The Pat Buchanan-Alex Jones Convergence: Israel Destroyed the World Trade Center

Wingnuts • Views: 7,832

Published May 27th at the official website of Pat Buchanan: an incredibly freaking insane article by a 9/11 Truther who claims the Mossad blew up the World Trade Center towers with planted explosives, and used remote control devices to fly the planes into the WTC towers to cover it up.

And that’s just the introduction.

The article by Paul Joseph Watson (from Alex Jones’s quotes retired TV reporter Alan Hart, who also claims that Israel has stolen a nuclear bomb from the US and plans to explode it in an American city to cover up a plot to commit genocide against the Palestinians.

How the hell does Pat Buchanan get away with this stuff? Why do mainstream media networks continue hiring him as a political commentator? This isn’t just harmless, funny lunacy, it’s antisemitic hate speech: Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition « Patrick J. Buchanan. (Hat tip: Adam Holland.)

I won’t quote from this reeking pile of rubbish. But if you click through, check out some of the other things published at Pat Buchanan’s official website; this article is definitely not unique. It’s also common to find articles and discussions peddling Holocaust denial, for example.

And note once again, the increasing influence of conspiracy freakazoid Alex Jones in the right wing. This article is a little more out there than most of Alex Jones’s usual fare, but only a little.

Another person who appears frequently on the Alex Jones web/radio show: Rand Paul.

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1 Cato the Elder  Sat, May 29, 2010 11:50:42am

Who is the Lizard who used to come around here and defend "my boy Pat"?

I'd like to see is explanation for this.

2 pingjockey  Sat, May 29, 2010 11:52:39am

re: #1 Cato the Elder

Of course there's an explanation. Buchanan hates Israel. Why does MSNBC and PBS keep having this nut on as a pundit?

3 ryannon  Sat, May 29, 2010 11:57:32am

You mean Bush didn't do it?

4 bratwurst  Sat, May 29, 2010 11:59:04am

re: #2 pingjockey

Of course there's an explanation. Buchanan hates Israel. Why does MSNBC and PBS keep having this nut on as a pundit?

Wow, the old chestnut about Patty Buch being nothing more than the left's stooge conservative comes out before I could open betting as to how long it would take! If he were not regularly featured by such decidedly non-leftist outlets as WND and Sean Hannity, you might have a point.

5 Lidane  Sat, May 29, 2010 11:59:55am

I'd sit here and try to parse all that idiocy, but this is Alex Jones and Pat Buchanan we're talking about here. That kind of crazy can't be reasoned with or rationalized.

Instead, I'm going to point and laugh as the Des Moines Register takes Newt to task because he Godwined his own book:

Gingrich Plays Defense On His Nazi Comparison: ‘I’m Not Saying Obama Is The Bad Guy’

6 pingjockey  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:01:28pm

re: #4 bratwurst

Those were the only two I regularly see him on! If he's on more, that's too damn many too! So fuck off. I ain't in the mood for asshattery. Just got done with rehersal at the VFW for Monday. You do know what Monday is?!

7 Irenicum  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:07:27pm

I just glanced at the cesspool that is his site. It's amazing the confluence of crazy and and race hatred that populates the place. And it transcends the left right divide, but in a bad crazy sort of way. Wow.

8 bratwurst  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:07:52pm

re: #6 pingjockey

I ain't in the mood for asshattery.

Likewise. For this reason I am going to ignore your insult and non-sequitur. Have a nice weekend and a fine Memorial Day.

9 Virginia Plain  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:08:06pm

re: #5 Lidane

OMG is the only response to bad craziness like this.

10 Obdicut  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:08:21pm

re: #6 pingjockey

I mainly know Buchanan through articles in decidedly right-wing media. I don't watch TV.

Buchanan is not, by and large, repudiated by the 'right-wing', especially the newly resurgent Bircher/Paulian wing of the right wing. Buchanan is perhaps even better than Palin a symbol of the most significant problem in the right-wing right now.

