
John Oliver Looks at America's Horrific Death Penalty

A Mom Anon4/11/2024 2:08:29 pm PDT

re: #92 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

I do realize there are some wealthy families who try to be responsible, empathetic and kind in how they move their money around in the world. I just wish they would maybe try to partner with communities more. I do see it happening more now, which give me hope. I have seen how hard it is to find help when life just falls apart, because crap happens to everyone, it is ridiculous and you have to have some resources before you can even find resources. I am not exaggerating. I spent months, I mean actual months, researching, calling, going to places to prove I am me, to get a front porch that was rotting off replaced, and a little less time finding another program that replaced my very old water heater and furnace at no cost. It shouldn’t be that hard. For anyone, to just have some basics available if needed OR maybe as a reward for a life time of hard work, in my husband’s case, and mine, physical labor and serving people in various ways you don’t have to starve to freaking death in an alley.

The amount of crap attitude and shaming that comes to you while looking for help sometimes is just a shitty reflection of what we call “community” in many, far too many places. No one is perfect and everyone has a story of how they got to today, it’s what you choose, your day to day actions and how you treat those less blessed than you that impresses me. A wealth tax and more of that money going to social security, education, child care options, healthcare and affordable housing would go far if properly used and administrated. Let parents who have to clip coupons for groceries and water down pasta sauce to make it go farther have a say in the budget.