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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/27/2023 3:35:52 pm PST

Washington Examiner via MSN:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he believes the essence of being a conservative today means recognizing that people’s “God-given rights” are on “loan” to the government.

“The foundation of it is understanding the American project,” DeSantis told Fox News host Mark Levin on Sunday. “Our rights come from God, not the government. The founders rejected the divine right of kings.”

“We have these God-given rights,” he continued. “We loan power to the government under a Constitution to protect those rights.”

While discussing his new book The Courage to be Free, DeSantis explained that his roots of growing up in “eclectic” Florida with a blue-collar family that held Rust Belt values kept him grounded while attending the liberal classrooms of Yale and Harvard.