Buchanan does not hate Israel first and foremost, in my opinion. He actually hates Jews, and hates Israel because of what it is. He's an actual, real, anti-semite-- and from everything else, it appears he's an actual white supremacist, using nicer language.

On Monday I will be placing a wreath on my grandfather's grave in the Presidio. Captain Donald Joseph, Pacific Campaign WWII, ACOE. I hope your Memorial day goes well.

11 freetoken  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:08:51pm

re: #5 Lidane

Gingrich is such a shallow opportunist that one can catch him in his own spin from minute to minute while he talks.

12 BryanS  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:09:58pm

Pat Buchanan is evil incarnate. First, he claims in this article that Jews were dancing at the collapse of the Towers implying the Mossad knew of the attacks ahead of time. Then I noticed the title of his next article posting "Germany 1940 - Gaza 2010" which compares oppression of Palestinians by the Jews to German Nazi behavior under Hitler.

Just disgusting.

13 freetoken  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:10:04pm

re: #10 Obdicut

Buchanan is one of the old faithful, who have been keeping the fires around the JBS campfire stoked, just for the return of the opportunity they are now given. He's been at this for 40 years.

14 pingjockey  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:11:49pm

re: #8 bratwurst
You insulted me first, don't read WND and watch Hannity, so I couldn't tell that he'd been on there. The only twom things I see him on are the 2 I mentioned. If he's on more that's too many like I said. Buchanan is a dangerous demogogue and I wanted to point that out. I can't comment on what I don't read or watch! Y'all have a fine Memorial Day too.

15 Irenicum  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:12:17pm

SNL needs to reprise its' old "It's Pat!" routine, but adjusted to have it be about PB, and dress him up as the Nazi he is. Then I might watch SNL again.

16 Obdicut  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:13:49pm

re: #13 freetoken

Yeah, that's the very frightening part. They've been there all along. Buckley may have kept them from the reins of power, mostly, but they've been there, in the GOP, throughout that whole time period. They've gotten on school boards, they've gotten on state legislatures, and they've not been without power-- and now it's growing, even as the GOP as a whole loses power.

I would rather have a much more powerful GOP than a very impotent GOP whose power is mainly concentrated in the hands of the like of the Pauls and Buchanan.

17 Jeff In Ohio  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:17:57pm

re: #11 freetoken

Gingrich is such a shallow opportunist that one can catch him in his own spin from minute to minute while he talks.

The fact that he is what passes for the intelligentsia for the GOP these days is a continual source of amusement for me. What an imbecile.

18 Virginia Plain  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:18:21pm

'Spillcam' Mesmerizing As Top Kill Drama Plays Out

One choice paragraph:

Scientists say the images may offer clues to whether BP is getting the upper hand in its struggle to contain the oil, said Tony Wood, director of the National Spill Control School at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi. If the stuff coming out of the pipe is jet black, it is mostly oil and BP is losing. If it is whitish, it is mostly gas and BP is also losing.

If it is muddy brown, as it was much of Friday, that may be a sign that BP is starting to win, he said. That "may in fact mean that there's mud coming up and mud coming down as well," which is better than oil coming out, Wood said.

19 BryanS  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:20:56pm

re: #4 bratwurst

Wow, the old chestnut about Patty Buch being nothing more than the left's stooge conservative comes out before I could open betting as to how long it would take! If he were not regularly featured by such decidedly non-leftist outlets as WND and Sean Hannity, you might have a point.

WND and Sean Hannity are wingnuts, and if they have Pat Buchanan on, they are wrong too. Yet, he's still on other mainstream news outlets. They should know better and shouldn't cater to him. Can we agree on that much? Is it ok that MSNBC and respectable PBS have this asshole on just because extremists cater to him to?

20 PhillyPretzel  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:24:30pm

Oy vey, not this stuff again. Geez I am getting sick of this blame Israel and the Jews for everything. I know there are going to be many more "tidbits" like this in the coming months. It is very frustrating to see all of this junk come into the public view. And yes, I too, miss William F Buckley Jr. He kept most of the JBS at bay.

21 brookly red  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:25:43pm

re: #3 ryannon

You mean Bush didn't do it?

