
Veritasium: What the Prisoner's Dilemma Reveals About Life, the Universe, and Everything

Belafon12/23/2023 10:22:50 pm PST

re: #44 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

My feeling is the super-hero movie generation have been robbed of movies that matter.

Both Marvel and DC have made $$$ making movies in which stories and people can be rewritten with the snap of a thumb (Thanos’ thumb!)

And watching TV/movie reactions on Youtube recently has made clear to me that young people, almost all of them, have no basis by which to judge a creation other than “special effects”.

That’s all they seem to care about.

For all the money put into small screen and big screen productions these days, the great majority of them are just derivative and empty.

By that argument, we were all corrupted by Star Wars (I know there are critics that say we were).

Why do people forget that there have been sci-fi movies with special effect since the beginning (King Kong? War of the World’s? The Thing? Them? Raiders of the Lost Ark? Etc.) We’ve had sequels for quite a while now, and just like then, we have a whole bunch of non-special effects movies. The only thing Marvel introduced was multiple movies being related to each other.

As for what recent generations think of the movies, my kids, who are 18, 23, and 28, don’t really go out and watch movies unless my wife and I are going. It seems to me that the mix of movie goers at the current age pretty much mach what it was like when we were young adults: most people going to popcorn flicks for the entertainment, the occasional ecletic movie, and a few going to all of the artsy ones.