
Veritasium: What the Prisoner's Dilemma Reveals About Life, the Universe, and Everything

goddamnedfrank12/24/2023 10:37:37 am PST

re: #224 Jay C

Jill Wine-Banks’ comment here makes little sense: the Colorado SC ruling keeping Trump off the ballot (and similar motions being argued in other states) are, AFAICT, based on Constitutional issues relating to interpretations of the 14th Amendment. If I am reading the article correctly, Chris Christie’s being barred from the Maine primary is strictly a (state) procedural issue, based on the number of valid signatures collected. Which argument sounds like utter bullshit to me, but never mind.

Like him or not, I just can’t imagine Big Chris not running a campaign organization that wouldn’t (at the very least) check out the ballot qualification rules for the various state primaries, and try to make sure they got the necessary signatures, or whatever in in good time.
He’s no Dean Phillips…

I have no problem believing he didn’t get enough valid signatures, he’s deeply unpopular within the GOP right now and is only running as an opportunity to shit on Trump (who absolutely deserves every ounce of that shit.) Signature gathering is a goat rodeo and you need a significant buffer to get over the hurdle, in California after submission you need to pass a random sample test suggesting that you’ve got 110% of the minimum number that are valid to qualify automatically, otherwise they all have to be checked, unless the random sample comes in below 95% in which case you’re SOL.

It’s easy to see how this can be gamed by deliberately flooding a signature campaign with invalid bullshit, and if you’re Chris Christie there are going to be a lot of angry MAGA shitheads eager to ratfuck you off the ballot.