
Video: Pecker Says He Killed Story to Benefit Trump's Campaign

silverdolphin4/26/2024 10:44:08 pm PDT

The Information: A window onto Apple’s AI strategy

in a discussion of how Apple could split AI between on device and cloud-based models, this stood out:

Plus, Apple faces unique challenges of its own: The company’s emphasis on privacy means that its engineers are under pressure to make sure user data doesn’t accidentally leak to AI models in the cloud (another reason to keep AI models extremely small, so they can run completely on-device).

This would only really be a worry if the AI servers in the cloud belong to someone else other than Apple. But what if Apple owned its own AI servers? So here is a wild guess, based on some other comments I have read:

Apple is going to develop its own servers for the cloud using their own silicon. These will be faster and use less energy than others. Apple will first use these devices for its own cloud based services - instead of renting others.

But I would not be surprised to see them sell these AI servers to others. Apple could make a lot of money going this route. Thus endeth the prediction.