
Phil Robertson Fantasizes About Atheist Family Being Raped and Murdered

Dr. Matt3/25/2015 5:26:16 am PDT

Ouch. If Fox is calling you on the carpet, all hope is lost….

Cruz’s record indicates that, out of 225 bills he has introduced, 53 have passed the Senate. However, only 5 passed in both the Senate and the House, while only 3 have been signed into law.

Later, Cruz said he had proven in Texas that he could reassemble what he called “the Reagan coalition.”

“We brought together conservatives and libertarians and evangelicals and women and young people and Hispanics and Reagan Democrats,” he said.

All those people are now being told that you’re ‘scary,’ 𠆍angerous,’ and ‘slimy,’” Kelly replied. “This is what you’re up against.”