
John Oliver Digs Into Data Brokers and Surveillance Capitalism

Jay C4/11/2022 11:42:28 am PDT

re: #19 Dr Lizardo

I’ve said before, and I hold to it, that Russia is in a civilizational death spiral and there’s no way out for them. Time to put a final nail in their coffin.

I dunno: attractive as it might sound (and while, IMO, one can have bottomless sympathy for the Russian people, *Russia* as a state is an international danger) - I can’t see where the security of, well, anybody is going to be anything but endangered by having a failed state the size and scale of the Russian Federation on their borders. And how many countries does Russia border??

IMO, the “Russian Question” is (amazingly) still the same as it has been in world politics since - I don’t know; Catherine The Great’s time?
Too big and powerful to be ignored: too inefficient and corrupt to be an effective “superpower”.