
Overnight Ocean Thread

SixDegrees10/30/2009 5:58:07 am PDT

re: #109 reloadingisnotahobby

Taste like Eagle!!
Better than Spotted Owl by far!!!

Heh. When we were in Washington state, we noticed that the whole place is lousy with eagles. They’re everywhere. Out in the Sound, we saw a group of them on a small island, chowing down on what turned out to be a baby seal - which disturbed the other tourists to no end. How to reconcile this? A protected species killing and eating…a baby seal! Horror of horrors.

My comment - which was to wonder aloud what roasted eagle fed out on seal might taste like - was not well received.

I expect eagles will be de-listed shortly. They’ve made a remarkable comeback, even back here in the Midwest, and don’t seem to need special protections anymore.