
Trevor Noah's Deep Dive Into New Technologies and Privacy

Joe Bacon ✅5/25/2021 2:51:52 pm PDT

re: #173 steve_davis

My only claim to fame is having once sold a chessbook on ebay to Anthony Saidy. I didn’t know it was Anthony Saidy until I saw the UPS label, and then did a little checking to make sure it wasn’t just a coincidence. “International Master Anthony Saidy” I wrote on the address line. “I did not know anyone would remember!” he wrote back in a comment. Never let it be said that common courtesy is common, or unappreciated. Apparently made one old man’s day.

Memories of seeing Imre Konig, Jack Peters, Larry Christiansen, Issac Kashdan & Anthony Saidy playing at the Santa Monica Chess Club! Remember when Larry was working at the Players Chess News. did some analyzing with him!