
John Oliver Tackles a Very Important Subject: Chocolate!

Jay C10/30/2023 1:07:27 pm PDT

re: #88 TarHellion

In defense of Chamberlain, the British people and the rest of Europe were unwilling to go to war again at that point in time. Chamberlain also was instrumental in rebuilding Britain’s armed forces years before the actual war declaration in 1939. Yes, he gets and deserves the bad rap in terms of the annals of history. But the rationale behind his thinking is much more nuanced.

As for Vivek, he’s just a flipping idiot. Allow Putin to claim Ukraine, then it will be Moldova, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia.

Yeah: in Sept., 1938, Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of the UK: today, Vivek Ramaswamy is, in political terms, basically a nobody (and even that is a more-prestigious designation than he deserves IMO)…

For once, I would like to see Vivek (or any of the other GOP “Ukraine peaceniks” posed the direct question of: “Why do you support Russian imperialism?”/”Why do you believe Russian imperialism should not be opposed?”
And get immediately challenged on the typical wingnut “response”; which usually comes out along the lines of “…erm, uhhh, well, it’s none of our business???”