
Mary Trump Warns About Leniency Toward Donald Trump's Gag Order Violations: "Nobody Is Stopping Him"

Jay C5/05/2024 2:06:15 pm PDT

re: #9 Dangerman

I think the video is downstairs

Here’s the words

Wtf is wrong with these people?
And the people who support these people?

Said Noem: “As soon as it was brought to my attention, we went forward and have made some edits. So I’m glad that this book is being released in a couple days and that those edits will be in place.”

IOW, “I got caught out trying to publish a lie, so we’re going to yank it from the book

It’s actually moderately impressive, for a an official GOP BS tract: I would have thought they would have had Kristi’s screed already printed and ready to distribute to the pulping mill Wingnut Book Club Circuit. Normally, I would have expected Noem’s idiot claim abut meeting Kim to just get in the book: and have her just bullshit about it afterwards….