
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Stonemason1/31/2009 10:04:35 am PST

re: #1144 Lynn B.

See also, Economic Stimulus Bill Overloaded with Pork, Group Says

Doesn’t matter. The bill still sux, big time. If it get enacted, ACORN is going to be among the least of our problems.

NO…Directly from the bill, Page 221

6 For an additional amount for ‘‘Community Develop7
ment Fund’’ $1,000,000,000, to carry out the community
8 development block grant program under title I of the
9 Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42
10 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.): Provided, That the amount appro11
priated in this paragraph shall be distributed according
12 to the same funding formula used in fiscal year 2008: Pro13
vided further, That in allocating the funds appropriated
14 in this paragraph, the Secretary of Housing and Urban
15 Development shall not require an additional action plan
16 from grantees:

this is not a report, this is not some republican or democrat take on the bill, this is directly from the bill. If acorn go money last year they will get money this year. No, this is not part of the 4.19 billion that some on the right are screaming about, this is in another section.

It is clear as can be, hidden in plain sight.