
The Bob Cesca Podcast: DeSantis DeBacle

The Ghost of a Flea5/25/2023 7:02:27 pm PDT

Also, as a rural Kentuckian:

We are not responsible for all of your embarrassing white people.

Put on your big boy pants and accept that the shittiest people on Earth all come from suburbs. Most Republicans who posture like they’re “country” are living in a planned community that paved over a corn field; their oversized truck with a tiny bed is pristine. “Country” is an aesthetic they cleave to for reasons that amount to a denial that they exist inside of web of dependencies they despise and would love to be little aristocrats who need nothing (but get what they need by having servants and other workers they can control). They don’t actually want a farm, they want the status and license that being a rural aristocrat conveys.

(I know this because I’m a rural aristocrat for my area, and frequently have to interface with people that crave the clout I’m completely indifferent to)

Trumpism is primarily a movement of petit bourgeois individuals who imagine they’d be larger business owners and landlords if it weren’t for sinister forces conspiring to keep them from attaining greatness. They crave socialism, but exclusively for chosen groups that need to be maintained in their hegemony; society must be made unequal to be just.

They’re not doing it because they scored bad on a Stanford-Binet exam or had a low SAT score, they’re voting their class interest.