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1 _RememberTonyC  Aug 28, 2014 6:43:24pm

ISIS IS a plague … So is hamas, hezbollah, al Qaeda, and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

2 lostlakehiker  Aug 28, 2014 9:18:57pm

Plague has already been weaponized, by Japan against China in WW2. See the paragraphs about Japan.Happily, ISIS hasn’t the same sort of delivery opportunities that Japan had over China then. And the US has vastly superior public health resources. There are things that ISIS could do to us that would hurt us worse for less investment in the attempt. Not that I’ll go into what those might be.

3 electrotek  Aug 28, 2014 9:31:31pm

re: #1 _RememberTonyC

re: #1 _RememberTonyC

Wasn’t aware that Hezbollah and Iran were remotely comparable to the “Islamic State”. /rolleyes

4 _RememberTonyC  Aug 29, 2014 5:21:20am

re: #3 electrotek

Why am I not surprised?

5 Jayleia  Aug 29, 2014 8:16:26am

re: #4 _RememberTonyC

Except only one of them has an intent to establish a world-wide caliphate and is trying to do so (but without the capability to do so). All the others are groups that have more reasonable aspirations and beliefs…as such they can be dealt with in more ways than just violence (although violence may be needed occasionally, its not always the only way to deal with them).

6 _RememberTonyC  Aug 29, 2014 11:50:55am

They are all spiritual bedfellows … And their aspirations are anything but reasonable.

7 _RememberTonyC  Aug 29, 2014 12:52:03pm

read and learn …..

8 CuriousLurker  Aug 29, 2014 3:20:27pm


9 _RememberTonyC  Aug 29, 2014 6:59:58pm

You’re acting more like a curious stalker than a curious lurker … Get over it.

10 electrotek  Aug 29, 2014 8:09:28pm

re: #6 _RememberTonyC

You’re a moron, when did Hezbollah want a Caliphate? You do realize that Shi’a Muslims don’t believe in one, right? Or better yet, when was the last time Hezbollah ever decapitated someone for being Sunni or kicked Armenians out of the Bourj al-Hammoud quarter in Beirut??

Hezbollah is deserving of criticism for a lot of things, but this isn’t one of them. They got less blood on their hands that the Maronite Catholic Phalangists and the Lebanese Forces do, that’s for damn sure.

They’re the only ones that have the balls to confront the takfiri scum, so for as long as they are killing Salafi pricks I’m fine with that.

11 CuriousLurker  Aug 29, 2014 9:00:41pm

12 palomino  Aug 29, 2014 9:10:05pm

re: #4 _RememberTonyC

Why am I not surprised?

Because you’re a douchebag.

13 electrotek  Aug 29, 2014 9:59:55pm

re: #9 _RememberTonyC

Christ you must be THAT paranoid, huh?

14 _RememberTonyC  Aug 30, 2014 3:09:14am

Sadly, you guys need to read and learn more. You display a lack of understanding of the big picture and how groups like Hezbollah and hamas, supported by Iran are all part of the same ideological group. What a shame that your inability to see the connection between these group prevents you from understanding what is really going on. I won’t bother trying to help you understand this because there is no reaching those who are willfully ignorant. Maybe someday you’ll have a bit more intellectual curiosity. I won’t hold my breath.

15 _RememberTonyC  Aug 30, 2014 3:15:26am

The “other groups” referred to in the article are Islamist groups …. Like Hezbollah ….

16 Jayleia  Aug 30, 2014 3:22:21am

re: #14 _RememberTonyC

Ah, look at the connections, the BIG picture and how these groups (that are all killing each other) are all ACTUALLY working together.

You sound like these guys…except more genocidey

17 _RememberTonyC  Aug 30, 2014 4:48:34am

re: #16 Jayleia

Apparently reading comprehension is not your strength. I didn’t say they were “ACTUALLY working together,” I said they were ideological bedfellows. But for lightweights like you, distortion is your response to information you disagree with. Ignorance+arrogance=you.

18 Varek Raith  Aug 30, 2014 5:10:03am

re: #9 _RememberTonyC

You hate Muslims.
We get it.

19 _RememberTonyC  Aug 30, 2014 5:16:23am

re: #18 Varek Raith

Fuck you … Where do you come up with this bullshit?

