
Rand Paul: "You Go to a Republican Event and It's All White People"

Lidane4/25/2014 7:29:36 pm PDT

re: #80 EPR-radar

I know you’re rooting for your team here, but really “Go GOP” seems awfully strange after a week in which the neo-confederacy that has been imported into the GOP and movement conservatism as part of the civil rights realignment has rarely been more clear.

Seriously. For anyone who’s a Republican and not a complete batshit Neo-Confederate loon, all this Bundy Ranch shit should be a serious gut check. Do you really want to keep cheering for this team when they’re determined to start another Civil War and they’ll use any pretense to do it?

For fuck’s sake, the militia snipers that we saw photographed aiming at the BLM were bragging about having several federal officers in their line of sight. They’re all part of this Posse Comitatus, white supremacist bullshit and they’ve been openly supported and cheered on by the RW blogs, Fox News, several elected officials with an (R) after their name and most of the talk radio loons. What more does it take for someone to finally realize that the Republican party is completely insane?