There is an old communist (a real one) that some times hands out pamphlets at the subway station, these pamphlets claim the Bush works for the Mossad... blaming the Jews fits many agendas.

22 sngnsgt  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:30:06pm

Pat Buchanan is funny-farm material.

23 MandyManners  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:36:34pm

re: #22 sngnsgt

Pat Buchanan is funny-farm material.

More like an ant farm.

24 Taqyia2Me  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:38:23pm

*continuing to remind myself not to advocate violence*

25  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:43:27pm

Slow thread, so:

A quick OT, a follow-up to a story reported earlier:

The president of Malawi has pardoned two gay men who were sentenced to 14 years in prison this month for gross indecency and unnatural acts, the country's solicitor general, Anthony Kamanga, said Saturday.

26 wrenchwench  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:48:37pm
Why do mainstream media networks continue hiring him as a political commentator?

Keep calling them out.

27 Irenicum  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:51:12pm

re: #25

I saw that a little bit ago too. Very grateful for even a glimmer of decency from the President of Malawi.

28 webevintage  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:53:53pm

29 ryannon  Sat, May 29, 2010 12:58:03pm

re: #18 Virginia Plain

'Spillcam' Mesmerizing As Top Kill Drama Plays Out

One choice paragraph:

One choice live image:



30 MandyManners  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:00:16pm

re: #29 ryannon

One choice live image:



I miss the Gaza rooster.

31 Irenicum  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:03:11pm

The crazy left and the crazy right are so much closer than most folks realize, and we see it at work in the moronic convergence of antiwar, lewrockwell, amcon, vdare, prisonplanet, etc, etc. What binds these nuts and rabid race baiters and anti-Semites is a deeply Manichean us vs them way of seeing the world combined with a just as deep conspiratorial mindset. I think it peaks in times like this because during times of financial instability, people will grasp at "easy" answers that explain everything. It's sad to me at how easy it is to sway so many into a frenzy of hatred and stigmatization and dehumanization. It's sad, but not surprising though. There seems to be something in our DNA that makes us prone to this behavior over and over again. It's like an addiction, you/we/I have to actively resist the temptation to hate/blame/project when the circumstances become unstable. I forget who said it, but the line between good and evil is found within every human heart.

32 Cato the Elder  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:03:14pm

Slow thread, so I'm going OT.

If anyone wants to watch a good late movie with the great Dennis Hopper, try "Elegy" (2007). It stars Penelope Cruz and Ben Kinsley, and it's both sexy and sad.

Available on Netflix Instant.

33 Reginald Perrin  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:08:30pm

Glen Beck is still suffering from Nazi Turret's Syndrome.

Beck attacks Jewish Funds for Justice's Simon Greer; says putting "the common good" first "leads to death camps"

BECK: " To put God first is to put humankind first. To put humankind first is to put the common good first. This leads to death camps. A Jew, of all people, should know that. This is exactly the kind of talk that led to the death camps in Germany. Put humankind and the common good first.
Help me out, how did that lead to death camps? How does that lead to death camps? Because that's what they'll say: "Oh, Glenn Beck is talking about death camps." Help me out. Let's think of this logically, and we can back it up with documentation. How does that lead to death camps?"


BECK: "If they also reproduce, are we gonna let imbeciles continue reproduce? It's all the same argument. Once you get into the common good, it's over. And this is the perversion that every minister, pastor, priest, bishop -- every single person in America, every rabbi should be at the pulpit saying the same thing -- get away from anyone who talks about the common good. Because the common good -- if you put that first, and you reject individual -- you are headed for the death camps".

34 lostlakehiker  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:11:39pm

Good old Pat. Ever ready to "not take lightly" the speculations of a conspiracy-theory journalist. Ockham's Razor is sharp, but in the hands of a blunt mind, it can't cut it.

We are to believe that all these Al Qaeda operatives, heroes to UBL and sworn terrorists by their own posthumous video accounts, boarded the planes and killed people and stormed the cockpit, (by the accounts of cell phones and stewardesses), only to find that the actual controls were in the hands of a Mossad machine?