20 Jayleia  Aug 30, 2014 7:28:03am

Ideological bedfellows do not normally try to kill each other over main points of their platform, you clown.

re: #19 _RememberTonyC

I dunno, maybe reading the crap you write might give someone that idea. Oh, you don’t SAY “I hate muslims”, but the way you lump all these groups together as though they’re all after one goal, despite us repeatedly pointing out that they’re not the same, they’re all after different goals, and are often killing each other because of those differing goals.

And then you have the balls to present yourself as the intellectual in this discussion.

re: #7 _RememberTonyC

The problem isn’t that ISIS (or Hamas/Hezbollah etc) is trying to become a caliphate or whatever, they aren’t an existential threat to us, they have no reasonable chance of succeeding at that goal. If they were, then yeah, I’d be more inclined to drastic measures to defeat them.

They’re not, and show no sign of becoming that threat.

Deal with them for what they are, and not what you imagine them to be. ISIS is violent and crazy, but imagining them as (Cobra+The Decepticons)^S.P.E.C.T.R.E is not a good way for formulating a policy to deal with them.

21 wrenchwench  Aug 30, 2014 8:49:27am

re: #17 _RememberTonyC


You’ve become quite the projectionist.

22 CuriousLurker  Aug 30, 2014 11:29:22am

re: #21 wrenchwench

You’ve become quite the projectionist.

Well, seeing as he considers the NY Post to be “the tabloid with the smart political take”, the Drudge Report to be “a smorgasbord of tasty links”, and thinks Victor Davis Hanson “may be the smartest man in America”, that should tell you quite a bit about his mindset.

He has apparently worked in TV for decades and as recently as 2009 wasn’t embarrassed to drop OJ Simpson’s name as a person he spent a “memorable afternoon” drinking with. IMO, that puts his thin-skinned vanity & disproportionately nasty responses to criticism into context.

Pro tip for snarky jackasses: It’s really not a good idea to accuse people of stalking you when they haven’t been—it might induce them to actually go looking for public footprints you’ve left behind.


23 wrenchwench  Aug 30, 2014 11:39:07am

re: #22 CuriousLurker

Oh, dear.

At a blog famous for a dramatic change in view, there is no shame in having said dumb things. The shame is only in not recognizing and correcting those dumb things.

Somebody has some work to do.

24 CuriousLurker  Aug 30, 2014 11:42:00am

re: #23 wrenchwench

Oh, dear.

At a blog famous for a dramatic change in view, there is no shame in having said dumb things. The shame is only in not recognizing and correcting those dumb things.

Somebody has some work to do.

True, but I’m guessing that’s not gonna happen any time soon. //

25 Jayleia  Aug 30, 2014 12:50:24pm

re: #21 wrenchwench

I’ve browsed his profile and recent history…12k+ positive karma, and most of his recent comments are pulling in negative 5-8 (always in re: TEH MOOSLIMS!)…did he pass the KT boundary somewhere in the past and is burning his karma now?

Or is he a left-over from the time when LGF was a different place?

26 wrenchwench  Aug 30, 2014 1:04:04pm

re: #25 Jayleia

I’ve browsed his profile and recent history…12k+ positive karma, and most of his recent comments are pulling in negative 5-8 (always in re: TEH MOOSLIMS!)…did he pass the KT boundary somewhere in the past and is burning his karma now?

Or is he a left-over from the time when LGF was a different place?

Left over. Those who shared his opinions in the past either left or changed their opinions. I do not know why Tony persists. Does he think he’ll persuade somebody? Does he think folks who have studied what he’s talking about for longer and with more depth than he has will click on one of his links and have an epiphany?

I don’t know.

27 palomino  Aug 30, 2014 2:29:37pm

re: #19 _RememberTonyC

Fuck you … Where do you come up with this bullshit?

From all the stupid simplistic black-and-white bullshit you post. You’re a mental midget only capable of thinking in Manichean and absolutist terms. You lecturing others about intellectual curiosity is akin to a mental defective trying to perform brain surgery.

28 Varek Raith  Aug 30, 2014 3:15:24pm

re: #19 _RememberTonyC

Your very own posts.
It’s quite obvious really.

