
Newly Released Tom Petty Home Recording: "There Goes Angela (Dream Away)"

weststpaulbear8/28/2020 4:18:01 am PDT

Got woken up early here by a big thunderstorm. I hadnā€™t been watching the local news or been near my cell phone yesterday, so I didnā€™t realize there was a curfew in Mpls. and St. Paul last night starting at 8:00pm because of rioting in Mpls. over a local issue the night before. It looks like things were quiet overnight.

In other StarTrib headlines this morning:

Man charged with threatening to kill Gov. Tim Walz over his endorsement of U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar

ā€œI wasnā€™t thinking straight when I said those stupid things,ā€ the complaint quoted Simonson as saying. He went on to say he was ā€œfeeling sickā€ about what he said, claimed he was no threat, needs to work on his ā€œanger managementā€ and was just frustrated about government restrictions connected to the coronaĀ­virus pandemic and recent urban riots.

He added that he feels that heā€™s unable to express himself because he is banned from Facebook.