
Rachael Price in Paradise: Nobody's Stopping You Now [Acoustic in the Garden]

Mattand1/29/2021 9:32:45 pm PST

re: #72 Hecuba’s daughter

Bill Maher had Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, a married couple who are evolutionary biologists. They apparently believe that COVID-19 was created in a Wuhan lab, from a natural virus that was experimented on and enhanced. They had nothing to say about whether its origin was malicious or was only designed for study and experimentation. They are also reluctant to take the mRNA vaccines because they are too novel; there have been no prior mRNA vaccines in use. They prefer the AstraZeneca vaccine because it is closer to a traditional vaccine, where we have lot of experience.

I admit that I have long been concerned about mRNA vaccines but that’s not based on any scientific knowledge but only that we have no experience with such vaccines.

Any lizard who is familiar with this couple?

I’m familiar with Bill Maher and that ignorant motherfucker’s history of being anti-vax that these two will be proven to be cranks.

Not if, but when.

This is him testing the waters to start spreading fear about the COVID vaccines being unsafe or unnecessary. He’s having ‘experts’ on who have doubts about the vaccines to give him cover.