We are then to believe that Israel is planning a false-flag nuclear attack on the United States. Just watch. The target will be NYC, and Buchanan will be there explaining that a plane load of Jews took off for Israel the day before on an EL AL PLANE OMG!!! and that proves it.

Such talk is a deliberate attempt to set the stage for a mulligan at Shoah. Such talk is the most extreme instance of violation of the prohibition of bearing false witness against your neighbor. And such talk is a cagey version of incitement to riot, arson, and murder. The incitement is done drip by drip, preparing the ground, and the trigger event comes later, and it won't have any of Buchanan's fingerprints on it.

I won't incite harm to Buchanan, but maybe when he gets on TV, the host could be, like, rude to him and ask him about this convergence of his thinking with that of Goebbels? Ask him about this divergence of his thinking with reality?

The good news is that the voters have been rude to him every time he ran for office. After winning a handful of delegates in the early going, his campaign flamed out in 1996 and again in 2000. He lost to for crying out loud Bob Dole. When you can't handle that sort of competition, you don't belong in the deep pool of politics.

35 Gus  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:14:58pm

re: #29 ryannon

One choice live image:



Haven't seen that for over a day. First time in fact since they tried top kill.

Looks worse.

36 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:20:44pm

re: #10 Obdicut

I mainly know Buchanan through articles in decidedly right-wing media. I don't watch TV.

Buchanan is not, by and large, repudiated by the 'right-wing', especially the newly resurgent Bircher/Paulian wing of the right wing. Buchanan is perhaps even better than Palin a symbol of the most significant problem in the right-wing right now.

Buchanan does not hate Israel first and foremost, in my opinion. He actually hates Jews, and hates Israel because of what it is. He's an actual, real, anti-semite-- and from everything else, it appears he's an actual white supremacist, using nicer language.

On Monday I will be placing a wreath on my grandfather's grave in the Presidio. Captain Donald Joseph, Pacific Campaign WWII, ACOE. I hope your Memorial day goes well.

I am grateful for his service, as I am for my own grandfather's service. And like you, I'll do my part to keep Pat Buchanan, an heir to Hitler and Tojo, exposed as the murderous, hateful shit that he is.

37  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:24:48pm

re: #35 Gus 802

Haven't seen that for over a day. First time in fact since they tried top kill.

Looks worse.


38 Ayeless in Ghazi  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:25:01pm

re: #31 Irenicum

There seems to be something in our DNA that makes us prone to this behavior over and over again.

There is no doubt about that. 'The Lucifer Principle' by Howard Bloom, although flawed in places, has lots of interesting material on this subject. From a review:

In the section “How Hatred Builds the Walls of Society’s Bungalow,” we learn that hatred, frustration, anger, hostility, and jealousy are the building blocks of nature. He gives us a blueprint whereby men take their roles in groups and bond in order to clash with other groups and become more powerful. These groups develop into super social organisms whose only goal--like the amoeba—is to absorb its neighbors resources, multiply, and consume, at whatever cost to its members. The more aggressive, the more inhumane, the greater the chance of success, the author writes. We are, the book explains, preprogrammed by natural selection to be savage—the rip-their-tongues-out, lop-their-heads-off, slay-their-babies, kind of brutal.

Nothing is sacred. Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, agnostics, atheists, philanthropists—all of our ideas and ideals are defiled. Religion is the voice of a super hungry organism that absorbs by force or faith its neighbors, we read in the section “Righteous Indignation=Greed for Real Estate.” Ideology is often what allows a super organism, be it a religion, country, or political party, to gobble up the resources of its neighbors (competitors).

39 wrenchwench  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:26:15pm

re: #31 Irenicum

The crazy left and the crazy right are so much closer than most folks realize, and we see it at work in the moronic convergence of antiwar, lewrockwell, amcon, vdare, prisonplanet, etc, etc. What binds these nuts and rabid race baiters and anti-Semites is a deeply Manichean us vs them way of seeing the world combined with a just as deep conspiratorial mindset. I think it peaks in times like this because during times of financial instability, people will grasp at "easy" answers that explain everything. It's sad to me at how easy it is to sway so many into a frenzy of hatred and stigmatization and dehumanization. It's sad, but not surprising though. There seems to be something in our DNA that makes us prone to this behavior over and over again. It's like an addiction, you/we/I have to actively resist the temptation to hate/blame/project when the circumstances become unstable. I forget who said it, but the line between good and evil is found within every human heart.

