
Veritasium: Why It Was Almost Impossible to Make the Blue LED

lawhawk2/08/2024 12:37:52 pm PST

re: #66 Mike Lamb

Don’t know if it was mentioned in the last thread, but the special counsel report on Biden’s handling of classified documents has been released. At least per the screaming leads, CNN says the report concludes Biden willfully kept and disclosed classified information. CNN also states the report made reference to Biden’s memory.

Since no one in the public has actually read the report, I’m going to bet that they took this out of context. I’m also going to point out that the Special Prosecutor didn’t find sufficient evidence to charge - which is the tell. They lacked evidence supporting a prosecution, and Biden did cooperate with the DOJ and investigators once the documents were discovered. They were inadvertently taken, not purposeful.

That’s the difference between what Biden did and what Trump did.