
Video: Pecker Says He Killed Story to Benefit Trump's Campaign

The Ghost of a Flea4/26/2024 10:11:53 pm PDT

re: #140 Belafon

As someone suggest in the replies, maybe we should go looking in the gravel pit. If you can shoot a dog, who else might you shoot?

In her own story, she’s shooting Cricket out of frustration, not out of hard-eyed realism about her earning potential and the farm’s survival. And the goat seems to be for catharsis.

( 2024-04-26T22:05:14.920Z

This comment stands out to me.

I’m really baffled about the choice to write these acts as so petty, so driven by emotionality. Part of me thinks it’s an error, an overstep while trying to perform an inauthentic grit, and part of me thinks that presenting it as petty is itself an attempted selling point.

I mean, when reactionaries position themselves as “doing what must be done” it’s usually…not something that must be done, but something they want to do out of pique.

I dunno, it’s late enough that I’m overthinking shit even more than usual.