
John Oliver on the Plague of Pig Butchering Scams

Nojay UK2/29/2024 1:59:43 pm PST

re: #45 Joe Bacon ✅

What is likely is that a studio bigwig felt slighted by someone on the production team and that’s why the film is being banished to The Phantom Zone.

Completing a film is only a few steps along the very expensive road of releasing a film. Promotion, publicity, booking theatres for release, scheduling, the outgoings go on and on in the hope that the opening weekend will result in tickets sold and seats filled and black ink on the bottom line is a certainty.

The studio bigwigs are knowledgeable in such things having been burned by movies which didn’t make their nut and they maybe looked at this movie and thought “It’s based on sixty year old cartoons that amuse kids who don’t buy expensive theatre tickets” and that’s why they maybe gave it a pass. For every sleeper movie that made it big there’s an Ishtar as a horrible lesson to learn from.