
Notorious White Supremacist Troll Chuck C. Johnson Says He's "Doing a Lot of the Vetting" for the Trump Team

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/24/2016 6:29:15 am PST

TBH regarding Assenge, I never saw Wikileaks or him as sympathetic and that was before the sexual charges and of course his actions this election. I actually consider myself more dovish than hawkish as a whole but having taken international relations courses, I have no problem at all with countries wanting to keep certain information confidential not just for national security concerns because the release of said information can and will get people killed- a reason why I’ve never been a Snowden admirer too. Plus, I think WL shows the two facedness of some people who profess to hate things like the Patriot Act and other intrusive government programs and legislation while being a okay with releasing someone’s private emails like John Podesta because they don’t like that he ran a campaign that beat theirs. In the end, I’m for open government but I believe anyone who thinks governments shouldn’t be able to have secrets is a naive idiot and that’s what a lot of WL fans are especially on the left. Those on the right who champion WL only do so because they screwed Clinton which is even worse IMO since it’s not out of naivete that they support what WL does but to screw their opposition. Oh and of course Assenge exopsing himself as a Putin apologist and overall creep doesn’t hurt.