
Hilarious Video: Republican Debate, Speechless

lawhawk9/01/2015 5:56:11 am PDT

It seems that the anti-gay right wing extremists take on the 1A is completely divorced from reality. They think that it gives them the right to impose their religious views on everyone else as Davis is doing here.

That’s precisely the way that the 1A is not supposed to work. It’s supposed to prevent a person from using government to impose their religious views on everyone else.

You are entitled to your own religious views, but you cannot impose them on anyone else as part of a government policy - the law is supposed to be neutral on its face.

The religious objections to Davis doing her damned job in marrying couples who are of the same sex reeks of the same kind of logic that right wingers were pushing decades ago when couples sought to marry someone of a different color (intermarriage - miscegenation). The logic failed then, and it fails now.

These people are using religion to further their hate. And it’s leading only to suffering.