
The Ineffable Allen West: Democrats Try to Win Women's Votes by 'Talking From the Waist Down'

ObserverArt1/27/2014 2:41:35 pm PST

Joke Scarborough should be the last person to say anything regarding any war on women, interns and family values. The dude has all kinds of question regarding an intern which may have forced him out of office and is now divorced twice. He treats his co-host Mika like crap and it is pretty easy to see why he gets divorces.

I gave that fucker a chance when I happened to catch his show during the budget crisis. At that time he was down of the Republicans pretty much and it gave me a false sense of his being reasonable. Since that time, I find him to be a pathetic preppy unable to act his age and a total excuse maker for anything republic and for his own actions. He also seems to have a real keen hatred for Obama and I think it must have something to do with the fact Obama is President and Joke is not.

By the way, I understand Thomas Roberts has to sit in at Morning Joke from time to time. Has he slashed his wrists yet? I cannot see him and Joke ever getting along at all, and I can’t see Roberts playing along. That has got to be an uneasy situation on so many counts.