The other thing they have in common is an anti-war and anti-interventionist attitude. I don't want to be "pro-war" nor "pro-interventionist", but I'm definitely both those things compared to the people you describe.

40 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:29:27pm

re: #38 Jimmah

Someone willing to cast aspersions on religion in general like that is someone I am deeply suspicious of.

41 ryannon  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:30:06pm

re: #32 Cato the Elder

Slow thread, so I'm going OT.

If anyone wants to watch a good late movie with the great Dennis Hopper, try "Elegy" (2007). It stars Penelope Cruz and Ben Kinsley, and it's both sexy and sad.

Available on Netflix Instant.

In "Basquiat" by Julian Schnabel, Hopper also plays an excellent minor role, alongside David Bowie's remarkable interpretation of Andy Warhol.

42 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:30:13pm

Remember that the right wing went completely bonkers over Van Jones signing one petition years ago -- that wasn't even presented to him as a Truther petition -- and he actually got drummed out of his job as a result.

Pat Buchanan publishes OUTRIGHT 9/11 Truther articles on his official website -- not years ago, today -- and not a single peep of outrage from the right.

43 windsagio  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:34:22pm

re: #42 Charles

that seems to be the thing now. They're so trapped into playing politics (and super shortterm politics) that they're utterly lost to any kind of compass at all.

Its just like the FRC scrubbing the rentboy guy and thinking everyone will just forget about it.

I used to always say they were selling out the longterm for the shortterm, but at this point its like they can't even remember what those words mean.

44 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:34:49pm

re: #42 Charles

Remember that the right wing went completely bonkers over Van Jones signing one petition years ago -- that wasn't even presented to him as a Truther petition -- and he actually got drummed out of his job as a result.

Pat Buchanan actually publishes OUTRIGHT 9/11 Truther articles on his official website -- not years ago, today -- and not a single peep of outrage from the right.

I'll wait till Tuesday before passing final judgment. It's Memorial Day Weekend, so many people aren't paying attention to politics. But come Tuesday, people like Sean Hannity need to denounce Buchanan and make it clear he will not be welcome in their company ever again.

45 lawhawk  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:37:54pm

Remember when troofers were bad news?

They still are.

I have *no* tolerance for 'em - no matter where on the political spectrum they fall.

And they fall damned low - below pond scum. And with Buchanan and Jones pushing this crap, they both deserve to be fully tossed on the ash-heap.

Right wing/left wing? Doesn't matter to me - you push nonsensical conspiracy theories about 9/11 and you dishonor the memories of all those who were murdered that day.

Do people get this? Does Jones? Paul? Buchanan?

I don't think they even care.

46 Ayeless in Ghazi  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:38:24pm

re: #40 Dark_Falcon

Someone willing to cast aspersions on religion in general like that is someone I am deeply suspicious of.

He's got a point though, don't you think? It's hard to ignore the trail of bodies that accompanied the rise of many prominent religions, especially the abrahamic ones. You should give the book a read if you get a chance - there is a LOT in there you will like (there is stuff in there I don't like too, but overall it's a great read).

47 lawhawk  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:39:22pm

re: #44 Dark_Falcon

Don't hold your breath.

48 windsagio  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:42:04pm

re: #46 Jimmah

I've read alot of stuff about how the opposity is (also?) true, and that there's evolutionary pressure to be community-minded. The book sounds interesting, but the guy sounds like a negative nelly >>

49 blueraven  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:43:44pm

re: #45 lawhawk

Remember when troofers were bad news?

They still are.

I have *no* tolerance for 'em - no matter where on the political spectrum they fall.

