
Hitchens on Our Absurd Ideas of 'Security'

EastSider12/29/2009 10:41:24 am PST

re: #79 lawhawk

And while everyone here is continuing to focus on air safety, bus and rail safety is just as imperiled by the same lack of security. In fact, bus and rail safety is even worse since no one here in the US is focusing on it seriously. There have been multiple murderous attacks overseas against rail systems, and yet security to get on Amtrak or commuter rail is as easy as just boarding the trains. Buses are similarly exposed.

We still do not take security seriously; we have been lucky that the terrorists’ attacks against aircraft have been infrequent and unsuccessful since 9/11. That luck may run out and/or al Qaeda may again change tactics to go after other targets that provide a high body count.

When it comes down to it, passengers have to rely on themselves as a last line of defense against terrorists, and have to hope that security measures prevent those kinds of attacks beyond their reach (explosives in checked luggage, etc.)

But where does it stop? We can’t even secure airlines successfully, which is arguably the most “closed” system out there.

Its impossible to ensure 100% safety. The harder you try, the more it costs, and the more people look to pass the blame when something does go wrong.