
Federal Judge Orders Kansas to Restore Planned Parenthood Funding

Killgore Trout8/31/2011 12:52:31 pm PDT

One More Time: The Stimulus Worked

Republicans and their allies keep saying the Recovery Act didn’t work. The experts keep saying that it did. The latest is the Congressional Budget Office, which this week released a new economic projection and, in so doing, confirmed its earlier finding that the Recovery Act succeed in its primary goal: Saving or creating jobs in order to offset the effects of the recession.

As of June, the agency says, between 1.0 and 2.9 million more people are working because of the Recovery Act. And that figure actually seems to understates the impact.

Not only did more people find jobs; more people who had jobs worked additional hours. Throwing those additional hours into the mix, CBO determined that the Recovery Act’s net impact was the equivalent of between 1.4 and 4.0 million additional full-time jobs.

The Obama Administration had predicted the Recovery Act would create 3.5 million jobs, which is towards the upper boundary of the CBO’s estimates but certainly within its range. It’s also roughly consistent with projections from other authorities.

PDF at the link.