And they fall damned low - below pond scum. And with Buchanan and Jones pushing this crap, they both deserve to be fully tossed on the ash-heap.

Right wing/left wing? Doesn't matter to me - you push nonsensical conspiracy theories about 9/11 and you dishonor the memories of all those who were murdered that day.

Do people get this? Does Jones? Paul? Buchanan?

I don't think they even care.

I agree with your post almost entirely, doesn't matter right or left.
However, as far as Van Jones, to my knowledge, he has never pushed any troofer nonsense.

50 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:48:42pm

re: #46 Jimmah

He's got a point though, don't you think? It's hard to ignore the trail of bodies that accompanied the rise of many prominent religions, especially the abrahamic ones. You should give the book a read if you get a chance - there is a LOT in there you will like (there is stuff in there I don't like too, but overall it's a great read).

I dunno, Jimmah. It's contrary to my basic understanding of what humans are. I'm not really willing to spend a large amount of time being challenged like that, it's too painful.

51 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:49:29pm

re: #47 lawhawk

Don't hold your breath.

I'm not, but I'm going to give a few days in the name of fairness.

52 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, May 29, 2010 1:50:45pm

When are they going to start quoting from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Everybody knows that's irrefultable truth, henry Ford had it published at his own expense.

And the Blood Libel, let's get some Blood Libel in there: killing Gentile children and draining their blood to bake mahtzos.

It all irrefutable trutn.


53 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:00:23pm

re: #33 Reginald Perrin

Glen Beck is still suffering from Nazi Turret's Syndrome.

Beck attacks Jewish Funds for Justice's Simon Greer; says putting "the common good" first "leads to death camps"

I think it's time for Jon Stewart to summon his "Go Fuck Yourself" choir for another jam session. Beck has clearly earned it with that nerve agent-toxic screed.

54 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:03:20pm

re: #53 Dark_Falcon

I think it's time for Jon Stewart to summon his "Go Fuck Yourself" choir for another jam session. Beck has clearly earned it with that nerve agent-toxic screed.

Maintaining "The Common Good" refers to the State's obligation to assure that no individual or small interest group can infringe on the rights of others. That does not lead to Death camps, it leads to Democracy.

55 jerk  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:06:50pm

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I checked the FAQ section of that website and read that it was not technically 'his'. I know, I know, it is under his name obviously, but it seems more of a fan project gone wild then words coming out of his mouth.


Not saying he's innocent of being a scumbag, though, just needing some clarification.

56 lawhawk  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:09:59pm

re: #49 blueraven

Btw, the Jones I refer to is Alex, not Van.

57 Pythagoras  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:11:43pm

re: #42 Charles

This one is particularly amazing to me because they use the word "ground" in their description of the "controlled demolition." Anyone who watched the towers fall knows that each collapse started right at the level the plane hit.

So, this loonacy kinda stands out above all the others in the "trivialness of its disproof." You don't have to be an engineer to wonder how anyone could fall for this for a single second.

This kinda reminds me of how internet hoaxes always seem to contain an element that makes its falseness obvious (I suspect that's key to the "humor"). But those usually take some thought or understanding. This one only takes eyes.


58 Ayeless in Ghazi  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:14:37pm

re: #48 windsagio

I've read alot of stuff about how the opposity is (also?) true, and that there's evolutionary pressure to be community-minded. The book sounds interesting, but the guy sounds like a negative nelly >>

He actually talks about that in the book, and actually does make some positive suggestions about how people and society can work to overcome our inherent evils.

Always difficult to adequately summarise a book in a few words or quotes etc. /still this beats the first time I mentioned this book on LGF a few years ago when it was dismissed as the work of a 'typical leftist commie bastard' ;-)

Lunchtime - gotta go. (Ice-ski says Hi to DF and Windy). Later folks.

59 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:16:41pm

re: #54 ralphieboy

Maintaining "The Common Good" refers to the State's obligation to assure that no individual or small interest group can infringe on the rights of others. That does not lead to Death camps, it leads to Democracy.

