
Rafael Cruz, Ted Cruz's Father, Told Tea Partiers Obama Should Go 'Back to Kenya'

Sir John Barron10/31/2013 10:13:16 am PDT


Some people get pretty worked up about Obamacare. Here, for instance, is Jeff Goldstein, the proud proprietor of, explaining to civil rights legend John Lewis that YUH HUH Obamacare IS TOO SLAVERY, and also that John Lewis is a “parasite” — you know who else called people “parasites”? — and a disgrace to the civil rights movement, and that he should go fuck himself. (We are going to skip past his assertion that the Tea Party fights for “the epistemology of the Enlightenment,” because it made our brain kill itself.) Here, look for yourself!

You sir, are a disgrace to the civil rights movement, a disgrace to the seriousness of the historic fight for equal rights for blacks (led by Republicans), a disgrace to those you purport to represent, yet upon whose ignorance and perpetually stoked victimization you continue to prey. I despise people like you.

You’ve turned a past injustice into a cottage race industry upon which you live like a parasite. And your attempts to tether that past injustice to those of us who today fight for the freedom and autonomy of the individual to resist the oppression of the state suggests that it is you, sir, who today carries the fire hoses and have shown yourself willing, time and again, to release the dogs against those who oppose your designs on their liberty. In short, you are an opportunistic relic who, your protestations to the contrary, has become a bane to the very progress of the people your purport to speak for. So go fuck yourself.