
Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings

A Mom Anon8/27/2013 1:32:30 pm PDT

re: #87 HappyWarrior

It’s just like the race thing. We’ve made tons of progress, but every time there’s a big milestone, like, oh electing a (shhhh, don’t tell anyone he’s…)black president, it drives the haters out of their freaking minds. They’re losing the fight and it pisses them off to no end. The Secret Service has seen a dramatic uptick in threats against this President, and it’s because a lot of stupid white people are really pissed off about it. And secretly scared to death that people of color will treat them as shitty as they have treated minorities. Not understanding of course that MOST people aren’t racist assholes who have better things to do.

Same goes for LGBT rights, it’s bothering the shit out of them that they are losing social control(like they ever really had it totally ever anyway) and the power structure is shifting, even a little. It’s going to get uglier until rights are established and people see the world didn’t explode in glitter and rainbows and hell.