While I have some concerns about "the common good", your view is basically the truth and clearly the view closer to the view of the Founders.There are some things that cannot be done privately, and when government does that it is serving the common good. Beck's screen is clearly foolish and dangerous, and you sum up why very well.

60 wrenchwench  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:19:38pm

re: #55 jerk

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I checked the FAQ section of that website and read that it was not technically 'his'. I know, I know, it is under his name obviously, but it seems more of a fan project gone wild then words coming out of his mouth.


Not saying he's innocent of being a scumbag, though, just needing some clarification.

At the bottom of the page you linked, I found this:

Copyright © 2010 Patrick J. Buchanan - All Rights Reserved

I don't know why you'd want to work harder than Mr. Buchanan himself does at distancing himself from what appears on that site.

61 Jerk  Sat, May 29, 2010 2:31:22pm

re: #60 wrenchwench

I didn't see that initially. OK.

62 oklahoma  Sat, May 29, 2010 3:05:02pm

Wow, Buchannan is sounding very Palestinian.

63 M. Dubious  Sat, May 29, 2010 3:12:36pm

From the article in question:

"Speaking on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Hart said he thought the 9/11 attack probably started as a Muslim operation headed up by Osama Bin Laden but that the plot was subsequently hijacked and carried out by Mossad agents in collusion with elements of the CIA, adding that since its formation, Israel has penetrated every Arab government and terrorist organization."

Hizballah - Jews! Hamas - Jews! Al Qaida - Jews! It`s the Jews, I tell you!

64 SpaceJesus  Sat, May 29, 2010 3:21:45pm

conservatives are out of their god damn minds

65 amused  Sat, May 29, 2010 3:40:44pm

I'm an architect, and I got involved in a discussion with a truther on another forum. Big mistake, but it gave me reason to do a little research on the WTC structures. They are unusual because their are no columns between the core and the exterior, a distance of up to 60 feet. The NIST report goes into great detail about how the structure eventually failed.

Basically, three of the floor levels sagged because of the heat, pulled the damaged exterior columns inward until the floor trusses broke loose from their connections, and then started a cascade failure when the upper sections of the building fell in on the floor just below the sagging floors.

This picture shows a typical floor truss connection to the exterior columns:

Image: construction.jpg

Note that the floor trusses are sitting on a small angle iron welded to the face of the wide plate across the faces of the columns. When the buildings started to fall, that connection sheared off easily and down the whole thing goes. This is so crystal clear, and yet, the truthers just can't accept it.

66 amused  Sat, May 29, 2010 3:43:36pm

'there are no columns...'

Gah, hate typos!

67 M. Dubious  Sat, May 29, 2010 3:45:53pm

re: #66 amused

Cheaper than messing up a drawing, heh.

(From a colleague...)

68 tradewind  Sat, May 29, 2010 3:56:48pm

While there's no doubt in my mind that PJB has an antisemitic streak a mile long and as wide, this is interesting..... evidently, it's not exactly his website anymore.... from link above in FAQ:

UPDATE: Special Note to the Media and First Time Visitors
While Pat Buchanan remains the inspiration for this website, and we remain proud members of the Brigades, with our new features and format we intend to expand our coverage and conversation into more issues and areas, beyond those covered in Pat’s writings and speeches.

Hence, this website will no longer serve as the official website of Pat Buchanan.

I didn't stick around long enough to see who is actually running the joint , but someone should tell Buchanan to either remove his name from the website or ' splain himself.
Not too bright of him.

69 wrenchwench  Sat, May 29, 2010 4:17:40pm

re: #68 tradewind

See comment numbers 55 and 60.

He may be looking for deniability, which some seem ready to grant him.

70 captdiggs  Sat, May 29, 2010 4:56:43pm

Pat Buchanan = POS

Always has been, always will be.

71 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sat, May 29, 2010 5:28:20pm

Not really all that much stranger than what a lot of "American Evangelicals" are preaching every day lately. Pat still gets a pass because he is still strongly identified with Evangelical Christianity. Only another Christian of equal stature could call him out without being instantly dismissed as a "Radical socialist, atheist, communist, facist, muslim."

