
And Now for Something Totally Weird: Moon Hooch, "EWI"

No Malarkey!11/27/2016 3:17:49 am PST

re: #112 Nyet

I must ask how much the 99-percenters were at fault in such a “close” election.

And by 99-percenters I mean not the Steinites but the poll pundits who predicted Hillary’s win with about 99% probability.

How many people who disliked Hillary but hated Trump more stayed home because they, seeing the poll punditry, thought she had it in the bag?

I would think that most people who actually checked those kind of poll modelers are politically engaged enough that they would vote no matter what, but that is just my gut. I suspect the primary factors hurting Clinton was that she didn’t get as many African-American votes as Obama because unlikely voters who would’ve made the effort to vote for Obama weren’t as inclined to wait in three hour lines to vote for Clinton, and the very effective smear campaign trashing Clinton run by the unholy alliance of the GOP, the media, Russian intelligence and the FBI.