
It's True: The Universe Is Hostile to Computers

lawhawk9/01/2021 5:57:29 am PDT

re: #159 Hecuba’s daughter

These anti-Covid-Vaxxers watch shows and read experts who tell them of the thousands who have died from the vaccines but whose deaths aren’t reported in MSM. In many cases, they base their stories on VAERS, which holds unreviewed raw data reported by anyone, without any verification of its accuracy.

Every VAERS report has to get investigated and substantiated before anyone can see a payout from the fund. That’s how it works.

You can claim you got a headache as a side effect, but that wont result in a payout. If you’re claiming you were hospitalized with a 104 fever and bleeding, you’ll need to substantiate with medical records and examinations. That’s how this works.

Trying to spam VAERS with claims of deaths and side effects just clogs the process. People who died long after the vaccine was administered will get logged into the system too, to see if the deaths had anything to do with the vaccine - and so far that answer is also no.

In the billions of doses administered worldwide with these classes of vaccines, the overall safety rate is far higher than many other vaccines that were delivered in the past - not that it matters to the antivaxxers. They’ll always come up with some other insane conspiracy or claim to chase.