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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/29/2021 1:30:45 am PDT
LINCOLN — They’ve been cursed at, threatened and spat upon, but after 30 years, a group of anti-death penalty activists still holds monthly vigils on the lawn of the Nebraska governor’s residence.

The Monday noon vigils began in July 1991 as the state was preparing to resume executions. Efforts were then underway to execute Harold Lamont “Walkin’ Wili” Otey. His execution in 1995 was the first use of the state’s electric chair since mass murderer Charles Starkweather was sent to his death in 1959.

About 25 protesters gathered along the sidewalk Monday, quietly chatting and holding signs that said “There is no Killing in the Name of Justice” and “Why Kill to Show Killing is Wrong?” Among them were four of the original vigil participants, including Fran Kaye, a retired University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor and volunteer at the State Penitentiary who is credited with keeping the silent vigil going.


Lincoln anti-death penalty vigil marks 30 years; ‘We thought we’d be done with it sooner’ (Omaha World-Herald)