
Quote of the Day

Charles Johnson6/28/2010 8:22:23 pm PDT

re: #96 ~Fianna

We’d wipe them off the map. MAD has its benefits, and we’re the undisputed winner of that game.

It would take a level of absolute insanity or righteous religious fundamentalism to be willing to walk up to that brink. I’m not sure that Iran in its current state is either that insane or that fanatical. There are elements that are, but I don’t think that the government as a whole is that unstable.

Again, they don’t have to actually use a nuke.

The mere fact of having nuclear weapons is a giant game-changer. The rest of the Middle East will see no option but to follow suit and start their own nuclear weapons programs. (Some of them are undoubtedly doing it already in a low profile way.)

It’s not about using them. It’s about having them.