
Seth Meyers: Lindell's Unhinged MAGA Rally Speech; Trump's Conspiracy Theory About Campus Protests

Nojay UK5/03/2024 2:39:54 pm PDT

re: #113 No Malarkey!

Hard to see how Sunak survives this debacle with a general election coming up in January.

I really expected him to have given up and called an election already — the most typical time for a British General Election to be held is a Thursday in late May. There’s a bunch of reasons for this, including the idea that people feel better after winter, it’s often sunny and warm and there’s a couple of Bank Holidays in May to put an extra shine on things for the incumbents.

It’s too late for that now since there’s a required minimum of six weeks between prorogation of Parliament and the election proper but a June election is a real possibility. If PM Sunak takes a Government limo to Buck House for tea and biscuits with King Charles early next week I wouldn’t be surprised. Monday is one of those Bank Holidays though, tuesday maybe?