
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): Glazed

CuriousLurker8/09/2011 10:14:50 am PDT

Incredible. Geller & Spender have the gall to compare themselves to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Those who claim that we have incited hatred that leads to violence are using an argument that can be used against themselves.…In the 1960s, the Ku Klux Klan blamed Martin Luther King, Jr. for the Watts riots. King was steadfastly nonviolent, but he agreed with the political perspectives of the rioters. Was he then responsible for creating a climate of hatred that led to the riots? Was his righteous cause delegimitized by the fact that some departed from his express wishes and resorted to violence?

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Using their analogy, I guess that means everyone who criticized them are the equivalent of KKK members.

BBL—I just couldn’t resist dropping off that little gem of insanity.