
Obama: Libya is Not Iraq

EastSider3/29/2011 12:49:52 pm PDT

re: #97 Buck

RIGHT… but not when a conservative said it…

YOU KNOW I was not quoting me… The big difference between Obama and Clinton, when it came right down to it was his anti war stance. He voted, right down the line NOT to support any war. “I was against it even before I was against it”.

Again James you should try and stop drinking the kool aid for one day. Sober up, and decide if Bush were doing exactly the same things, would you support him?

I can tell you Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Code Pink, George Soros are at least being consistent on this.

I’m pro-Obama and anti war. I would rather not be in Libya right now, but then again, I’d rather not be in Iraq or Afghanistan either.

Afghanistan: We’ve failed to catch Osama, Taliban are back, and there is no clear endgame.

Iraq: there were no WMDs, we had to police a civil war on our own dime, and there is no clear endgame.

Libya: We’ve picked a side in a foreign civil war, which will have longterm consequences as a precedent (how and when do we choose to intervene in foreign civil wars? Why didn’t we go into Darfur, Rwanda etc?). Again, no clear endgame.

All of this has been massively expensive at a time when we can’t afford it. Not to mention that we are living in an age where the president can take unilateral military action, which is explicitly the opposite of the Constitutions intent.

That said, now that we’re in those respective messes, I hope we “win,” however the hell you define that.