
Time for Climatologists to Up Their Game

goddamnedfrank11/28/2009 3:47:52 pm PST

re: #89 Dr. Shalit

gdf -

CRU is “non-profit’ for what it is worth, it is not Microsoft, OR APPLE FOR THAT MATTER! What the Public pays for is by Definition - Open Source - unless a matter of National Security. Kinda like the Cuban “Bloqueo” - pay cash for stuff not limited by security and it gets delivered to your “mailbox.”


Oh come on, you know damned well that the CRU is legally constrained by agreements they signed in the past not to redistribute much of the raw data that was shared with them. You cannot obviate the need for a public (legislative) solution to a public problem by dimly insisting that CRU’s status prevents them from being what they obviously are, bound by their word. Especially since the vast majority of CRU’s work long predates both the political importance of the topic and british freedom of information laws.