.)

Any man who freaks out over that, has major psychological issues.

Jebediah, RBG  Jun 1, 2017 • 2:52:39pm

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