
People in the South Are Trying to Prove That Snow Is Actually Fake Because It's a Government Conspiracy

Decatur Deb2/01/2014 5:14:41 am PST

re: #5

Oh, I don’t know.

I know in our neighborhood, we were all gathered outside discussing this very thing - that snow MUST be fake. Hell, one of the neighbors even pulled out his lighter to try to light the snow on fire.

I mean, seriously, this was just ALL OVER THE PLACE, the main topic of conversation for 3 days.

Being insular, incurious and inbred, we, of course, still have no clue what to make of it all, even with 3 days of discussions!

I’ll keep reading, though. Might lead to some enlightenment, and I don’t mean with a lighter.

Hey Reine—
Are you snarking? All my neighbors just cursed at the ice until it melted.