
Tacit Consent From Encourages Riehl To Make Sexist Attacks On Conservative Women

moderatelyradicalliberal5/27/2012 10:49:28 am PDT

re: #8 researchok

Remember Playboy’s Ten Conservative Women They’d Like To Hate F**k ? by Guy Cimbalo?

Notwithstanding those Neanderthals who defended the piece or found it amusing rather than offensive, a vast majority of influential liberal bloggers were as outraged at Cimbalo and Playboy. As a result, Playboy removed the piece.

Jezebel was unequivocal in condemnation as were a slew of others. The left rejected Cimbalo and Playboy out of hand.

Just once, I’d like to see a cohesive response and see conservatives respond in the same way and reject stupidity.

The GOP have buried themselves- and it is the hard right who are now dancing on their grave.

It’s hard to condemn something when you have invested yourself in believing it doesn’t exist. Sexism, racism, homophobia, these things do not exist in modern conservative orthodoxy. Those problems have been fixed and anybody who says they are still problems are either suffering from white (or male or hetero) guilt or trying to extort something by using guilt.