
John Oliver: Facial Recognition in the Hands of Private Companies and Law Enforcement Is Very Dangerous

No Malarkey!6/15/2020 1:43:17 pm PDT

re: #166 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I remember that. They were convinced that Gore would lose the PV but win the EC. If people want to know why I’m bullish on our chances. Well there’s the fact that the GOP has only won the popular vote once since 1988. No President has ever won two terms while winning the EC but losing PVs and until this century, it actually had been quite a rare event and hadn’t happened at all in the 20th century. 1824, 1876, and 1888 btw and in 1828 Jackson beat Adams again this time in a landslide, 1876 was fishy as hell, and 1888, Cleveland ended up beating Harrison in a rematch four years later. Trump never had a mandate from the American people. Hell I wouldn’t even say he had a honeymoon phase despite the better efforts of parts of the media who wanted to declare that X day he became President.

In the Economist election model just released they gave Biden a 97% chance of winning the popular vote, but only an 84% chance of winning the EC.