It is disappointing how not a week goes by when I don't see him on FOX, MSNBC, CNN, or one of the broadcast Networks at least twice. He still seems to be one of their main "go-to-pundits" when they want someone to defend the Right. Especially the Religious Right.

Until the media start accepting at least some responsibility for the messages they convey and attempt to tone things down a bit, (at least back within the realms of reality), we are going to see even more of this. :(

72 mich-again  Sat, May 29, 2010 8:35:39pm

Un freaking believable. What can a sane person say in response to this steaming pile of crapola? To even enter in a debate is senseless. Buchanan is evil, ignorant, and obviously out of touch with reality. Of course none of that matters to his target audience of stupid people who lap up the red meat like a camel drinks water at the oasis. Any network that gives him a stage is complicit in the idiocy. He has become the Father Coughlin of our time. Except even Father Coughlin shut his yap eventually. I look for Pukecannon to keep going further and further off the rails until he eventually quits sucking air.

73 mich-again  Sat, May 29, 2010 8:39:59pm

re: #65 amused

This is so crystal clear, and yet, the truthers just can't accept it.

Cognitive dissonance. They don't want facts. They prefer any sort of line of bullshit, rational or not, that supports their preconceived conclusions that the JoOoOOooOoos musta did it.

74 ClaudeMonet  Sat, May 29, 2010 9:33:08pm

re: #10 Obdicut

On Monday I will be placing a wreath on my grandfather's grave in the Presidio. Captain Donald Joseph, Pacific Campaign WWII, ACOE. I hope your Memorial day goes well.

Tell your grandfather that his sacrifice isn't forgotten, even by those who didn't know him.

When I was growing up (Sixties/Seventies), we knew enough WWII veterans, family or not, and saw how they lived and how they honored those who didn't come back, that the ideals they fought for were axiomatic to us. Succeeding generations either haven't been taught as well, or have forgotten.

75 ClaudeMonet  Sat, May 29, 2010 9:34:45pm

re: #31 Irenicum

The crazy left and the crazy right are so much closer than most folks realize, and we see it at work in the moronic convergence of antiwar, lewrockwell, amcon, vdare, prisonplanet, etc, etc. What binds these nuts and rabid race baiters and anti-Semites is a deeply Manichean us vs them way of seeing the world combined with a just as deep conspiratorial mindset. I think it peaks in times like this because during times of financial instability, people will grasp at "easy" answers that explain everything. It's sad to me at how easy it is to sway so many into a frenzy of hatred and stigmatization and dehumanization. It's sad, but not surprising though. There seems to be something in our DNA that makes us prone to this behavior over and over again. It's like an addiction, you/we/I have to actively resist the temptation to hate/blame/project when the circumstances become unstable. I forget who said it, but the line between good and evil is found within every human heart.

The political spectrum isn't a line, it's a circle, and anymore, it takes a lot of balancing to not slip off and land in the muck below.

76 vermicelli  Sun, May 30, 2010 9:04:29am

Pit Puke-Canon and his ilk really, really need a taste of their own medicine. that is really the only way to shut up venomous baiters like him except in these peoples cases the truth is probably stranger than fiction.

77 globalrage  Mon, May 31, 2010 10:36:22am

I'm certainly not much of a fan of Pat Buchanan, but I'd like to point out that:


Who owns this website?

Since 1995, is owned and operated by Linda Muller [Who, as far as I can tell, was fired from the Buchanan campaign. However, I did only do a cursory google search.] While Pat Buchanan is our inspiration, he is not editor, publisher, or manager, and does not decide any of the content.

Does Pat Buchanan agree with the comments or articles on this website?

He agrees with some, but probably not all.

78 Charles Johnson  Mon, May 31, 2010 11:13:01am

re: #77 globalrage

I'm certainly not much of a fan of Pat Buchanan, but I'd like to point out that:

I'd like to point out that the page you're citing includes a copyright notice at the bottom:

Copyright © 2010 Patrick J. Buchanan - All Rights Reserved

Maybe Buchanan should work a little harder to distance himself from this website if he really doesn't support it.

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