
Seth Meyers: Trump Prepares for Mueller's Final Report [VIDEO]

lawhawk2/22/2019 6:40:09 am PST

Right wing hacks: Smollett proves that racism doesn’t exist, hate crimes don’t exist, all because one guy perpetrated a hoax.

Everyone else - 50,000 hate crimes a year… and 50 hoaxes. Racism is still a problem.

Right wing hacks: Smollett proves that minorities can’t be trusted.

Everyone else:

Or… right wing domestic terrorists who are white supremacists or MAGAiots (or both). Pipe bomb plotter, mass murdering plotter. Rolling up white supremacist gang in the South just in the past month who engaged in all manner of crime that the right wing usually ascribes to the likes of MS-13.
Right wing wants to use Smollett as a cudgel against everyone who warns racism is still a problem, that Trump is a racist (and problem), and that the GOP refuses to deal with the racists in their party, and institutional racism.