
The Ultimate Guitar Duel: Eric Gales vs. Joe Bonamassa, "I Want My Crown"

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈11/01/2021 7:13:39 am PDT


Many of the crew members were based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, nearly 50 miles away, the newspaper reported. This raised discomfort among members of the camera crew who told production staff that it was unsafe for them to spend “an extra two hours driving to and from Albuquerque on Interstate 25, a rural four-lane highway with a 75-mph speed limit.”

But the publication reports that the crew’s request for hotel rooms was “treated as a joke” within the “Rust” production office.

“So much so that someone on the production staff had ordered custom black long-sleeve T-shirts, with ‘Error 404: Housing Not Found’ and ‘ABQ is an hour away’ printed on them,” the LA Times added, adding that it had seen a photo of the shirts.

‘Rust’ production staff ordered custom T-shirts mocking camera-crew requests for accommodation, report says (Insider)