29 _RememberTonyC  Aug 31, 2014 5:11:40am

Here’s how stupid you people are:

ISIS does not represent all Muslims (agreed)
Hamas does not represent normal Muslims (agreed)
The mullahs running Iran are not supported by most Muslims (agreed)

So when I bash these three groups, I’M ANTI MUSLIM (in your opinion)

You guys are nuts. There is exactly one person whose opinion of me matters on this board, and that is Charles. He has never banned me nor do I even recall him warning me or dinging me. You guys are the exact opposite of liberals. Liberals welcome alternate ideas, you prefer an echo chamber. That is why I can barely tolerate YOU and almost never post anymore. But every so often I will drop by just to remind you that there is life outside your little intellectual silo. Can you handle a dose of the truth once in awhile?

30 _RememberTonyC  Aug 31, 2014 5:15:19am

re: #22 CuriousLurker

Curious Stalker …. I was with OJ in 1992, two years before he killed his wife and her friend. Because you are so interested in my past, I figured I’d share that with you.

31 CuriousLurker  Aug 31, 2014 9:25:51am

re: #29 _RememberTonyC

If we’re all so stupid, then the fact that you feel compelled to keep coming back here hurling insults at us and asserting how superior you are convinces exactly no one (except maybe yourself) of your supposed intellectual prowess and moral superiority. You seem to truly have no idea how ridiculously clownish you make yourself look, which is rather sad for a man of your age.

Oh, and stop bullshitting yourself—we all have access to the search function based on user names—pretty much the only time you “drop by” is when you see a chance to bash Muslims (especially Arabs) and/or liberals. Or when you feel the need to double down on your racist Golda Meir quote, which you’ve done on more than one occasion.

32 CuriousLurker  Aug 31, 2014 9:37:02am

re: #30 _RememberTonyC

If you’re going to continue to attempt to mock me by changing my nickname, then at least try to make yourself look a bit less foolish by getting the spelling correct—it should be CuriousStalker not Curious Stalker.

I’m only interested in your past to the degree that it confirms the present. You may have been with OJ two years before his 1994 arrest for the brutal murder of his wife and Ron Goldman, but you nonetheless proudly dropped his name in 2009, approximately 15 years after the arrest. It speaks (unflatteringly) to your character.

Grab that shovel and keep digging!

33 _RememberTonyC  Aug 31, 2014 10:57:08am

As I said my gentle flower, only Charles’ opinion matters to me. And since I am not interested in continuing this flame war, here is my pledge to you and your fellow liberals (whose tolerance extends only to those whom you agree with). I will reach out to Charles and ask him to examine my history of posts. If he finds them objectionable, I will leave and never return. As for the Golda Meir quote that bothers you so much, it remains largely true. Is it 100% true and does EVERY Arab hate Israel? Of course not. Is it more than 50% true? 1% true? Zero % true? Some other number? What is your opinion? At any rate, if Charles deems me not worthy of this blog, that will be the end of me. If he is okay with me, I will drop by on occasion to give you a dose of my opinion, whether it pleases you or not.

34 CuriousLurker  Aug 31, 2014 11:17:00am

re: #33 _RememberTonyC

…here is my pledge to you and your fellow liberals (whose tolerance extends only to those whom you agree with).

Says the guy whose whining intolerance tantrum was triggered by someone daring to disagree with him. Pot, meet kettle. *smh*

BTW, as is also our prerogative as LGF members, we’ll continue to push back as we see fit, regardless of how loudly you howl, how many churlish insults you fling, how many snide remarks you make, or how many down-dings you dispense.

Got it? Kthxbai.

35 Rightwingconspirator  Aug 31, 2014 1:49:21pm

re: #33 _RememberTonyC

If Charles opinion is the only one you consider, why not just tweet or email him? Leave us out. OTOH if you want to participate in the larger community around here…. Take a step back. And I screwed up earlier thinking your #1 was aimed at non state actors. Iran… is far more complicated than you would indicate.

They are all spiritual bedfellows … And their aspirations are anything but reasonable.

Irans aspirations include their ordinary people, unless you want to drill down to the hawks in their government. Holy smokes dude.

Frankly I don’t think we need to read too much into some insanely fanatical militants spank bank in his computer.

36 CuriousLurker  Aug 31, 2014 4:50:38pm

re: #35 Rightwingconspirator

Frankly I don’t think we need to read too much into some insanely fanatical militants spank bank in his computer.

Judging by the context I had a pretty good idea of what “spank bank” probably meant, but wanting to be 100% sure I decided look it up. I was right! Thanks for giving me a much needed laugh at the end of this thread.

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