
John Oliver Digs Into Data Brokers and Surveillance Capitalism

No Malarkey!4/11/2022 4:10:48 pm PDT

re: #165 Eclectic Cyborg

DeSantis just keeps ranking higher and higher on the Incredible Piece of Shit-o-meter:

As a rule, American governors make a point to be friendly to their contemporaries in other states, especially their immediate neighbors. At National Governors Association meetings, the chief executives of the various states always seem glad to see their peers.

With this in mind, it came as a bit of a surprise to see Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis raise the specter of a “cold war” with a neighbor. The Hill reported:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday warned of a coming “Cold War” between Florida and Georgia if Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams wins the gubernatorial election in the latter state. During a press conference in Gulf County, located in northwest Florida, DeSantis referenced the ongoing Masters golf tournament in Georgia, using it as an apparent segue into discussing the state’s elections.

“If Stacey Abrams is elected governor of Georgia, I just want to be honest, that will be a cold war between Florida and Georgia at that point,” the Republican governor said. “I mean, I can’t have Castro to my south and Abrams to my north. That’d be a disaster.”

DeSantis, in an apparent message to Georgians, added, “So I hope you guys take care of that and we’ll end up in good shape.”

As part of an apparent attempt to clarify matters, a spokesperson for the Floridian later claimed DeSantis “was simply making an analogy to the stark ideological differences that underpinned the Cold War.”

DeSantis is a fascist who very much wants to be a dictator.