
The Bob Cesca Interview: Legal Expert Dr. Tracy Pearson

Dr Lizardo4/18/2024 2:48:54 am PDT

This year’s Fourth of July picnic for the Kennedys is gonna be…..awkward.

The Kennedy family is set to endorse President Biden in his reelection campaign on Thursday during an event in Philadelphia, a strong rebuke of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent White House bid.

The Biden campaign is expecting 15 members of the Kennedy clan to attend Thursday’s event alongside the president. Kerry Kennedy, the younger sister of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., will deliver remarks outlining her family’s support for Biden.

“President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncles stood for,” Kerry Kennedy will say, according to excerpts provided by the Biden campaign.

“I can only imagine how Donald Trump’s outrageous lies and behavior would have horrified my father, Robert F. Kennedy, who proudly served as Attorney General of the United States, and honored his pledge to uphold the law and protect the country,” Kerry Kennedy will say, directly invoking her father. “Daddy stood for equal justice, human rights, and freedom from want and fear. Just as President Biden does today.”

After the endorsement, Biden and the Kennedys in attendance will join local volunteers at a grassroots organizing event, where they will participate in voter outreach that includes phone calls and door knocking.