
It's True: The Universe Is Hostile to Computers

Targetpractice8/31/2021 9:02:26 pm PDT

re: #13 Hecuba’s daughter

TFG is probably grinding his teeth — he laid traps for Biden in Afghanistan and thought Biden couldn’t handle the situation at all — instead Biden managed (so far) to extract our troops and over 100,000 civilians. The 13 American lives and 170 Afghan lives lost were a tragic consequence of the brutality of Taliban’s opponents.

We’ll see if the Taliban continue to cooperate so that other citizens and allies will make it out. But Biden will be getting the accolades for ending the war, not Trump. Ann Coulter is certainly doing her best to transfer all glory to to 46. Let’s hope the the MSM eventually accords Biden the respect he deserves for this accomplishment.

Oh, Trump will continue to insist that he totally would have managed to thread the needle of getting everybody out without losing a single life and doing it by May with just 2,500 soldiers. He’ll just lean heavily upon it being a purely hypothetical, since there’s no way at all to prove he could have done it. It’s the drunk guy at the end of the bar insisting he could have been a major league ball player if he’d wanted, but he never got the chance and that’s why he crawled into a bottle and never came back out.