
And Now, Some Robots Gettin' Down

steve_davis12/31/2020 6:36:51 pm PST

re: #76 A Mom Anon
Mine is now on the bed next to me. I nearly stepped on her in the dark going to the bathroom, but then I spoke to her softly for awhile and picked her up and put her on the bed. There was a lot of head bunting. I think I’m better at this than I imagined. I may eventually try it with a human person.

They started here right when they got dark. Cleo won’t go outside now. She’s ok indoors, but she hears that nonsense outside and she won’t even go potty. Or even go out the door. And now some ass directly across the street is firing them off which she also is not happy about.

We bathed her in the prescription shampoo and got all the meds going today, so far so good. But the insanely flaky skin and shedding are going to be a way of life for awhile. Sigh.

I really hope, wish and pray that 2021 is not the asshole 2020 has been. So many of us could use an upturn in every way, my only wish is that things get better for all of us in the ways we need most. ❤️