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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/22/2021 3:38:20 am PDT

Former Representative Lee Terry (R-NE2) is trying to excuse Rep. Jeff Fortenberry accepting foreign campaign contributions.

Former Rep. Lee Terry speaks about Fortenberrry indictment (Omaha World-Herald)

LINCOLN — Former Rep. Lee Terry spoke empathetically Thursday about former colleague Jeff Fortenberry and the federal indictment he faces, saying that when running for Congress, “there’s just a lot of people who send you money.”

“You gotta know your customer a little bit,” he told The World-Herald. “In my position, and probably in Jeff’s situation, you got to know these people … they tell you they’re citizens, and then all of a sudden they’re not.”

“We can do everything we think is right, and then one little thing can screw it all up,” he added.



That kind of sums up the conservative attitude about campaign donors.