
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/29/2011 12:25:50 am PDT
I’d rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance.

— E. E. Cummings

Speaking of which, it looks like DWTS is going to give ol’ e.e. a test of his maxim - according to latest reports, in order to get some “A”-listers on the show the producers are, for the biggest name stars, dropping the minimum practice-hour requirements as well as letting the stars approve of their music selection before-hand and be in total control of their costumes.

This means, as far as the dropping the practice hours requirements, that they just won’t be as good at dancing.

There is no way around it - one has to practice to become good.

But, the producers apparently would rather have big names than people who want to dance.