
Seth Meyers: Judge Merchan Threatens to Jail Trump Over Gag Order, Finds Him in Contempt for 10th Time

Decatur Deb5/07/2024 5:36:43 am PDT

re: #79 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I presume they picked that location for reasons related to lessening complexity of the operation*. And perhaps there are legal and/or insurance reasons for choosing that locale as well.

I expect there will be some premium delivery charges involved since the equipment and specialized labor involved has got to be more complicated and expensive than a driver and standard delivery van. (Including some sort of hanger set-up since I presume the drones don’t sit out in the open on concrete awaiting being put to use.)

* - Research for this perhaps overlooking the region’s usual temp range.

There is going to be a flashback that limits low-altitude flightpaths over property and privacy rights.

Can Landowners Exclude Drones from Their Low Airspace?