
Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black

Fat Bastard Vegetarian4/28/2010 11:09:28 am PDT

re: #104 Obdicut

I’ve read them, thanks. You’re on of my fave enemies (/)…

1. Legalize drugs. I’ve posted (linked) why the illegal drug trades difficulties have brought up higher levels of violence. (Can’t sell pot? Okay, how about a little friendly extortion, kidnapping for ransom and murder)
2. Arrest business owners who hire illegals. I linked a story about a French Restaurant that is being taken by the feds. The story was very sympathetic towards the restaurant owners.

The idea that we can crack down on Mexican Illegal Immigrants without offending and/or inconveniencing Mexican’s is preposterous.

My opinion has been pretty clear, while it might be a “face palmable” bad law… Something’s gotta give.